SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 2 Chapter 6 part 1 Warmup Jonathan got into a fight at school As a result his parents took away his TV privileges This is an example of A Punishment by Application B Negative Reinforcement C Punishment by Removal D Positive Reinforcement Allison makes the Dean s list and her parents buy her the new iPhone 6 as a result This is an example of A Punishment by Application B Negative Reinforcement C Punishment by Removal D Positive Reinforcement Mrs Lakey s 3rd grade class plays a prank on her As a result she makes them all stay in during recess This is an example of A Punishment by Application B Negative Reinforcement C Punishment by Removal D Positive Reinforcement Justin has a horrible cough He takes some cough medicine and the cough goes away This is an example of A Punishment by Application B Negative Reinforcement C Punishment by Removal D Positive Reinforcement Activity 1 Memory works via 3 mechanisms Encoding Storage Retrieval Putting it in transforming info into a form that can be stored in memory keeping it in holding onto information for some period of time getting it out info in storage into a form that can be used EncodingStorage Retrieval SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Here are some theories related to learning Informatio n Processing Model Focuses on how memory works 3 components Memory Levels of Processing Model Focsues on DEPTH THAT INFO IS PROCESSED HOW IT IMPACTS STRENGTH OF PARALLEL CONNECTIONS Deeper processing associated with memory STRENGTH and DURATION Parallel Distribute d Processing Model Connections and TIMING of memory processing across MULTIPLE NEURAL NETWORKS Sensory Memory Short Term and Working Memory Long Term Memory Activity 2 Today is all about the Information Processing Model Encoding input to sensory systems Storage second for visual system 2 sec for auditory Retrieval info to STM Encoding sensory info to STM Storage maintenance and elaborative rehearsal Retrieval recognition or recall or to LTM Encoding STM to LTM Storage by level of processing Retrieval recall or recognition info to STM SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Information processing Model component 1 Sensory Memory Sensory Memory Iconic aka VISUAL Echoic auditory Sperling s Procedure Duration 1 SECOND Duration 4 SECONDS SPERLING S PROCEDURE Showed people an array of letters very fast Cued to remember a certain row AFTER seeing the letters partial report People could remember almost the whole row This showed that people could remember more than they could report Information processing Model component 2 Short Term Memory STM Short Term Memory The thing or place into which information is put Short Term Memory VS Working Memory Working Memory active system that processes or manipulates the information in STM Comprised of three interconnected systems a central executive b visual sketchpad and c auditory recorder Short Term MemoryThe thing or place into which information is put Working Memoryactive system that processes or manipulates the information in STMComprised of three interconnected systems a central executive b visual sketchpad and c auditory recorder SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM STM STORAG 12 30 SECONDS W O REHERSAL With maintenance rehearsal content can be held or stored in STM o Information loss occurs when a rehearsal stops or b amount of information to be held exceeds capacity of STM Information processing Model component 3 Long Term Memory LTM Long Term Memories Procedural IMPLICIT Declarative EXPLICIT MEMORY Procedural Memory MOTOR SKILLS HABITS CLASSICALLY CONDITIONED REFLEXES Example Knowing how to serve a volley ball Used for Episodic EVENTS EXPEREINCED BY A PERSON Semantic FACTS GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Example Example Used for Used for FACTS GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Memory Retrieval in LTM Two ways we remember things 1 Recall PULLING SOMETHING FROM MEMORY 2 Recognition A Is when you re able to match a piece of info stimulus to a stored image or fact B Can be tested by way of multiple choice tests C Can generate false positives D All of the above Ways we can help retrieve this information If you are in a bad mood when you studied you are more likely to perform better on that test if you are in a bad mood TRUE or FALSE SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Describes State Dependent Learning If possible you should study in the same room as you take your exam TRUE Describes Encoding Specificity Principle The head of a company does a series of 50 job interviews to find a new employee Psychology research has shown that he is more likely to remember the first few applicants he sees and the last few applicants This is an example of PRIMACY EFFECT Your teacher gives a lecture followed by a pop quiz The fact that you are able to best remember what you learned about last is Recency Effect Review Which type of memory usually lasts only about a second or two A Short term memory B Working memory C Sensory memory D Flashbulb memory Your friend asks you a question and just as you say What you realize what the person said Which part of your memory was maintaining your friend s words A iconic sensory memory B echoic sensory memory C short term memory D long term memory As a young child you spent hours on your skateboard After several years of not skating you jump on your board as if you never missed a day The long term memory of how to skate is an example of what type of memory A explicit B episodic C semantic D procedural
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