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01 09 13 What is public relations Why we have trouble defining pr Parts of public relations Press agent s job In a formal sense public relations is about 100 years old and is still defining itself Sometimes when we say public relations we really mean one of its functional parts get the public figures out in front of the press Publicity publicist Institutional advertising Get out info regarding the Who what when where why trying to separate people from their money Like the got milk commercials just another name for PR for governmental military affair looks out towards to future to see what things are getting ready to happen and then plans to deal with it before it happens get legislation passed defend or defeat legislation translates profit loss and balance sheets into English for publicly traded companies Public affairs Issues management Lobbying Investor relations Quantifying public relations What the organization does how perceived affect In PR perception is reality 1 11 13 5 Trends affecting PR Growth of big institutions Heightened public awareness and media sophistication Increasing incidences of societal change conflict and confrontation Globalization and growing power if global media public opinion and capitalism Dominance if the Internet and growth of social media The Three Ages Age if agriculture Age of manufacturing Age of information Pr firms letting social media drive them may be making a strategic error PR is still relatively new but you can go back in history and find example of it 1 14 13 Ancient examples of PR Agriculture information regarding on tablets Greek sophists on political candidates and issues early lobbyists Julius Caesars commentaries on the Gallic wars war propaganda Magna carta what nobles forced king John to sign Catholic college of propaganda speakers bureau helped recruit members to the church Revolutionary war Slogans to foster participation No taxation w o representation Symbols Flag First to press get our side of the story out first so people have to respond to them Boston massacre Staged public relations events Boston tea party Organizations for action sons of liberty NRA Publications common sense the federalist papers Fundraising Post revolution Creation of events History s greatest pr job the Federalist Papers Like the Boston Tea Party for PR purposes Press agency Modern political campaigning Started with election of William McKinley against William Jennings Bryan Andrew Jackson hired Amis Kindle to be his press secretary PT Barnum Hired press agents to spread his message William Jennings Bryan vs William McKinley first modern presidential election Westinghouse Electric Corporation had the first corporate pr department got the dirt on corporations as journalists Early 1900s The muckrakers First pr firm AT T the Publicity Bureau Theodore Vail Ivy Lee Is the father of pr Said it s the job of AT T to serve the public Was hired by Rockefeller to deal with the PR nightmares which were The 1906 railroad strike The 1914 Colorado fuel and iron strike Declaration of principles big shift on business Refers to a statement released by modern public relations pioneer Ivy Ledbetter Lee in 1906 that is seen as laying important groundwork for the public relations profession in the decades to follow This is not a secret press bureau All our work is done in the open We aim to supply news This is not an advertising agency If you think any of our matter ought properly to go to your business office do not use it Our matter is accurate Further details on any subject treated will be supplied promptly and any editor will be assisted most carefully in verifying directly any statement of fact In brief our plan is frankly and openly on behalf of business concerns and public institutions to supply the press and public of the United States prompt and accurate information concerning subjects which it is of value and interest to the public to know about First to use handouts Like information packets WWI George Creel Committee on public information Government agency that worked to gin up support for the war The Four minute men The Four Minute Men were a group of volunteers authorized by the President Woodrow Wilson to give four minute speeches about the war 1920s Arthur Page Alice Beema hired by AT T to implement Theodore vails goals First woman to head an association CASE Council for the advancement and support of education Edward L Bernays Wrote the first textbook of PR crystallizing public opinion Taught the first course in PR Coined the term public relations counsel if you are a pr counsel then you should have a license Married Doris Fleischman Roosevelt era Gallop and roper polls founded Joseph V Baker first minority firm Leone Baxter first woman to head a pr firm Elmer Davis office of war information FPRA founded in 1938 Florida Public Relations Association Use of paid advertising for public relations in the war effort WWII era PRSA founded 1947 Public Relations Society of America Virgil Rankin first PRSA president Growth of public relations education USIA founded United States information association The Information Age Sputnik 1957 John Naisbitt mega trends data double every 2 months There may not be a license to practice PR but there is a national accreditation 01 23 13 Attitudes Parents environment peers media jobs socio economic status education experience hereditary is where we get our attitudes Forming attitudes Changing attitudes 01 25 13 Theories for public relations Bems self perception theory Individuals come to know their own attitudes emotions and internal states by inferring them from observations of their own behavior and circumstances in which they occur When internal cues are weak ambiguous or uninterruptable the individual is in the same position as the outside observer Heiders balance theory Two people s attitude must match eachother or they will not deal with each other example is a Democrat and a Republican A democrat and a republican will butt heads on an issue until one of them switches and changes their mind To explain why this doesn t happen in practice the issue may not come up and the people in question discuss different things Festingers cognitive dissonance theory Cognitive dissonance is a relatively straightforward social psychology theory that has enjoyed wide acceptance in a variety of disciplines including communication The theory replaces previous conditioning or reinforcement theories by viewing individuals as more purposeful

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