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Psych 2 13 15 Ch 10 continuation Basic Emotion Plutchik s model 8 primary emotions 1 Fear 2 Surprise 3 Sadness 4 Disgust 5 Anger 6 Anticipation 7 Joy 8 Trust Ekman and others Emotion research 6 basic emotion 1 Happy 2 Sad 3 Fear 4 Anger 5 Surprise 6 Disgust Physiological and Emotion Autonomic nervous system ANS System of nerves that connects the brain with the internal organs and glands Sympathetic branch gets things moving and activates body at times of stress gets you keyed up worry about exam prepare u to make reaction fight or flight 1 Faster heart rate 2 Slows digestion 3 Reduces blood flow to the skin Parasympathetic branch Calms you down and return back to normal Works slower 20 30 minutes 1 Quiet body 2 Conserve energy Amygdala associated with processing fear Both anger and fear More response to ambiguous then direct threat How do we experience emotions James Lange Theory 2 sep ideas same time didn t work together Stimulus dog 1st response ANS arousal shocked face 2nd Response Conscious fear I m afraid bc I m shaking Cannon Bard Theory worked together Stimulus dog 1st response Subcortical brain activity 2nd Response Conscious fear AND ANS arousal shocked face and fear Schachter Singer Theory Thought process Stimulus arousal labeling the fear experiencing bear far away Dutton and Aron Misattribution of arousal attraction after Misattribution of arousal scared Arousal from it Then meet the girl Must be cause of girl Review 1 What is motivation 2 What process do we go through to satisfy a need Need drive response goal 3 What are 3 types of motives Biological learned stimulus 3 How can motives change over time Maslows hierarchy of human needs Intrinsic and extrinsic 4 What is emotion 5 What are 2 views on how many basic or primary emotions there are How do these views describe basic primary emotions 6 3 theories how people experience emotion How does each theory explain our experience of emotions

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Basic Emotion

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