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Objectives Chapter 1 Psychology Test One 1 Why does your book say textbooks are not meatloaf on pg 8 What techniques are suggested for reading textbooks a The textbook must be chewed with the mind It is filling everything is important b Don t read like a novel c SQ3R method i Survey ii Question iii Read iv Recite v Recall Review vi Reflect 2 Why is cramming not a good technique especially if your goal is to remember the information beyond the next exam a No time for encoding or retrieval The Science of Psychology 1 Who founded the first Psychology laboratory and when was it HINT it was in Germany What else was he known for a Wilhelm Wundt the father of psychology focused on consciousness b 1879 2 Identify the following and the on or two main names if applicable a Structuralists b Functionalists i Examines structure of the mind and organization of basic elements of sensations feelings and images ii Titchener Introspection examining one s own consciousness i Mental associations allow us to benefit from previous experience ii William James American Psychologist wanted to understand i Objects are well organized structures whole objects instead of why influenced by Darwin c Gestalt Psychology separate isolated parts ii Max Wertheimer d Behaviorism i Study of observable behavior grew out of frustration with structuralism functionalism and psychoanalysis ii John Watson iii B F Skinner iv Pavlov s dog conditioning behavior is learned e Psychoanalysis i How thoughts and feelings affect behavior ii Sigmund Freud iii Feelings comes from a hidden place in mind called unconscious iv Defense mechanisms help us to protect ourselves from real i Assumes that people have positive values free will and deep feelings denial f Humanistic Psychology inner creativity ii Reaction against pessimism of Freud iii Carl Rogers iv Abraham Maslow v Self actualization g Cognitive Psychology i Study of mental processes which attempts to characterize how information is stored and operated on internally 3 Your book also discusses some additional perspectives of Psychology How does an evolutionary perspective differ from a biopsychological perspective a Evolutionary Perspective i Focuses on biological bases for universal mental characteristics that all humans share ii Seeks to explain general mental strategies and traits ex why we lie or why people universally like music and dancing or why fear of snakes is so common iii Natural selection Darwin human beings adapted to solve problems of being hunters and gatherers iv Adaptive behavior bitter poisonous plant pass on genetically i The study of biological bases of behavior and mental processes ii Part of field of neuroscience study of the physical structure function and development of the nervous system iii Human and animal behavior is seen as a direct result of events in the body b Biopsychological Perspective iv Hormones heredity brain chemicals tumors and diseases are some biological causes of behavior and mental events c Biological chemical factors vs adaptive traits 4 We discussed some careers in Psychology What are some differences between a clinical and a counseling psychologist A psychiatrist and a psychologist a Clinical vs Counseling psychologist i Clinical psychologist works in a clinic or hospital may do more ii Counseling psychologist works in industrial or educational setting basic research more applied research b Psychiatrist vs Psychologist i Psychiatrist medical doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders can prescribe medication ii Psychologist has a doctorate degree and works with either humans or animals in a variety of settings based on the area of specialization must be licensed to practice independently typically does not prescribe medications but can go through specialized training to do so in a few states 5 Why is psychology considered a science a It uses the scientific method to attempt to describe predict and explain thought and behavior 6 Know the difference between a DV and IV Can you give an example of a design that would contain each of these a Dependent Variable changes as a result of change in IV dependent on IV b c Cell phone in cars Independent Variable intentionally varied by experimenter IV use or lack of cell phone i ii DV driving ability 7 Know the basics of the experimental designs we discussed a Survey b Case study i Collect data from people using questionnaires or interviews sample must be representative i Observe one or a very few subjects in great depth usually over a long period of time c Correlational study i Measure of two variables go into a mathematical formula and produce a correlation coefficient which represents 1 the direction of the relationship and 2 the strength of the relationship i Used to study pre existing conditions when random assignment of d Quasi experiment subjects cannot be used e True experiment i Involves random assignment and controlled manipulation 8 What is the correlational technique and what does it tell researchers about relationships don t forget third variables and directionality Can you give an example of a positive and a negative correlation a See correlational study above b Directionality if A and B are correlated A might cause B B might cause A or they may influence each other c Third Variables rather than A causing B or B causing A third variable C causes A and B d Correlation is not Causation e Positive correlation up from left to right f Negative correlation down from left to right 9 What are the basic principles of critical thinking How can critical thinking be useful in everyday life a Critical thinking the ability to make reasoned judgments b Four basic criteria i There are few concepts that do not need to be tested ii Evidence can vary in quality iii Claims by experts and authorities do not automatically make something true iv Keeping an open mind is important Objectives Chapter 2 The Biological Perspective 1 Explain what a neuron is and be able to identify and describe the various structures that comprise a neuron a Neuron the basic unit in the brain 10 specialized cell in the nervous system that sends and receives messages within the system i Dendrites bushy branching fibers receives incoming messages conducts impulses toward cell body ii Cell body soma iii Myelin speeds neurotransmission insulates neurons makes neurotransmission more efficient a fatty substance that forms a protective coating around the axon of a neuron iv Axon single extended

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Psychology Test One

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