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PHYS 21I Sample MTl l A projectib is fred at an angb rpward from the horbontal such that the initial horizontal ard vertical conpornnts of is velocity are both non zero Which ofttre folbwing staterrEnts in tue Ignore air resistarae There is m wind A At tlp highest point in ttre nntb4 the vertbal conponent ofthe acceleration b oro 2 B The horizontal conpornnt ofthe velocity decreases over tinp C At the highest point in tre rnotbq the horbontal conporent ofthe vebcity is rero D D Ttnonglnrx ttre rmtbn the acceleration is ahvays perpendicular to the vebcity D Tlnoughout re rminn the acceleration is ahryays perpendicular to the vebcity D ty Wst point in the no I ygg q1 on s t ho I cttt t lO ho t G u t Ulh o t G u r o lfi i i L i J 3 A u n 4 3 1 a is ttre snnlbst V 4n 5i 1n u A vy o at top 1 i r f Vx V dvf vr s r i i df tof 2 When a projectile is fred horuontally at speed v from a height d above the surfrce of a table it fravels a distance of L horizontally before it hits the table as shown in the fig re rr g r3J d d Page I I tiue t J 3a Ai Tauqce lt vo e r tal is a r i 2 I g iTc l n t v 3 l rr rlrl islo uc i s L vf y 3 V Ve Ja tJt La rE FL V a eol 3 r r r r rrr ri r irli r rr rmr ri I rr ururrr L Next the sanre projectile is fred horizontally at the sanre speed v but from a height of 2d above the surfrce ofthe table How fir will the projectile travel horizontally before hitting the table J zr 4L L d zJir 2L B C D E pITyS2ll MTI gamplel 3 T vo vectors d and F hae fte same length and are oriented as shown in the figrre Rrlitk ordq the following quantities lon smallest to grcatest li El li dl lrd tl and l i x dl wtere denotes either the absolurc value of a scalar or the magnjtude of a vector 4 S t E lf it T fA l ffl dl e 6l Ifl ti dt 8 D rr i1i e f li ti 1 fl ttlrftd r tf f t o suo ll st tr tt tit6t ry till t f d E li n l i x tl li c ld Fl ldx dl l ix E F El li o tff 2rrt e fl Page2 PHYS 211 Sample MTl 4 Two objects are a distance D apart and are inidany both at rest At a certain rnonpnt object I begms to accelerate directly towards object 2 witha constant acceleration ofrnagnitud e a and object 2 begins to accelerate directly towards object 1 with a constant acceleration of rnagnitude 2a What can you say about the velocfies of objects I and 2 at the rnornent of collision A They are equal in rnagnihde and opposite in direction drne r the speed of object 2 is four tinres the speed of object 1 speed of object 2 tstwice the speed of object 1 la r D We don t have enougfi ffirrnation to rnake any ofthese staternents E The speed ofobject l is four tinps the speed ofobject 2 I V1 QTr V7a 4ot 3A e A J isia7l t t t F lurl lat e lV I 5 Two identical objects A and B fall from rest from different appreciable air resistance If object B takes TWICE as lon is the ratio of the heights from which A and B fell A hrlhs ll 2 heights to the ground and feel no g as object A to reach the ground what B hllhs ll2 C htths 114 D hlrlhB 1 8 E None of the above R41 l t l I lhaI fl I A e I I In q Qth g lr TT u 1 fitt o t il U uyo I 1 JJ t m T 4 1 vB vA v3 v3 e rW s W fe Lu 41 h ilr I E Page 3 PHYS2ll MTI Samplel 6 Ar6tr f14s ar b bas auCocty cf bs i lals j Ar e t2 6s csaacr ft bavdocity of fidsle 3ds j Drrb Sc rre pdiod to q to t3 fre dfrf acortd effderdbe Wbici of tk id naP following is al murxc steleneal of sH happcc dr iog this tinc 1 d V V t t t A Thc accdcrsira of c r bfr nras 6dsl f n acekratio of6e r btrnas los C Tbe cderdior dtse r bt was pmff i 3 r1i i tfe li D Tbc accc raioa of tbc rabbil xas IEi i 3dsl E Tb rccder ba of c r 0e uns ds 6ds1j j i rj ui i 6 L A k il t t ottr 1 t 4 4 2i 6 T A i J A V rrzh B A 2nr2 no t dimensionally consis tenfl 7 If 4 is an area Z is a volume r h d are lengths ufiich if any of the following expressions is CvJ L3 t Al L2 LrI L It l L LJ T L L L L ok ok L1 Ll L3 ok Lt L3 L L k ofthe above are dimensionally consistent C V ttd3 6 D V Ah ff Noto B looLs wrns fl t f h r 1 aL nt JryJ c rcle i qru f n u is lfr r o1 27rr is Twol cvt Ca AS r rl f Page 4 PHYS 21I 8 u3 m s 4 2 1 0 Sample MTI A Jof lor 1 curv e i 4 req aal er t Osl 1 A o A Arnd B rx4 4w Qxe t Qvn nrno I t 012 3 4 5 6 7I910 t s gawP 7 14 Lt 6 a sawQ 4Yeai o ler 11 6 410 s Vehbles A and B are rnoving in one dimension with velocities as indicated above A has a tinre varying velocity and B has a constant velocity Both vehicles start at the sarne locatbn at t 0 What are all ofthe futrne tinres at which the two vehicles are in the sarrre location l0 seconds q At t 2 4 6 8 B At no tinre after t 0 seconds are they in the sanre location C At t I 3 5 7 and 9 seconds D Att 4andSseconds E 1 At t 2 6 10 seconds 9 In the intemational snail racing chanpionshp fuals three snails are racing across a garden that is lOmwide Allofthe snails start fromthe sarne locatbn Allsnails start fromrest and move with a constant acceleration Doug the snail accelerates at 1 nreter minute2 Stephane the snail accelerates at 1 centinreter second2 Vin the snail accelerates at I kilorneter lrorn2 Which snail wins the race Q Stephane B Vin C DoW …

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