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1 Given the following java statement Toys arr new Toys 12 Which statement declares and initializes variable n to the index of the last element of the array a b c d e int n Toys length int n arr length 1 int n arr length int n arr length 1 None of the above 2 What is the output char letter A switch letter 2 case B letter 1 break case C letter 2 default letter 1 System out print letter a C b B c D d Syntax error e None of the above 3 Which two Java methods are overloaded methods a public int add int a int b and public int add int c int d b public int add int a int b and public float add int c int d c public int add int a int b and public int add int a float b d public float add float a float b and public float add float c float d e None of the above 4 What is the output of the following code int arr 1 2 3 4 5 for int i arr System out print arr i i a 12345 b 01234 c 1234 d 234Exception in thread main java lang ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 5 e None of the above 5 What is the output public static void replace int allGrades int examScore int temp allGrades 0 allGrades 0 examScore examScore temp public static void main String args int myGrades 72 84 75 95 replace myGrades myGrades 3 System out println myGrades 0 myGrades 3 6 The case defined in a recursive method stops recursion a 95 75 b 95 95 c 95 72 d 72 95 e None of the above base general recursive loop a b c d e None of the above 2 columns 7 Which statement declares and instantiates a two dimensional integer array called myArray with 4 rows and int myArray 4 2 a b int myArray new int 4 c d int myArray new int 2 4 e None of the above int myArray new int 4 2 8 Given a class with a static variable xVar and a collection of objects of that class Which of the following statement is always true a Each object will have its own instance of xVar b Changing xVar in one object will alter xVar for all the other objects c Changing xVar in one object will only alter xVar in that objects d Objects do not share xVar e None of the above 9 If the recursive method below is invoked as recPrint 3 what is the output public static void recPrint int n if n 0 System out print else recPrint n 1 System out print n a 123 b 123 c 321 d 321 e none of the above 10 Given the class Shoe Choose the code to fill in that will correctly compare shoes in order to find the position of the shoe with the largest side class Shoe private int size public Shoe int size this size size public int getSize return size class TestShoe public static void main String args Shoe shoes new Shoe 7 new Shoe 9 new Shoe 5 int maxPos 0 for int i 1 i shoes length i if code to fill in maxPos i System out println maxPos shoes i size shoes maxPos size a b shoes i shoes maxPos c shoes i getSize shoes maxPos getSize d shoes maxPos getSize shoes i getSize e None of the above Question 11 The class GPA below defines the gpa of a student in terms of its value The value of the GPA is a floating point number between 0 0 and 4 0 Write a class Student that represents a student with a given name and gpa The Student class should have two attributes name and gpa objects The gpa of a student is defined by the class GPA The class should also have these members A constructor that take parameters to initialize the Student object A getter for gpa A setter for name A method honorRoll that takes a gpa object parameter and returns true if the student s gpa value is greater than or equal to the parameter gpa value and false otherwise A toString method returning the name of the students and his her gpa value public class GPA private double value public GPA double value this value value public double getValue return value public int compareTo GPA other if this value other value else if this value other value return 1 return 0 else return 1 public String toString return Double toString value Question 12 A family consisting of several members each with their own cell phone is analyzing the cellphone bills received over a number of months Write a method bestInMonths that takes one parameter 1 famCellBills a two dimensional array of doubles where each row represents a member of the family and the columns represent the months included in the analysis The method returns an array containing the lowest bill received in each month over all members of the family For example the following table illustrate a sample of an analysis where Best Bill represents the best lowest amounts received by a family member for each month Jane Jack Sophie Kylie Jan 34 56 87 79 89 78 45 34 Feb March 23 87 23 54 87 99 16 54 75 34 32 05 66 76 56 45 Best Bill 34 56 32 05 16 54

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