FAD4615 PUBLIC POLICY EXAM 2 Chapter 6 What is Good Parenting Does Parenting Matter juvenile delinquency Good parenting behaviors have the power to raise children s intelligence or reduce their o Parents being trained to change their parenting style for the better has a direct correlation with these positive results Children who are deprived of parental influence sustain lifelong effects and when institutionalized never leave institutionalized care o Children who are adopted early from institutions into warm and loving families have normal or near normal prospects What is Competent Parenting No universal ideal parenting strategy Authoritative parenting balancing demandingness with responsiveness o Demandingness setting high expectations exerting authority effectively setting rules acting consistently o Responsiveness expressing warmth listening to child s POV engaging in verbal dialogue explaining rules empathy Parent child attachment in infancy combined with authoritative parenting in childhood and adolescence is the most competent parenting o Being aware of child s physical and emotional needs o Applies across cultures while there may be cultural differences general patterns of authoritative parenting is still effective even with adoption of cultural norms Can Programs Improve Parenting Yes but only a small percentage of available programs are effective Assumed Causal Mechanism continuum of care from least extreme to most extreme o When programs that promote social support are implemented parenting improves Biggest predictor of abusing families is lack of social support Allows parents to collaborate learn from each other and provide each other with assistance when necessary Ex Parents Anonymous o Parenting improves when parents are educated about how to change their poor Ex Books printed family newsletters with resources intensive training o Parents with mental health problems need therapy or parenting interventions parenting skills for parents in need etc before parenting can improve Stages of Prevention and Target Populations levels of preventions based of who you are targeting o Primary prevention directed to everyone who has not yet exhibited the problem Universal programs to prevent onset before it happens Ex media campaigns school based programs Low cost with a high number of families served o Secondary targeted prevention aims to prevent recurrences or worsening of an identified problem Geared towards high risk populations More intensive programs that are delivered to everyone in the risk group before we know which families will actually experience the difficulty Most common factor for defining an at risk group is family poverty Ex Nurse Family Partnership court ordered program for abusing parents Average cost and number of families served o Tertiary indicated prevention treats established problems to reduce its negative consequences Directed to families in crisis Ex therapy for an abused child Government and Individual Options o State funded evidence based programs with strong conceptual underpinnings based on validated theories that have been tested o Promoting policies regarding housing quality schools safe neighborhoods and affordable healthcare o Parents taking action on their own behalf instead of waiting for aide o Grassroots movements to promote family life and balanced relationships between individual and family o Government providing resources for parent initiated programs Is Parenting Appropriate for Policy Parenting is both inherently private and inevitably affected by public policy Most Americans agree that raising children is the families responsibility not the government s o Based under the assumption that parents operate in the best interest of their children but basic needs are not always met or children are harmed deliberately so government must step in sometimes and is accepted by Americans under these conditions What Policy Options and Personal Actions Can Promote Good Parenting Community based family support and education programs provide parents with the support and skills they need Employment policies provide better family leave options so parents can take of their family and children when needed without employment penalties Marriage education and enrichment programs provide a more stable environment with policies benefits and rules to ensure marriage systems are not as easy to get out of and that when they do fail there is enough support to ensure the child s stability Foster parent training increases willingness and ability of foster parents Policymaker considerations having policy makers investigate how policies will affect Family coalitions to develop and actively pursue policies that would strengthen families families and how to help them and support their decisions Chapter 7 Families and Healthcare Health insurance is important because it results in healthier families greater financial security more preventative care better prenatal care for women U S is the only country where there isn t guaranteed universal coverage you can lose your insurance if you lose your job and where the government insures only the elderly and the poor U S has private and public health insurance o Private group insurance usually provided through your job for you and your o Private individual insurance coverage that you purchase on your own only 5 family what most people have of people have this o Public health insurance Medicare Medicaid and SCHIP health insurance for children home care Medicare government insurance for the elderly o Part A covers hospital care limited nursing home care hospice and health o Part B physician services prevention care o Part C Medicare Advantage Plans private plans run by Medicare o Part D prescription drugs Families can prevent or cause disease because of their influence on health habits stress levels determination of health profession involvement acute responses and adaption to illness and recovery Problems with individual insurance market prior to ACA o Could be rejected for a number of reasons o Insurers could cancel policy without notice o Could deny for pre existing conditions o Could set lifetime spending caps Moving towards community activation in family health care requires o That patients and families are partners with professionals o That people learn cope and heal in communities o That a wide range of stakeholders should be activated so that many people are involved Affordable Care Act of 2012 ACA o Has individual and
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