Exam 3 LEADERSHIP Leadership groups to achieve goals Management vs leadership o Management the process of providing direction and influencing individuals or o Leadership Focused on the current Stability and efficiency Skills Planning Organizing Analytical thinking Communicating informing Keeps the train running on time Focused on the future Promotes change and adaption Strategic thinking Skills Conceptual thinking Innovation creativity Inspiring Decides where the tracks should be placed Managerial grid o 5 leadership styles Country club management High concern for people Low concern for production Impoverished management Low concern for people Low concern for production Team management High concern for people High concern for production Middle of the road management Middle Authority compliance Low concern for people High concern for production Situational leadership o Chart on slides Path goal theory leadership behaviors o Directive leadership o Supportive leadership o Achievement oriented leadership o Participative leadership o Upward influencing leadership Laissez faire leadership o Not assuming leadership responsibilities o Not a way to lead Transactional leadership o Clarifying role requirements task requirements etc o Providing positive and negative rewards for performance Transformational leadership o Provides a transformational change in engagement of organizational members towards organizational goals o Not a substitute for transactional leadership but a complement to it Kourzes and Posner s leadership practices o Challenging the practices Search out challenging opportunities for change Experiment take risks learn from mistakes o Inspiring a shared vision Envision an uplifting and noble future Enlist others o Enabling others to act Foster collaboration and build trust Strengthen people o Modeling the way Model behavior Achieve small wins to promote commitment o Encouraging the heart Recognize individual contributions to success Celebrate team accomplishments Lincoln on leadership o People know your people o Character have good character o Endeavor try hard to achieve o Communication use communication to influence people Extraordinary leader model Zenger and Folkman s competency model o 5 primary dimensions of leadership behavior Character Personal capability Focus on results Ability to lead organizational change Interpersonal skills 3 Ps of effective business leaders o Passion o Performance o Principle Luck when hard work and preparation meet opportunity Stages of leadership o 0 30 years old preparing to lead o 30 60 leading end of this is peak leadership o 60 90 giving back Authentic leaders o Understand learn from experiences o Self awareness o Practice values and principles o Recognize extrinsic and intrinsic motivations o Balanced life Deciding to become a great leader o Introspection and emotional processes o Self candor and objectivity o A willingness to do what it takes to improve o A time commitment o Dissatisfaction with being merely good Good leaders have 3 clearly recognized strengths Conclusions from research the examination or observation of one s own mental o Non linear relationship between leadership behavior and business results o Three groups of leaders Poor to fair bottom 20 Good middle 60 Great upper 20 Characterized by presence of recognized strengths 3 NOT by absence of weaknesses Passions vs competencies o Competencies Collections of business relevant skills behaviors and abilities Includes areas of knowledge and or expertise o Passions Naturally recurring patterns of thought feeling or generalized Reflect your view of the world your values and your behavior personality o Sweet spot Where your passions things you love to do and competencies things you do well match the needs of the organization HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING a technical procedure that defines a job s duties Job analysis responsibilities and accountabilities as well as the knowledge skills and abilities required to perform the job successfully o Different methods observation interview questionnaire etc Determining labor demand o Derived from product service demanded o External in nature o CLASS NOTES Forecasting looking at large numbers o Do we have shortages or surpluses Existing labor supply and demand o Historical trends Solid vs dotted line o Solid line formal reporting relationship between employee and boss o Dotted line informal reporting relationship Levin and Kotter o Unfreezing teaching new way refreezing Levin o 21 days in a row doing something then it becomes a habit o Kotter how to model Osu vs Michigan leadership studies o Osu initiating structure consideration behaviors o Michigan replicating ohio state
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