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Final Exam Study Guide CHD4615 Building Evidence Based Family Policy Identify the four theories for explaining why policy makers don t use research o 1 Policy is fast science is slow o 2 Science is circumstantial incomplete and uncommunicative o 3 Democratic Free Market Systems vs Centralized Coporatist Systems Germany Japan etc o 4 Lack of communication and trust between Knowledge Producers and Knowledge Consumers two communities theory o Explain which theory is most useful The two communities theory that has now been developed into the community dissonance theory Provide arguments both for and against the idea that politicians intentionally misuse data o Policymakers may misuse data because of cultural differences between them and researchers pg 297 and perceive the world Cultures shape the way researchers and policymakers think act They are pervasive undeniable forces that can facilitate or impede the flow of communication across the research policy divide Identify the potential benefits and challenges to conducting randomized clinical trials of policy ideas Explain and give an example of Community Dissonance Theory o Breakdown between policymakers policy administrators and researchers is due to differences in socialization and behavior not structural divides Differentiate between the needs of researchers policymakers and policy administrators with regard to Research Needs Work Culture and Information Communication o Research Needs Researchers Content What we don t know Detail Narrow focused Data Source Representative samples Policymakers Content What we do know Detail Comprehensive overview Data source Constituency Administrators Content What we need to know Detail Pragmatism Data source population served o Work Culture Needs Researchers Timing Cautions skeptical tentative Decision making criteria Rigor statistics peer review View of ambiguity and complexity Exciting Policymakers Timing Reactive fluid Decision making criteria Negotiation and compromise rhetoric persuasion anecdote View of ambiguity and complexity Counter productive Administrators Timing Practical action oriented Decision making criteria research practical experience View of ambiguity and complexity Needs simplification for application o Information Communication Needs Researchers Emphasis Methodology and analysis Organization of reports logical progression Writing style in depth technical language complex illustrations Policymakers Emphasis potential impact Organization of reports focus on conclusions Writing style concise easy to read simple illustrations Administrators Emphasis transfer to target population Organization of reports focus on conclusions for practice Writing style moderate length practical technical language clearly expectations for accountability and practicality Ecological Family Systems Theory in advancing Evidence Based Policy o Bronfenbrenner s concentric nested circles representing human ecology and Munichin s structural family systems theory o Families are first and foremost influence on individual development policies and programs shape the environment in which families operate and can strengthen or undermine family functioning o Functions families perform make important contributions to the economic and social goals of society o Policy decisions might be more effective and efficient if policymakers knew what the impacts on family processes might be and how family contributions could be supported Family Impact Seminar Program o Purpose Method of communicating research findings to policymakers Tool for helping legislators better evaluate how policies impact the families they serve o Methodology Provided to legislators and staff between 20 and 160 attendees Non partisan presentations reports discussion groups Emphasis on high quality objective research 2 hour forum 30 minutes Q A for legislators Legislators receive briefing reports may also provide cd s videos helpful materials Currently implemented in 21 states No FL o Structure Easy access to timely research on issues Varied delivery formats Use of family impact lens Objective non partisan approach Opportunities for discussion Four major strategies for Advancing Evidence Based Policy o 1 Conceptualize policy work as developing relationships not disseminating information Two way flow of information is most effective we want to influence policy agenda and policymakers can have influence on our research and outreach agendas o 2 Communicate research in ways that meet policymaker s needs Spoken over written word more information is retained when engaged in discussion o 3 Provide timely responses to questions driving policy debate FIS actively targets open policy windows only achieved by staying current with politics When the three streams come together window of opportunity is open and action can be taken on the subject at hand o 4 Take initiative in contacting policy makers policymakers are open to contact rarely know what information resources exist Kingdon s Theory of Open Policy Windows o When policy windows open conditions are right for social change on an issue and policymakers are willing to invest time energy and political capital recognize sensitive periods o Three streams 1 The problem stream is the condition considered a problem 2 The policy stream are there policy alternatives that can be 3 The political stream are politicians willing and able to make a implemented policy change Explain the difference between the attitudes of disseminating information to policymakers and developing relationships with policymakers o Better relationships make information flow easier and more effective rather than throwing information at policymakers and hoping they retain it o Developing relationships is the preferred attitude to pursue it Become a trusted source and develop collaborative reciprocal relationships Social Desirability Bias o Tendency of respondents to answer questions inaccurately in order to present themselves in a favorable or desirable way o This affects the type of data and research findings because individuals tend to over report good behavior and under report behaviors that are undesirable o Could threaten results of family impact seminars Careers in Family Policy Students should be able to identify the most direct way to become involved in shaping policy o Run for office The 9 roles professionals can take in shaping policy o Role 1 Research for family policy formulation Conduct research identify or refute social problems

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FSU CHD 4615 - Final Exam Study Guide

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