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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Chapter 1 part 1 Warmup Matching Wundt Titchener James Freud Pavlov Watson Wertheimer Skinner Maslow Rogers 4 psychoanalysis 9 humanistic 7 gestalt 3 functionalism 5 behaviorism reflex conditioning 1 objective introspection Father of Psychology 2 structuralism 8 behaviorism operant conditioning 6 behaviorism Little Albert Activity 1 Early Psychology Easy way to remember F P B G S Free Peanut Butter and Grape Sandwiches Functionalism Psychoanalysis Behaviorism Gestalt Structuralism Type Early Leader Main Focus Structuralism Wundt Titchener Study structure or basic elements of the mind Wundt Objective introspection examining ones own mental activity in a formal way Wundt Father of Psych founded 1st experimental lab Titchner Wundt s student expanded on his ideas termed the name structuralism Studied consciousness by trying to understand the most basic elements study of how mind functions influenced by Darwin James says the brain evolves and is adaptive brain changes are a flowing stream of consciousness Study the function of consciousness how the mind allows people to work play adapt to new circumstances Functionalism James SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychoanalysis Freud Emphasis on unconscious thought repression and childhood shaping early childhood development dream interpretation basis for modern psychotherapy Focused on the role of the unconscious Where unwanted urges and desires are pushed towards counterreaction to psychoanalysis focused on scientific study of observed behavior pavlov discovered reflexes can be conditioned learned Food saliva natural response After pairing buzzer food get buzzer saliva Technique is called classical conditioning focus on involuntary behavior Freud said phobias are the result of unconscious conflicts so Watson set out to prove him wrong watson little albert tried to create a phobia using the classical conditioning technique discovered by Pavlov made albert afraid of rats by playing a loud noise focus on perception seeing a whole instead of parts how we experience the world Behaviorism Pavlov Watson Gestalt Wertheimer SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychodynamic Unconscious mind Early childhood shaping adult behavior Psychoanalysis Unconscious mind Early childhood shaping adult behavior Development of a sense of self social and interpersonal relationships Sex sexual motivations Freud SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 2 Psychology Now Type Main Focus Cognitive perspective Evolved from Gestalt focus on memory intelligence problem solving How people think remember and store information Language problem solving intelligence decision making Cognitive neuroscience brain and cognitive processing Humanistic perspective Self understanding self actualization and free will Emphasized conscious and immediate experiences and self actualization empowerment of the individual to become the best he she can be free will to choose and shape destiny client centered therapy focus on changing image of oneself Mental processes can be explained by the interaction of Biopsychosocial perspective biological social and psychological factors SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Behavioral perspective Sociocultural perspective Psychodynamic perspective BF skinner expanded upon watson s work operant conditioning deals with voluntary behavior ie manipulating voluntary behavior by changing the consequences how reinforcement affects behavior Combines social psychology study of groups relationships and social influences on behavior social roles and rules of social actions and relationships and cultural psychology study of cultural norms standards of behavior and cultural values Cross cultural studies modern version of psychoanalysis less focus on sexual motivation freud more focus on sense of self and discovery of motivations behind behavior also on social and interpersonal behaviors Attachment theory type of bond formed between caregiver and an infant Evolutionary perspective focus on biology evolution of behavior Grew in part out of functionalism Argues that human behavior is a result of psychological adaptations that help people successfully function and survive Psychodynamic Unconscious mind Early childhood shaping adult behavior Psychoanalysis Unconscious mind Early childhood shaping adult behavior Development of a sense of self social and interpersonal relationships Sex sexual motivations Freud SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 3 Psychiatrist vs Psychologist Psychologist Psychiatrist PhD but NO medical training Medical degree M D Specializes in one or more subfields of psychology Clinical counseling school developmental cognitive social biological personality health industrial organizational Some do basic research how alzheimers experience emotion Some do applied knowing about emotional responses of Alzheimers to improve life Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders Clinical is the largest subfield of psychology Work in universities mostly Self employed other schools Can prescribe medications Therapies intervention Psychotherapy not allowed to prescribe meds except in a few states Pharmacotherapy drugs as treatment Activity 4 Scientific Method The 4 goals of Psychology are 1 Describe 2 Explain 3 Predict 4 Control Using these 4 goals we ll match them the scientific method SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM 1 Perceiving Describe the question description 2 Form a hypothesis describe and explain 3 Test the hypothesis explain 4 Draw come to a

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Exam 1: Chapter 1

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