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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam Chapter part Warmup 1 Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by A difficulty falling or remaining asleep B episodes of unexplained cataplexy during the day C difficulty breathing while asleep D experiencing temporary paralysis immediately after waking up from sleep 2 The activation information mode model AIM suggests A events that occur during waking hours may influence dreams B nothing influences dreams C dreams are a neurological side effect of indigestion D dreams have more latent content than once thought 3 Mary is having insomnia Which advice would you give to help her deal with it A Take sleeping pills B Have a cup of hot tea before going to bed C Study in bed and then go immediately to sleep D Don t do anything but sleep in your bed Activity 1 Decide whether the person in question would be a good candidate for hypnosis if hypnosis would cause the situation to happen A Hana gets a lot of anxiety when she goes on long car rides YES B Lindsey wants to develop a photographic memory so she s hoping hypnosis will help her NO C Andrew is petrified at the sight of needles and is looking for a way to calm himself down before reciving several vaccinations YES D Christian is hoping to find out who he was in his previous life NO E Charles has bad reactions to local anesthetic so he wants to try hypnosis to control his pain during a tooth removal procedure YES Activity 2 Come up with a secnario to support each theory of hypnosis Theory What the theory is all about Real life example of the theory 1 Hypnosis as Dissociation subject has a split awareness Stream that communicates w hypnotist and external world other is the hidden observer what can happen when you drive someplace familiar Ice water experiment press a button if feel pain SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM 2 Social cognitive theory of Hypnosis Initially responsive but if told hypnosis reveals how gullible you are assumes that people who are hypnotized are not in an altered state but are merely playing the role expected of them in the situation Does NOT mean people are faking it Activity 3 Discussion Explain the difference between physical dependence and psychological dependence Physical Dependence VS Psychological Dependence person s body becomes unable to function normally without a particular drug Drug Tolerance A person finds they need larger and larger doses of the drug to feel the same effect that they received the first time they used Withdrawal Symptoms begin to occur when lack of the drug is present Body is adjusting to the absence of the drug Belief that a drug is needed to continue a feeling of emotional or psychological well being Ex Marijuana create powerful psychological dependence Some users can have motivational problems Heavy users can have significant withdrawal symptoms Aggression Activity 4 Drug Scenarios See last page 1 Which drug depending on the dosage can be a hallucinogen stimulant depressant or painkiller Closing A marijuana B opium C PCP D Caffeine SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM 2 Lacy agreed to be hypnotized during an improv performance While she was being hypnotized she got on all fours and started viciously barking at the class After she explained to her professor that she didn t know why she acted like that and attributed it to her being hypnotized What theory explains this A The hidden observer theory of Hypnosis B The social cognitive explanation of hypnosis C The biological theory of hypnosis D The behavioral theory of hypnosis 3 Cathy has just taken a drug that has caused her heart rate and breathing to slow down considerably Most likely Cathy has taken 4 Bill is taken to the emergency room of the hospital after he reports hearing dogs screaming and seeing fire shooting across his shirt and pants Assuming his condition is due to a drug overdose what type od drug did bill most likely consume A an amphetamine B a barbiturate C LSD D MDMA A A depressant B A barbiturate C a narcotic D a hallucinogen Questions Methamphetamine Crystal meth This drug has been dubbed as the world s most dangerous drug It is a stimulant that is synthesized It tricks the brain into thinking that extra dopamine has been released causing a rush of euphoria It leads to insomnia mood disturbances delusions and eventually causes the brain to shut down Cocaine This naturally occurring stimulant found in plant leaves is known for producing feelings of euphoria pleasure energy and power It also suppresses the appetite like most stimulants It is highly addictive and can cause seizures and sometimes even death among first time users Over time excessive use leads to paranoia vascular problems and more of a psychological withdrawal such as nervousness tiredness and an inability to feel pleasure SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Barbiturates As a depressant it s key properties include decreasing activity in the CNS slowing down bodily functions and making the body less sensitive to outside stimulation This drug has a very strong depressant affect They have been used in the past as sleeping pills however this drug is super easy to overdose on Overdoses of this drug are easily occurring and cause the heart to stop beating and respiratory failure leading to death Nictotine In terms of addictive power this drug is more powerful than heroine or alcohol This is because consuming this drug triggers the release of adrenaline and increases levels of dopamine in the brain s reward center While it does raise blood pressure and increase heart rate it has a relaxing effect on most people Morphine Opium is a more pure form of this drug while heroin is a derivative of this drug Since it is a narcotic it suppresses pain by binding to the brain s endorphin receptor sites endorphins deaden pain It also makes users more calm than usual but because it depresses the nervous system mixing this type of drug with other depressants lead to often lethal

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