Caroline Pucko Biology 1108 Exam 3 Powerpoint Notes and Questions NEW QUESTION This plant organ brings water into the plant This plant organ collects light This plant organ creates sugar used for plant growth 1 Flower 2 Leaf 3 Fruit 4 Stem 5 Root ANSWER This plant organ brings water into the plant Root This plant organ collects light Leaf This plant organ creates sugar used for plant growth Leaf NEW QUESTION This plant organ brings water into the plant This plant organ collects light This plant organ creates sugar used for plant growth 1 Flower 2 Leaf 3 Fruit 4 Stem 5 Root ANSWER This plant organ brings water into the plant 5 Root This plant organ collects light 2 Leaf This plant organ creates sugar used for plant growth 2 Leaf NEW QUESTION This is where you would allocate resources if it s dry and water is often the limiting resource This is where you would allocate resources if you want to be able to grow fast This is where you want to allocate resources if you are growing in a densely packed spot where light may become the limiting 1 Flower 2 Leaf 3 Fruit 4 Stem 5 Root ANSWER This is where you would allocate resources if it s dry and water is often the limiting resource 5 Root This is where you would allocate resources if you want to be able to grow fast 2 Leaf This is where you want to allocate resources if you are growing in a densely packed spot where light may become the limiting 4 Stem NEW QUESTION Which of the following are TRUE regarding how water moves through plants Dissolved sugars are also transported through the xylem A plant given unlimited access to water will transpire more in Arizona hot dry than in Athens hot humid Stomata open when water is in short supply because of the loss of osmotic turgor pressure Water moves through xylem from high to low water concentration via osmosis Water moves faster through xylem when the stomata are open ANSWER A plant given unlimited access to water will transpire more in Arizona hot dry than in Athens hot humid Water moves faster through xylem when the stomata are open NEW QUESTION Which statement is FALSE regarding vascular tissues in plants Osmosis is going to move water through phloem from places with low amounts of dissolved molecules into more concentrated tissues or cells Negative pressure forces water up through xylem tubes much faster when stomata are open Xylem moves water from the leaves to the roots on very humid days since water vapor can flow into stomata for use in photosynthesis Phloem moves sugar from the leaves to places like roots or fruits ANSWER Xylem moves water from the leaves to the roots on very humid days since water vapor can flow into stomata for use in photosynthesis NEW QUESTION If you planted a handful of basil seeds in a pot where phosphorus not light was the limiting resource those basil plants are likely to allocate most of their resources into their roots stems leaves flowers ANSWER roots NEW QUESTION What molecule primarily composes plant cell walls and accounts for the highest percentage of biomass in plants A Proteins B CO C Cellulose D Glucose ANSWER cellulose NEW QUESTION Hydrogen bonds are vital for water to be able to move through xylem because water vapor in the leaves form hydrogen bonds with the guard cells controlling their opening or closing and therefore the rate of water loss from plants water can only form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules so it does not get stuck inside the xylem tubes as it moves up through a plant they allow water to bond to the cellulose of the xylem cell walls by sharing electrons with those molecules the interactions between the partial charges of water molecules allow for capillary action to draw water up ANSWER the interactions between the partial charges of water molecules allow for capillary action to draw water up NEW QUESTION Which of these is NOT a change in the climate of the Sonoran Desert that we expect over the next century The total amount of precipitation that falls will decrease The frequency of floods will decrease Average temperatures will continue to rise The frequency of droughts will increase ANSWER The frequency of floods will decrease NEW QUESTION If stomata are always open which of the following statements is TRUE CO2 concentrations in the leaf will go down Photosynthesis rates will fall Guard cells are flaccid The plant must always have access to enough water O2 concentrations will increase inside the leaf ANSWER The plant must always have access to enough water NEW QUESTION What would happen if the stomata stayed closed for a week The amount of water inside the plant would stay high CO2 concentrations would increase in the leaves Water would continue to move up through the xylem Gas exchange rates would be zero O2 concentrations would decrease in the leaves Photosynthetic rate would fall ANSWER The amount of water inside the plant would stay high Gas exchange rates would be zero Photosynthetic rate would fall NEW QUESTION You and your roommate designed an experiment to run over break If you and your roommate both left plants in your rooms and your plant was designated the control and your roommate s plant followed line B on the graph which of the following things could have been true about your roommates room Line B has less water loss over time than the control your roommate has a humidifier your roommate s room is hotter your roommate left their fan on over break your roommate s plant has fewer smaller leaves your roommate has a dehumidifier ANSWER your roommate has a humidifier your roommate s plant has fewer smaller leaves NEW QUESTION Which of the following are TRUE regarding how water moves through plants Select all that apply Dissolved sugars are also transported through the xylem Water moves faster through xylem when the stomata are open Water moves through xylem from high to low water concentration via osmosis Stomata open when water is in short supply because of the loss of osmotic turgor pressure A plant given unlimited access to water will transpire more in Arizona hot dry than in Athens hot humid ANSWER Water moves faster through xylem when the stomata are open A plant given unlimited access to water will transpire more in Arizona hot dry than in Athens hot humid NEW QUESTION Sonoran desert annuals have different strategies of growth evolutionary tradeoff in these harsh desert conditions One strategy is for plants to grow quickly but loose a lot of water in the process High RGR Low WUE The other strategy is to
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