Review Sheet Guidelines for Exam II Brophy Anth 1001 Why do we study non human primates What features broadly define the Order Primate Review how certain groups of characteristics have specific emphases Be familiar with primate dentition incisors canines premolars molars sexual dimorphism dental formula Different forms of locomotion Prosimii and Anthropoidea Why are they different from Strepsirhini and Haplorhini Two suborders of Primates Strepsirhini and Haplorhini what is the name based upon who are in these groups which one is more primitive what are some of the characteristics of each Two groups in Anthropoidea Catarrhini and Platyrrhini where do these names come from defining characteristics who is in these groups where do they live Two Superfamilies of Catarrhini Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea Characteristics of Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea Two families in Hominoidea Hylobatidae and Hominidae who are in these groups what defines them Three subfamilies two tribes I recommend drawing out the primate chart from your book and writing a couple traits of each group next to the names Why is primate social behavior significant estrus Why is sex so important for bonobos What are the pros and cons of being social What are the different types of social systems Be able to define them and any special characteristics What are the characteristics of a dominance hierarchy Primate Infanticide Primate Communication autonomic deliberate displays Aggression What are the different reproductive strategies Behavioral Ecology What factors influence social structure Prosocial Behaviors Afiliation Altruism Cooperation Grooming Hunting Tool use Endangered primates What is the purpose of studying archaeological paleoanthropological field methods Name and explain the four different types of data that anthropologists use the most Define midden endocast coprolite What two types of ecofacts did we discuss What is taphonomy and what some examples of these processes Primary secondary context What are some examples of how organisms are preserved What is a site and how can they be created What are the different layers in a site called How are sites found What is survey and what different types did we talk about What are the two goals of excavation What are the two types of methods used during excavation for recording data What are the three main steps for analyzing artifacts after they have been recovered What types of different questions do they answer What is use wear analysis How are the different types of data analyzed differently What is GIS and why is this important What are the two broad types of dating techniques Stratigraphy lithostratigraphy and tephrostratigraphy What is a drawback to dating using stratigraphy Be familiar with biostratigraphy law of superposition seriation Paleomagnetism Radiocarbon dating Potassium Argon Uranium Series Two types of electron trap technique thermoluminesence dating electron spin resonance Dendrochronology Be most familiar with the ones I listed above and discussed the most in class specifically know what they are and what their limitations are Macroevolution microevolution Continental drift how does this affect early primate evolution Arboreal visual and angiosperm exploitation hypotheses Be familiar with the epochs and their chronological order What allowed the mammals to radiate What epoch had the first evidence of primates Plesiadapiforms Purgatorius Dryomomys What did the NOVA movie tell us about the importance of the plesiadapiforms What epoch had the first appearance of primates resembling living prosimians How do we know they are prosimians Omomyoidae and Adapoidae families When did the anthropoids branch off from the prosimians Which epoch is marked by the evolution of the first fossil anthropoids Aegyptopithecus Fayum Are new and old world monkeys related What hypotheses exist suggesting how the new world monkeys got to the new world Which epoch is marked by an extensive radiation of Proconsul How do we know they are apes What traits tell us that Dryopithecus Sivapithecus How do we know these are apes Who are they likely the ancestors of When did the living monkey lineage split from apes When did the hylobatids the lesser apes split from the great apes Gigantopithecus Toumai Sahelanthropus tchadensis Orrorin tugenensis Who are these fossils and what role might they play in the evolution of primates What is a missing link Life in the Trees What is a hominin What is the difference between a hominid and a hominin What features does an anthropologist look at to determine if a fossil is a hominin Know and understand the anatomical changes of bipedalism What are the hypotheses for becoming bipedal Are all forms of bipedalism the same Explain What are the hypotheses for hominins developing big brains What general characteristics do we look for in the early hominins Dental arcade CP3 sectorial premolar complex What are the enamel thickeness of the apes and humans For all fossil genus species Know the genus species what they date to where found and existed what are their important characteristics and why they are significant Who are the two oldest fossils that we discussed that are remote possibilities for the earliest living ancestors What is SO remarkable about Ardipithecus ramidus Who named the group australopithecines and what are their characteristics What two groups of australopithecines existed Why are they so named What did my research and the isotope research done by Dr de Ruiter of Texas A M tell us about the robust australopithecines Define prognathism diastema sexual dimorphism foramen magnum megadontia What is the importance of the shape of the palate Know the general story behind Piltdown man How do caves form Why is that important when studying South African caves What general trends do we see throughout early hominin evolution Osteodontokeratic When and where were the first stone tools found What is the only australopithecine to be remotely associated with stone tools What is the relationship between the gracile and the robust australopithecines Why do some suggest that the robusts should be named the genus Paranthropus What characteristics bridge the transition between the australopithecines and Homo What are the different hypotheses suggested for the evolutionary relationships of the early hominins Australopithecus sediba what are the major characteristics of this species why is it so important Please keep in mind that this is only a
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