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Nature Vs Nurture Nature Vs Nurture Overview What is the Nature Vs Nurture Issue Nature Nurture Behavioral Genetics Overview Nature Vs Nurture Why do we act the way we do Is it caused by genes or the environment Nature Vs Nurture Nature Argument Argues that Biology influences human Behavior Plus this approach maintains to some extent that humans start out with a predetermined fate encoded in their genes Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nature Argument Nurture Argument Environment influences our behavior more on this later Essentially states that people are born with a clean slate Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nurture Argument Nature Argument Nature Argument Nature Argument Argues that Biology influences human Behavior Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nature Argument Nature Argument Argues that Biology influences human Behavior So lets start with the basics of human biology DNA CELLS Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nature Argument How does DNA influence Behavior DNA creates cells such as NEURONS Which as we said last time are the site of a lot of action when it comes to emotions motivation perception How does DNA influence Behavior Nature Argument Argues that Biology influences human Behavior Cells Organs Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nature Argument DNA CELLS ORGANS What organs are affected by cellular development especially neural development The most notable organ affected by cellular development as far as psychology is concerned DNA CELLS ORGANS Main Point So the brain is highly affected by the expression of certain genes and certain cells This is VERY IMPORTANT as far as psychology is concerned Why Main Point Main Point Because the biology of the brain has a lot to do with emotions and behavior Main Point Examples If you have high CORTISOL levels a stress hormone you will be more likely to experience anxiety If you have low SEROTONIN levels you will be more likely to experience depression Examples Nurture Argument Nurture Argument Nurture Argument Environment influences our behavior Environme nt Environment also includes experiences and social influences Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nurture Argument Nurture Argument Direct Environme nt Indirect Behavior Organism Organs Cells DNA Nurture Argument Experience s Direct Influence Experience definitely affects behavior Social learning theory Humans learn how to behave by watching other humans Operant conditioning Classical conditioning Experience s Direct Influence Environment s Indirect Influence Environment affects brain development Impoverished environment Rat brain cell Enriched environment Rat brain cell Environment s Indirect Influence Nature Vs Nuture Recap Nature Argues that Biology influences human Behavior Nurture Argues that the Environment influences human Behavior So which one is it Nature Vs Nuture Recap The Truth is They most likely interact with one another Nurture Nature Environme Genes nt The Truth is Review Nature Argues that Biology influences human Behavior DNA Cells Organs human Behavior Nurture Argues that the Environment influences Experiences Peer Influences Parental Influences Culture Review Next Class Exam 1 BRING A 2 PENCIL Next Class

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UB PSY 101 - Nature Vs. Nurture

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