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Exam Three Study Questions Lecture 16 Stimulus Control 6 Questions 1 What does it mean and not mean for a stimulus to have control over behavior Describe an experiment that would assess the presence of stimulus control How would you determine how specific the control was Stimulus control stimuli influences whether or not a response will occur how the presence of particular antecedent 2 What aspects of stimuli determine their ability to control behavior What aspects of the response Describe an example where the quality location effect impacted responding 3 Differentiate between how the stimulus element approach and the configural cue approach view complex stimuli Lecture 17 Stimulus Control Discrimination 6 Questions 1 Give examples of stimulus discrimination in both classical and instrumental conditioning How is a CS like and different from an S or S 2 Describe how you might train a steep as opposed to rounded generalization 3 Detail how drug discrimination allows animals to tell us about their introceptive experiences Lecture 18 Extinction 5 Questions 1 What is extinction Is it an active or passive process and is it the same as 2 Does behavior immediately decrease during extinction trials What emotion is often associated with these bursts 3 Is extinction just the reversal of acquisition or is it new learning What evidence points to the latter How might you overcome some of those obstacles to re learning Lecture 19 Avoidance 7 Questions 1 How does avoidance differ from punishment Are avoidance responses just 2 How would you train an animal to avoid an aversive stimulus using discrete trials How would you expect behavior to change over time 3 Describe and give examples of the two process theory of avoidance What type of operant contingency is used to describe the second process What are other ways in which avoidance responses can be explained gradient forgetting CRs Lecture 20 Punishment 6 Questions no theories of punishment 1 How does punishment differ from avoidance Describe different types of punishers and how they differ in effectiveness 2 What types of stimuli and contingencies situations make for the most effective punishers The least effective 3 Using drug abuse as an example describe an experimental procedure to model a behavior that can be both reinforcing and punishing How might you alter behavior in such a circumstance

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