Theoretical Models A multitude of definitions 11 06 2013 any theory presented with some degree of mathematical exactness and logical rigor synonym w theory something that represents presents a conceptual analogue to some subject matter common in social science theoretical and simplified representation of the world an isomorphic construction of reality of anticipated reality isomorphic 1 to 1 consciously specified description in graphic form of a piece of reality to show the main elements of any structure or process and the relationships between these elements etc Synthesizing definitions Agreement o A model refers to an object or process system or structure o It is a simplified or scaled down representation A model represents a portion of reality either an object or process in such a way as to highlight what are considered to be key elements or parts of the object or process and the connections among them How is that different from theory Theory a set of systematically related generalizations suggesting new observations for empirical testing o Purpose of theory is to explain and predict Uses of models Organize data Making predictions by suggesting relationships Help make measurements by suggesting how to design tests Types of Models Physical vs conceptual Structural vs functional Within conceptual functional models 11 06 2013 Action communication is something that one person does to another conduit injection hypodermic needle transmission linear Interaction adds the possibility of feedback loops communication is an exchange of messages Transaction considers sending encoding and receiving decoding to be simultaneous processes Ritual consuming some kinds of media is an end in itself Publicity some kinds of media are created simply to catch and hold people s attention Reception examining media from the perspective of the audience Deriving theoretical statements from models Models theoretical statements o Adding variables as more variables enter your theory the number of possible relationships between variables vastly increases o Models can help eliminate possible statements o When establishing time order consider feedback processes causality does not necessarily flow in only one direction Criticisms of models o By simplifying processes objects actions are devalued o Status quo bias concentration on what is observable and o Designed to work on average for what is normal routine o Theorists love their models o Distract from finding causal agents and making empirical salient predictions Publishing Theory Find the right outlet Compile a list of journals 11 06 2013 Considerations o Iowa Guide o Internet search o Where have similar topics articles been published o Review time and publication lag o Formatting and length requirements o Prestige o Is the editor trying to change the focus of the journal Send it to the editor Adhere to the journal s policies and procedures Send a cover letter including o Contact information o Prior presentation and publication of same theory data o Funding source if applicable o anything that you would not want the editor to be surprised to learn Author checklist Title Page Abstract Text o Full title on first page only o Title author names address affiliation email phone Literature Reviews Preface empirical work 11 06 2013 Preface new theory Synthesize body of literature book chapter entire book long article encyclopedia entry etc Planning Organizing concepts o lay bare important divisions findings across studies o even simple classification schemes bear upon hypotheses of a sort Meaning analysis Empirical analysis o Can be implied or formally stated in introduction o Knowing defining terms in communication and related fields o Which studies to include exclude o Process of refining definition operational rather than theoretical Operational contingencies o Identify variables that were nonvariables in each individual study e g time place population method Synthesizing Organized into intro body conclusion Body should have major sections How you organize your synthesis is probably the major factor determining whether your final product is a success or failure Methods of organization Independent variable categories inputs o Often tempting to list categories by time media newspaper TV etc or social media Facebook Twitter LinkedIn etc o Better is to categorize by function social media connecting with close others broadcasting to a wide audience professional networking Dependent variable categories effects Structural model e g Lasswell s model of mass communication Process model e g Rogers diffusion of innovations Alternative empirical assumptions e g Miller s 1978 synthesis of IP o Who o Says what o To Whom o In what channel o With what effect comm o Situational approach o Developmental approach o Law governed approach o Rule governed approach pornography o Feminist view o Conservative view o Liberal view Study Contrasting normative views e g Liz Malamuth s work on Relating two bodies of research e g National Television violence o Content analysis showing prevalence of violence o Experimental studies of effects of violence Caution do not overgeneralize Limited effects sample Important to think about o Strength of findings o Research setting assumptions Writing terms Define terms especially novel ones Focus on research conclusions Know your audience and tailor your language and content accordingly fields theory o Academic nonspecialists students researchers from related o Researchers what should be studied next in order to advance o Practitioners what the findings mean for the practice of communication or how they might be applied in specific instances 11 06 2013 Evaluating Theory Testability falsifiability Parsimony Explanatory power Predictive power Scope Cumulative nature of research and theory Degree of formal development Heuristic value Aesthetics Strong Inference Approach Platt 1964 explaining rapid progress in other sciences e g molecular biology compared to social sciences Multiple hypotheses tested rigorously so that some can be excluded and others moved forward Constraints on theory building Availability of funds Measurement constraints Scope precision tradeoff Norms of statistical models explaining variance Mass Communication Paradigm Crisis 11 06 2013 Paradigm s Utility According to Kuhn 1996 a paradigm provides a scientist with o An understanding of the fundamental nature of the thing s he is studying assumptions o Novel particular or specific ways of
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