Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment Vocabulary Modules 1 6 MODULE 1 1 Behaviorism Studying someone s behavior and reactions to different situations An example of behaviorism is parents giving their children an allowance for going chores each week If the child knows that he or she is going to get x amount of money for doing their chores they re much more likely to get those chores done quickly and efficiently Historically significant perspective that emphasized the growth potential of healthy people The interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition including perception 2 Humanistic psychology Studying someone as a whole 3 Cognitive neuroscience Studies anything linked to thinking something through thinking memory and language 4 Psychology Science studying the way people think and what they do The science of behavior and mental processes 5 Nature nurture issue experiences 6 Natural selection 7 Levels of analysis Argument over whether people think and act the way they do is based on their genes or their The longstanding controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors Today s science sees traits and behaviors arising from the interaction of nature and nurture Survival depends on your genes and what traits are passed down The principle that among the range of inherited trait variations those contributing to reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations The different kinds of levels something can be thought through or analyzed on 1 Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment analysis 8 Biopsychosocial approach The differing complementary views from biological to psychological to social cultural levels of An approach that incorporates all three levels of analysis An integrated approach that incorporates biological psychological and social cultural levels of analysis 9 Basic research 10 Applied research Research that just has to do with science and describing Pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base Research that tries to solve problems Scientific study that aims to solve practical problems 11 Counseling psychology Helps people with life problems to gain them their well being A branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living often related to school work or marriage and in achieving greater well being Helps people with psychological disorders in a clinical setting A branch of psychology that studies assesses and treats people with psychological disorders 12 Clinical psychology 13 Psychiatry rehabilitation Branch of medicine that treats people with psychological disorders and also deals with A branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders practiced by physicians who sometimes provide medical for example drug treatments as well as psychological therapy 14 Positive psychology Study to help people become better and prosperous The scientific study of human functioning with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive 15 Community psychology Studies social interactions and how they affect people 2 16 Testing effect 17 SQ3R MODULE 2 18 Hindsight bias 19 Critical thinking 20 Culture Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment A branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments and how social institutions affect individuals and groups Learning is more through doing something than just reading it Enhanced memory after retrieving rather than simply reading information Also sometimes referred to as a retrieval practice effect or test enhanced learning Study method including five different processes A study method including five steps Survey Question Read Retrieve Review Thinking that after something happens you knew the outcome all along The tendency to believe after learning an outcome that one would have foreseen it Also known as the I knew it all along phenomenon A kind of thinking that includes every single aspect of the topic Thinking that does not blindly accept arguments and conclusions Rather it examines assumptions discerns hidden values evaluates evidence and assesses conclusions Aspects of life passed down by generations in a group of people An example of culture around Baton Rouge would be if you re an LSU fan you most likely are going to pass down those traditions and beliefs If you attend all the football games you will want your kids to do the same 21 Informed consent choose for themselves People participating in a research study have to be told what they are doing so that they can An ethical principle that research participants be told enough to enable them to choose whether they wish to participate 3 After the experiment the experimenters have to tell their participants the truth about the The postexperimental explanation of a study including its purpose and any deceptions to its Explanation of something based off of data and other observations An explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment 22 Debriefing whole experiment participants MODULE 3 23 Theory behaviors or events 24 Hypothesis Testable prediction A testable prediction often implied by a theory 25 Operational definition Statement that defines research variables A statement of the procedures operations used to define research variables For example human intelligence may be operationally defined as what an intelligence test measures 26 Replication 27 Case study Ability to redo an experiment with different variables participants and situations Repeating the essence of a research study usually with different participants in different situations to see whether the basic finding extends to other participants and circumstances Technique where one person is studies immensely An observation technique in which one person is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles 28 Naturalistic observation manipulate and control the situation 29 Survey Observing someone in their natural environment Observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to 4 31 Random sample inclusion 32 Correlation predicts the other 33 Correlation coefficient Bourgeois Ashley Central High School Dual Enrollment Asks people for their opinions on an issue 30 Population Whole group being studied A
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