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Key Concepts MHR 3200 Exam 3 3 55 pm Note This is not an all inclusive list but rather is intended merely to be a list of the major concepts we covered in class of which you should have a good level of knowledge and understanding this doesn t necessarily cover all lecture content I reserve the right to ask questions on Exam 1 that do not tie directly to material on this list but do fall into the required reading and or other presentation materials for this section of the course Because the following list relates primarily to lecture materials I would also strongly suggest reviewing the key terms and vocabulary from the text s as well Leadership Definition of leadership groups to achieve goals The Process of providing direction and influencing individuals or Two components of leadership Moral and follower perspectives Leadership vs management Which of these is more important for organizational success important Highly encouraged to develop both of them Behavioral theories of leadership e g Ohio State studies Leadership Grid etc Ohio State studied two independent dimensions of leader behavior They are both equally 1 Consideration Involves leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on a concern for group members needs and desires 2 Initiating structure A leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output 3 Oriented at right angles to yield four behavioral styles of leadership low structure high consideration high structure high consideration low structure low consideration and high structure low consideration 4 Results showed that there is not one best style of leadership but they confirmed the importance of consideration and structuring leader behaviors University of Michigan studied two different styles of leadership 1 Employee centered 2 Job centered Leadership grid Country Club Management Contingency theories of leadership e g Situational Leadership etc Situational theories Propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation Path Goal Theory Theory created to see the interaction b w four leadership styles directive supportive participative upward influencing and achievement oriented o Contingency factors Situational variables that cause one style of leadership to be more effective than another o Path goal theory has two groups of contingency variables Employee characteristics and environmental achievement o Employee characteristics contains 5 parts locus of control task ability need for achievement experiment and need for clarity o Environmental factors Task structure independent vs interdependent tasks and work group dynamics o Employees with internal locus of control are more likely to prefer participative or achievement oriented leadership because they believe they have control over the work environment Applying Situational Theories 1 Identify important outcomes Determining the goals the leader is trying to achieve 2 Identify relevant leadership types behaviors Identify the specific types of behaviors that may be appropriate for the situation at hand 3 Identify situational conditions Ex Star quarterback gets hurt so this may require the team to adopt a different strategy toward winning the game 4 Match leadership to the conditions at hand Use knowledge about OB to determine the best match between leadership styles behaviors and the situation at hand 5 Determine how to make the match Implement the leadership styles determined in step 4 Use two steps 1 Change the person in the leadership role or the leader can change his or her style behavior Transactional vs transformational leadership Transactional leadership Focuses on clarifying employees role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance Transformational leaders Engender trust seek to develop leadership in others exhibit self sacrifice and serve as moral agents focusing themselves and followers on objectives that transcend the more immediate needs of the work group Three things that transformation leaders do 1 Vision 2 Communicate 3 Mobilize commitment Laissez Faire Leadership Not assuming leadership responsibilities NOT a way to lead Charismatic leadership and leaders Characteristics of Charismatic Leaders Contemporary views of leadership e g Kouzes and Posner Source Kouzes J and Posner B 1995 The Leadership Challenge San Francisco CA Jossey Bass The Extraordinary Leader Model Character Personal Capability Focus on Results Ability to Lead Organizational Change as required Interpersonal Skills Source Zenger J and Folkman J 2002 The Extraordinary Leader New York NY McGraw Hill Business leadership What s required to become a great leader e g introspection etc Initiative because almost everybody has good ideas Effort because there is no substitute for hard work Persistence because great things often take time Courage because the road is often rocky Optimism because in the end it probably will work out An explicit commitment to becoming a great leader involves 1 Introspection 2 Self candor and objectivity 3 A willingness to do what it takes to improve 4 A time commitment 5 A dissatisfaction with being merely good Leadership and strengths Strength is the drive to leadership excellence Great leaders are characterized by their presence of recognized strengths Three different groups of leaders o Poor to Fair bottom 20 o Good to middle 60 o Great upper 20 o Moving from GOOD to GREAT happens by building your strengths Model of leadership excellence e g competencies passions etc Passions vs Competencies Another model of leadership excellence Human Resource Planning Understanding the basic nature of human resource planning i e its purpose Human resource planning Identifying the numbers and types of employees the organization will require to meet its objectives Basic elements of human resource planning Organizations need a clear idea of the strengths and weaknesses of their existing internal labor force Must know what their future holds Compares present state of the organization to the future Job analysis A technical procedure that defines a job s duties responsibilities and accountabilities as well as the knowledge skills and abilities KSAs required to perform the job successfully Different methods for conducting the job analysis Observation individual interview group interview questionnaire etc very important development effectiveness clear Results

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OSU BUSMHR 3200 - Exam 3

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