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PSYCHOLOGY 2000 FINAL REVIEW CHAPTER 1 Understand the relationship or non relationship however you want to view it between correlation vs causation Biggest error that people make about correlation is to assume that it means one variable is the cause of the other Correlation DOES NOT prove causation Just as smoking cigs accounts for 438 000 deaths in the US alone correlation by itself can t be used to prove causation If I give you an example of an idea principle from Gestalt theory psychoanalysis or behaviorism be able to associate it with the correct theory Gestalt early perspective in psychology focusing on perception and sensation particularly the perception of patterns and whole figures Whole is greater than the sum of it s parts people naturally seek out patterns wholes in sensory information available to them cognitive psychology Wertheimer Psychoanalysis theory and therapy based on the work of Freud psychotherapy process in which a trained psychological professional helps a person gain insight into and change his her behavior personality formed in the first 6 years of life if there was an issue it began in the first 6 years of life Behaviorism science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only unconditioned stimulus conditioned stimulus reflex focus back on observable behavior and ignore consciousness issue early work examined phobias Be able to identify dependent and independent variables if I give you an example experiment Dependent variable in an experiment that represents the measurable response or behavior of the subjects in the experiment Behavior depends on whether or not they were exposed to the independent variable Measure of aggressive behavior in the children Always used to measure how the independent variable may have affected experiment Independent manipulated variable in the experiement because it s independent of anything the participants Presence absence of violence in the cartoons What are the differences between a psychologist and a psychiatrist What are psychiatric social workers Psychologist professional with an academic degree and specialized training in one or more areas of psychology PhD but not medical must be liscensed Psychiatrist medical degree that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders Psychiatric Social Workers social worker with some training in therapy methods who focuses on environmental conditions that can have an impact on mental disorders such as poverty over crowding stress and drug abuse Understand the placebo effect CHAPTER 2 Phenomenon in which the expectations of the participants in a study can influence their behavior Know and be able to differentiate between the divisions of the nervous system e g figure 2 1 What is the difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system Centeral vs peripheral Know the difference between an agonist and an antagonist If I give you an example you should be able to identify which role a drug is playing Agonist chemical substances that mimic or enhance the effects of a neurotransmitter on the receptor sites of the next cell increasing or decreasing the activity of the cell Black widow spider venom releases excess of acetylcholine which causes convulsions and possible death Antagonist chemical substances that block or reduce a cell s response to the action of other chemicals or neurotransmitters South American Indians blow dart blocks acetylcholine Be familiar with neurotransmitters Serotonin Dopamine GABA Endorphins Serotonin excitatory or inhibitory involved in mood sleep and sppetite Dopamine Excitatory or inhibitory involved in control of movement and sensations of pleasure GABA major inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in sleep and inhibits memory Endorphins inhibitory neural regulators involved in pain relief What are the roles of the hippocampus hypothalamus thalamus amygdyla and cerebellum Hippocampus curved structure located within each temporal lobe responsible for the formation of long term memories and the storage of memory for location of objects plays role in our learning memory and ability to compare sensory information to expectations Hypothalamus part of the forebrain that regulates the amount of fear thirst sexual drive and aggression we feel Thalamus part of the limbic system located in the center of the brain this structure relays sensory information from the lower part of the brain to the proper areas of the cortex and processes some sensory information before sending it to it s proper area Amygdyla brain structure located near the hippocampus responsible for fear responses and memory of fear Cerebellum part of the lower brain located behind the pons that controls and coordinates involuntary rapid fine motor movement What are the primary roles of each lobe of the brain temporal parietal occipital frontal Temporal Lobes areas of the cortex located just behind the temples containing the neurons responsible for the sense of hearing and meaningful speech Parietal Lobes sections of the brain located at the top and back of each cerebral hemisphere containing the centers for touch taste and temperature sensations Occipital Lobes section of the brain located at the rear and bottom of each cerebral hemisphere containing the visual centers of the brain Frontal Lobe areas of the cortex located in the front and top of the brain responsible for higher mental processes and decision making as well as the production of fluent speech What are Wernicke s area and Broca s area and what happens when they are damaged Wernickle left temporal lobe understanding the meaning of words aphasia condition resulting from damage casuing the affected person to be unable to understand or produce meaningful language Broca part of left frontal lobe that helps speak smoothly and fluently causing the affected person to be unable to speak fluently to mispronounce words and to speak haltingly CHAPTER 3 What are rods and cones and what role do they play in how we see in day vs at night How do they function differently with regard to adaptation Rods visual sensory receptors found at the back of the retina responsible for non color sensitivity to low levels of light night Cones visual sensory receptors found at the back of the retina responsible for color vision and sharpness of vision day What is habituation Sensory adaptation Habituation tendency of the brain to stop attending to constant unchanging information Sensory Adaptation tendency of sensory receptor cells

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