PUR3000 People Melvin Sharpe o PR harmonizes long term relationships among individuals and organizations in society Honest communication credibility Openness consistency of actions confidence Fairness of actions goodwill 2 way communication prevent alienation and build relationships Environmental research evaluation determine actions needed for social harmony o McKinley started to campaign modern political campaign McKinley vs Brian introduction Marshal McLunan Amos Kendall o World will become a global village where people everywhere can witness events happening all over the world o Hired by President Jackson to do PR tasks o First press secretary o Developed newspaper the Globe Underscore to Jackson s nationwide popularity Phineas T Barnum o Used PR techniques to further his own business circus o Press agentry Vanderbilt Just wanted name out o The public be damned Muckrakers care about society Public cursed him his people as robber barons who didn t o Journalist who criticized wrote about atrocities in big businesses Upton Sinclar wrote The Jungle to attack the deplorable conditions of the meatpacking industry Ida Tarbell wrote History of the Standard Oil Company to strip away the public fa ade of the nation s leading petroleum firm Ivy Lee o Former Wall St reporter o Father of PR Didn t believe in fooling to public or ignoring them believed in informing them truthfully o Hired by Rockefeller Jr to help tried to humanize him o Distinguished publicity press agentry from PR Rockefeller Jr o Hired pinkentons to stop union aka shoot them massacre o Had Ivy Lee help him turn public opinion around Will Wolff Smith o First D C agency Arthur W Page o AT T first PR VP best corporate PR o Had 5 principles for successful corporate PR Management should thoughtfully analyze reaction to public Create system inform employees on policies practices Employees knowledge to be reasonable polite to public Get Q s from employ public through org to management Ensure frankness in telling public about company s actions Paul Garrett o First director of PR for GM o Make the public see the huge powerful companies as small o Never felt like insider of companies he worked for common PR issue Rex Harlow o Founded PR journal Theodore Vail Wrote about case studies successful PR o HEAD OF AT T said we only exist cause public allows it Aka acts in public interest o Revolutionary for PR George Creel o Created headed Creel Committee Four Minute Men Both to gather support for war o Wilson WWI Elmer Davis o Office of War of Information o Roosevelt WWII Alice Beeman University PR Edward L Bernays o First female to head CASE Counsel for Advanced Support for Education o Most effective PR Counsel o Wrote 1st textbook Crystallizing Public Opinion o Taught 1st PR class NYU o Coined public relations counsel o Created PR Accreditation APR closest thing to a license for PR o Instrumental in war bonds effort Joseph V Baker o Created first minority firm Leone Baxter John Dillon o First female to head PR firm o First president of Florida PR Association John Naisloitt o Wrote book Megatrends Said that data doubles every 20 months Ted Clavenger o Credibility doesn t exist in source itself but only to the extent the receiver thinks it does Gallup Roper polls o Measured public opinion Hadley Cantril o Created the Laws of Public Opinion Sir Arthur Clarke o 1945 wrote short article about combing technologies of rocketry wireless communication and radar to envision extraterrestrial system that orbited space stations to relay radio signals world wide Clarke Orbit global system of 2 dozen geo synchronous satellites Jimmy Wales Larry Sanger o Created the Wikipedia in 2001 Pat Jackson o Communication theorist who emphasized systematic investigation setting clear strategic goals and identifying key stakeholders o Communication approach to stimulate behavioral change Build awareness Develop latent readiness People begin to form opinions Triggering event Makes people want to change behavior Intermediate behavior Investigative period individual determines how to best apply behavior Behavioral change Adoption of new behavior Alvin Toffler Virgil Franklin o Wrote The Third Wave o First PRSA president Organizations Public Relations Society of America PRSA o Reached common definition of PR a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relations between organization their publics o Took over PR Journal founded by Rex Harlow o Created by President Wilson o Efforts to mobilize public opinion in support of war and sell war Creel Committee WWI bonds Four Minute Men WWI o Created by George Creel o Gov t men scattered around U S to relay news from around the world in 4 minutes o Used to gain support in justifying the war Office of War Information WWII o Convey message of US at home abroad United States Information Agency USIA o Spoke on behalf of freedom democracy o Ended with Clinton Theories Bem s Self Perception o Change behavior first attitudes will follow opposite of what everyone else in PR says Manipulated clock to say noon people hungry cause they thought it was lunch time Halloween War of the Worlds said Martians landing in NJ people freaked Led to study of effects of mass media Heider s Balance o Brain has to be balanced o Relationship with friend issue has to be balanced positive If it isn t get rid of friend or change mind on issue to make balanced again Festinger s Cognitive Dissonance o Selective Exposure only go and get info that confirms our beliefs o Selective Perception see through filtered lenses o Selective Retention only remember what we want to Student of Heider Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs o Physiological safety love esteem self actualization Need to satisfy the previous need to move to next o Figure out what we want people to do see where they are and tell them how to get to next Want them to do something person is at safety say do this to get love Michelin Tire Ad used a baby to promote safety Agenda Setting McCombs Shaw o Media tells us what to think about Unable to repeat first study that showed this Concentric Circle Elmo Roper o Get people at core great thinkers on board and they ll get everyone else politics polling Great thinkers disciples disseminators lesser disseminators politically active inert Like a pond ripples outward o Cybernetics study of how communication is used for direction and control Diffusion of Innovations Everett Rogers o Any innovation introduced must go through this process Phase 1
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