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MC Questions 1 e 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 e Q11 public class IntegerList private int list public IntegerList int size list new int size public int getList return list public void setList int list this list list public void randomize for int i 0 i list length i list i int Math random 100 1 public IntegerList merge IntegerList otherList int sizeOfList1 list length int sizeOflist2 otherList list length int merger new int sizeOfList1 sizeOflist2 for int i 0 i sizeOfList1 i merger i list i for int i 0 i sizeOflist2 i merger sizeOfList1 i otherList list i IntegerList mergedList new IntegerList sizeOfList1 sizeOflist2 mergedList setList merger return mergedList Q12 int topPlayers Player team double target int count 0 for Player p team if p getAverage target count return count

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NJIT CS 113 - MC Questions

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