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SYO3100 2 nd Exam Study Guide SYO3100 Dr Tillman The following are topics from the readings and class lectures that may be covered on the exam You should be able to find information on all of these topics by going over your class notes and the reading questions posted on Blackboard the following terms discuss and or define Be able to Sociology the systematic study of human society and social interaction Sociological Perspective stresses the social contexts in which people live and examines how these contexts influence their lives At the center of the sociological perspective is the question of how people are influenced by their society Social Institution a social unit of importance to society that has established roles and rules and fulfills needed functions o Ex The family economy religion the political system the educational system etc Family Census Definition a group of two people and or more related by birth marriage or adoption AND residing together Household Census Definition all the people who occupy a housing unit house apartment or other group of rooms intended as separate living quarters This definition of households excludes group quarters such as dorms and military barracks Public Family composed of one adult or two adults who are related by marriage partnership or shared parenthood AND who is are taking care of dependents as well as the dependents themselves o This is about taking care of those who can t fend for themselves alone e g children elderly sick Private Family composed of two or more individuals who maintain an intimate relationship that they expect will last indefinitely or in the case of a parent and child until the child reaches adulthood AND who generally live in the same household and pool their incomes and or household labor o This is about sharing intimacy not necessarily sexual in nature and the tasks o Any given collection of people could meet neither one or both public and Sex the biological characteristics that distinguish men and women of living on a daily basis private families o Male female intersex society o Man woman gender queer Gender the social and cultural characteristics that distinguish women and men in a SYO3100 Dr Tillman Socialization the processes by which we learn the ways of a given society or social group so as to adequately participate in it Bio Social Approach the theory that gender identification and behavior are based in part on people s innate biological differences Socialization Approach the theory that gender identification and behavior are based on children s learning that they will be rewarded for the set of behaviors considered appropriate to their sex but not for those appropriate to the other sex Interactionist Approach the theory that gender identification and behavior are based on the day to day behavior that reinforces gender distinctions Gatekeeping the person that stands between you and something you want to do mothers and housework TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families is the temporary assistance for needy families and it is the only straight out cash assistance program for poor families SNAP Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program gives low income families in poverty money to spend on food About 100 per person in the family WIC Women Infants and Children program a federally funded nutrition program for Women Infants and Children Provides healthy foods nutrition education and counseling breastfeeding support and referrals for health care and community services at no cost Concerted Cultivation vs Accomplishment of Natural Growth a style of parenting that is marked by a parent s attempt to foster their child s talents by incorporating organized activities in their children s lives vs children who have more unstructured time and therefore create their own activities to occupy themselves Fictive Kin individuals that are unrelated by either birth or marriage who have an emotionally significant relationship with another individual that would take on the characteristics of a family relationship Hispanic a person living in the United States who traces his or her ancestry to Latin America refers to geography Latino refers more exclusively to persons or communities of Latin American origin Asian relating to Asia or its people customs or languages Immigration Act of 1965 aka Hart Celler Act abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting skilled labor to the United States Immigrants came increasingly from Asia Africa and Latin America as opposed to Europe Consensual Union a cohabiting relationship in which a couple consider themselves to be married but have never had a religious or civil marriage ceremony Immigrant Enclave a large dense single ethnic group almost self sufficient community Assimilation the process by which immigrant groups merge their culture and their behavior with that of the dominant group in the host country SYO3100 Dr Tillman Transnational Families Social Capital the resources that a person can access through his or her relationships with other people Understand and be able to the following topics explain discuss Sex vs Gender define these terms know the differences between them Sex is the biological characteristics that distinguish men and women Gender is the social and cultural characteristics that distinguish women and men in a society The difference is sex is the biological characteristics that distinguish women and men sex chromosomes reproductive organs sex specific hormones and physical characteristics While gender is constructed by society it usually includes the different clothing worn by men and women or the expectation that boys shouldn t cry when their hurt Gender is said to be a social creation sex is a biological creation Possible determinants of gender hormonal influences biosocial approach social influences Hormonal influences during the second trimester of gestation the testes in soon to be boys produce male sex hormones called androgens In the absence of high levels of androgens the genitals develop into the female form After a few months the level of male sex hormones determines the developing child s genital sex Some of the gender differences we recognize in women and men can be influenced by differences in prenatal hormone levels Biosocial approach There is three qualifications to believing biology influences do affect gendered behavior 1 Biologically based

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