Organization Behavior Exam 3 Study Guide HRP Discussion Ground Rules o Confidentiality feedback should not include specific sources of feedback discussions should stay in the room o Candid and Open Discussion Interactive dialogue vs formal presentation providing feedback and involvement is everyone s responsibility o Differing Views Encouraged Other points Workforce utilization review a comparison of the proportion of employees in protected groups with the proportion that each group represents in the relevant labor market HRP is a very strategic process HRP directly addresses an organization s goals and objectives HRP provides info that is relevant for many other people related processes Content is pretty similar for HRP between organizations Good use of HRP differentiates excellent companies from average companies Employee Training and Development Training vs development in general terms Still working with others development is more on the job training and experiential Training consists of an organization s planned efforts to help employees acquire job related knowledge skills abilities and behaviors with the goal of applying these on the job Employee development the combination of formal education job experiences relationships and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers Development prepares employees for other jobs or positions in the organization and increases their ability to move into jobs that may not yet exist Training traditionally focuses on helping employees improve performance of their current jobs Transfer of training Transfer of training On the job use of knowledge skills and behaviors learned in training Issues related to transfer of training o Opportunity to use apply learnings and new skills o Climate supportiveness for transferring learning o Technological support o Manager supervisor support o Peer coworker support o Self management skills o Reinforcement compensation other rewards Different approaches to development e g formal programs people experiential development Formal Programs organizations may support employee development through formal education programs either at the workplace or off site These may include workshops designed specifically for the organization s employees short course offered by consultants or universities university programs offered to employees who live on campus during the program and executive MBA programs o Workshops training courses o Formal education such as college classes or executive education o 360 degree feedback or performance appraisals o Books articles manuals Assessment collecting information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior communication style or skills The most frequent uses of assessment are to identify employees with managerial potential to measure current mangers strengths and weaknesses o Meyers Briggs Type Indicator psychological test that identifies individuals preferences for source of energy means of information gathering way of decision making and lifestyle providing information for team building and leadership development o Assessment center an assessment process in which multiple raters or evaluators assessors evaluate employees performance on a number of exercises usually as they work in a group at on off site location The primary use of assessment centers is to identify whether employees have the personality characteristics administrative skills and interpersonal skills needed for managerial jobs Leaderless group discussion an assessment center exercise in which a team of five to seven employees is assigned a problem and must work together to solve it within a certain time period o Benchmarks a measurement tool that gathers ratings of a manager s use of skills associated with success in managing The items measured by benchmarks are based on research into the lessons that executives learn in critical events of their careers o Experiential development the combination of relationships problems demands tasks and other features of an employee s jobs Employees must learn new skills apply their skills and knowledge in new ways and master new experiences Experiential Development Interpersonal Relationships People o Model the behavior of those who excel in the need area o Interview role models to find out what they do tips etc o Ask role models to serve as informational mentors ask for feedback o Build relationships with customers Percentages of different development types in balanced development approaches 10 formal programs books etc 20 working with others 70 on the job experiential P AxMxO Developmental move Performance Ability x Motivation x Opportunity A move made by an organization either upward or downward that helps to develop and grow the company toward its goals Systems for career management employee development is most likely to meet the organization s needs if it is part of a human resource system Downward move Sabbatical Assignment of an employee to a position with less responsibility and authority Demoted because of poor performance Moves them to develop different skills Employees oftentimes have a hard time accepting these changes Sabbatical A leave of absence from an organization to renew or develop skills o Let employees get away from day to day stress to acquire skills o Often receive full pay and benefits o Sometimes allow for more personal time Changing requirements for success across organization levels Jobs can increase in complexity Development and training are growing in requirement for success across organization levels Assessment and different types of methods are necessary Broadnened approach of development will lead to greater success Characteristics of development experiences What makes an experience developmental o Success and failure being possible and apparent o Leadership qualities required o Involved working with new or a lot of people o Requires influencing people activities over which the person has no formal control o Involves a large variety of situations or tasks o Will be watched and assessed by important individuals o Intellectually challenging strategic elements o Has an important element missing o Serve on a task force or lead it o Take a new assignment or improve a process product Different types of experiential development o Job enlargement involves adding challenges or new responsibilities to employees current jobs Not only does it make jobs more interesting but also creates an
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