UT Arlington HIST 1312 - Background to WWll

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HIST 1312 1st Edition Lecture 27 Outline of Last Lecture I Supreme Court Packing Scheme II Alternatives to End the Great Depression A Huey Long Share Our Wealth B Gerald L K Smith C Dr Francis Townsend Father Coughlin III Social Security Act IV Wage and Hour Act Wagner Act Outline of Current Lecture I Rise of Aggressor States A Japan and Italy II Hitler Nazi Rise in Germany A Repudiation of Treaty of Versailles Remilitarization of Rhineland Selfsufficiency for Germany B Blaming the Jews C Taking of Sudetenland III Nye Committee Hearings A Neutrality Act of 1935 IV Hitler Takes half of Czechoslovakia A Neutrality Act of 1936 V Munich Conference A Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia VI Axis Alliance Current Lecture l A Japan becomes the first aggressor state after WWl because the go and take over Manchuria They said that technically they didn t violate their peace treaty because they never declared war on Manchuria The second aggressor state was Italy Mussolini was in power of the Fascist government and he wanted to colonize Ethiopia the only African country that wasn t colonized by Europeans because they were a Christian country Next is Germany These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute ll A In 1933 Hitler comes to power in Germany by telling them what they want to hear He repudiates the Treaty of Versailles because he said Germany wasn t even at that meeting to negotiate terms so it no longer applies to them The he starts remilitarizing the Rhineland and he makes Germany self sufficient He wants everything to come from Germany so they don t have to rely on other nations He also makes the population turn in all their weapons and then he blames the Jews B Hitler blames the Jewish bankers for all of Germany s problems and the German people accepted this because there was already an ingrained thought that the Jews caused problems in European history because they were the money lenders and when things didn t go someone s way they blamed the money lenders Jews start fleeing to America but America doesn t let them in because there is already an influx of them so Hitler knowing the Jews have nowhere to go creates death camps C Hitler takes over Sudetenland because they want to be a part of Germany and they re German speaking people He claims its self determination so nobody stops him lll In 1935 Senator Nye has committee hearings where they asked Americans why we got into WWl and they concluded that we got in the war just for the benefits and we wanted to be Merchants of Death A So we made the Neutrality Act of 1935 saying we could no longer sell weapons to other nations We have 3 belligerent countries we can t sell anything to anyway and if Germany takes over more nations the other countries will need our weapons so we re basically giving Hitler the go So he continues lV A Hitler takes half of Czechoslovakia and we pass another Neutrality Act of 1936 saying we can t loan money to any belligerent state But Germany has more money than us anyway so it doesn t affect them V A In the Munich Conference Hitler promises England that he won t take over any other countries but when the British prime minister gets back to England and says there will be peace Hitler takes over the rest of Czechoslovakia Vl The Axis Alliance was formed between Germany Japan and Italy the three aggressor states They promised to defend each other and would help each other gain territories and defeat Communist Russia

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UT Arlington HIST 1312 - Background to WWll

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