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PHYS 2I I MTl 2015 Penn State University Form A I A rabbit runs in a circh of radiw 4 nreters at a constant spee d of 2 rrls A squinel runs in a circh of radius 2 npters at a constant speed of 1 nrls Which ofthe folbwing staterrpnts is correct I The rnagitude ofthe cerfrrfuetal acceleration ofthe rabbit is twice ttre rnagnih Ce ofthe centripetal acceleration ofthe squinel TRU II The rabbit and the squirrel have centipetal accelerations ofthe sarne size 4 N oT III The rabbit and ttre squirrel corrplete one firll revohsion in the sanre anpurt oftine TRue 4 TR t l A Vn tu fs q Vr lwfs 5 Br 914 2 Vg4A T rq 2 t t2 l T AV V t C o Ru a 24s 2 The figrne shows a velocity vs tinp gaph for a crawling infint What is the rnaximum rnagnitude ofthe infrnt s acceleration and what is the infrnt s total displacenrent from 0 to 40 s I A l T end ITI 2 B Only III C I and II D Only I E Only II Per oJ T ry x YG 5 V l tr i 11 U J 0 li 3i tr l t s 5 0 cnls2 5 0 cny s2 2 5 crnls2 2 5 crnlsz 25 crrlsZ l5m l0m 0m 5m 20m B C D E qc l lt rtre l slope 4 lAt I stoTe of oe cf O s o 9o c s 40 oo 5 t 1s sp io n af 4 x efu t v vec o t 4o s x furuqO r r G t 9 r n AoX 25 gSO u yl Soxgf ors CtA lO xi e o c Yt o e6 so c t tA oL I oo cv w PHYS 211 MTl 2015 Penn State Universitv Form A 3 Aprojectib ofrregligible mass is hurched fromthe edge ofone end ofa statbnaryraihoad car and lands in a brrcket at the edge ofthe other end see fuine Under what conditions will ttrc sarne ttrmg happen ifthe raihvay car is in rnotion f li uJ rrt t it 4 ro5 ca b s r f JJ a l ve o nt c o w f A only wtren ttre railway car is rnoving to trr rJ J i u J i ffi 1ffiYt ruIffi acce eratbn nnvingatconstantvelocitv 4n 9 f ffiiiaris J l k u p w y pr J l L l fo s ll b iut rff JJ J I t i l y 0 U y or i l 1 rt crotl Jt i Lr Lt riStt 4 Which ofthe following staternents abotfr a projectfu thrown at sonre angle 0 above the horircntal and fiying ttnor ghthe air is true Assr une there is negligble air resistarrce A Ttre rnagnitude of the acceleration vector ofthe projectile is minimun at the top of the trajectory L At the top ofthe tajectory the projectile has rero acceleration for a briefnmnrent n speed ofthe projectile is minimurn at the top ofthe tajectory D The direction ofthe acceleration vector ofthe projectile clranges tlnoughotrt the rnotion E Tlre ptoj ctile s tajectory describes a circle in space rl tl 6tCCe lq rqT t ovt S t sj co 1sl it d ev r il ffole fory qJ 15 cr fo lrrlo a trAts vv Vrr Vr r4i4 o f rf3 D flcsa PFryS 21 I MTI 2015 Pern State University 5 Two objects start at the same location at r 0 One object moves according to FtG ati l tiandtheotherobjectmovesaccordingto Is there any time I 0 at which the two objects and if so when All units for i are in meters lr t 2f i aglj g in ut tt urn lo ution O tredC di fa t Form A 5r rlr I i but r 19 Qt q At di A Att 2s Atr s qinercisrntinrotterthranr 0atwtrbhtlprwoobjectsareattbesanrbcatbn D Atr ls E At 3s 6elft i t t etI s4h1r ocatto 4f O c nn rll tl o 6e zero t o s y sTorot o t o ho Ae t i JL 6 A spaceship tavels ina stalght line fromEafthto the nearest star Abha Centauri located a distance Z from Earth The ship starts at rest accelerates udfonnly for halfthe distarrce with a constarf acceleration 4 then slows down with an acceleration a for the rernainmg distarrce coming to rest right at Abha Centauri For the tip wtrat are tlre average velocity and average acceleration You can assunrc that the ship tavels at all tines at speeds mtrch bss than tlre Ve speed ofhght o V o o A v 0 Tou a 2 uL B oour 0 C v JoL o J oor a z o ave 0 E v ave 0 a ave 0 Vt O 6 C u t a ccel i Vt a q l S h t u t t q a q 1 T t lb J fo o t V J L 6 f V aC H Vr rfit tl VoVu n tirgT h r t I lr e hL Vorn i n SwnJ Ir vlc L lno s Page 3 t 5Ao e Vrr over ll V Vr Vrvg V rVt PHYS 21I MTI 2015 Penn State Universitv FormA 7 Two identbal steel balls are placed at different lreights one vertbally above the otlrer At the safire tinr that the lower ball is hit hard by a ph nger larrching it horircntally the pper ball is rebased from rest Each ball eventually hits the level ground bebw Air resistarrce is negligbb Whbh statenrrf below is tnrc r A The rpper ball wrll ahvays lft ttp grourd frst B It b pgssible for both balls to trit the ground simuhaneously Eltt r Utr bwer ball will ahvays hit ttrc goud first ball can trit the grou d frst deperdhg on how hard the lower ball is hit h E Nore ofthe above BJh b lL f r t iil y f a h ft 1rounJ vrrl a vJ 7 J y J U 8 A circus perbrnrr nns tprizorfrany offofa tower at a distance h above the grotmd The perforrrrer lands in a net that is suspended horizontally a distanc e hoffttp ground How rnrrh tine passes before the perforrrrcr lands in the net Vi Vox Y Vry Q A Wt lstl D n s tF T I n AL g Ir 2s I E s D h 29 E zh I Page 4 PHYS 2I I MTI 2015 Penn State University FormA 9 Tlre conponents ofvector A arc gven by A 6 ard Ay 6 Tlre corrpohents ofvector B are given by B art Br 10 What is ttrc rnagnitude ofthe vector B A A 3 B 4 c 2 D r f ct Gj 8 t rrc E i feq U Jt f ro G r lE 71 Cll r m E E 4 lJ j I v Lti 1 10 The gaph below shows the angular vebcify ofa disk that b fiee to rotate What is ttp angular dbplacenrcrfr ofthe disk from 0 to 10 seconds l 1 …

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