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Public Relations Final Chapter 1What is Public Realtions and pass it to management Two way communication Solicits feedback PR practitioners must get feedback R A C E Research what is the situation action plan to do something about it of planning communication execution of the plan evaluation was the audience reached and what was the effect Spin Originally positive today positive slant on an event or information with a point of view or lying spin doctor Third party endorsement By using PR articles newspapers endorse PR as a management function Practitioner should in highest decision making part of management PR defined The management communication function that evaluates public attitudes identifies policies and decisions of an individual or an organization with the public interest and executes a program of action to earn public understanding o Key words in defining PR Deliberate planned performance public interest two way communication management function Chapter 2 Evolution of PR Pharaoh s accomplishments Rosetta Stone Helped us understand hieroglyphics it was a publicity releases of Edward Bernays The Father of modern PR Used behavioral psychology and social science research to change perceptions and behaviors o Ivory Soap soap sculpture contest ran for 35 years o Influence Golden Jubilee of Light worldwide 50th anniversary of light bulb s invention 1929 Torches of Liberty models publicly marched in NY Easter Parade waving a lit cigarette Ivy Lee Opened one of the first publicity offices with George Parker in 1905 first PR counsel declaration of principles truth and accuracy rather than press agentry Promoted businesses practicing public service and insisted on active support of top management o Contributions Business and industry should align themselves with public interest deal with top execs and have active support of management open two way communication with the news media brought PR down to a community level APR A way to recognize practitioners who have mastered the knowledge skills and abilities needed to develop and deliver strategic communications Chapter 3Ethics VNRs Video News Release a video segment created by public relations firms corporations lobbying groups or government agencies to present a client s message through news broadcasting It is typically a 90 second video which includes extra bits of audio and video to mimic the tone and visual characteristics of a news story It is the TV version of the press release Accreditation Requires 5 years experience Bachelor s degree pass test and movement to require continuing education Gifts to journalists PR practitioners should not provide junkets of doubtful news value extravagant parties expensive gifts and personal favors to the media P R S A Public Relations Society of America 20 000 members 116 national chapters fairness o Responsibilities of members media relations writer editor marketing communications corporate communications o Code of ethics Advocacy honesty expertise independence loyalty Absolutist An ethics theory do what is right though the world should perish Ethics defined How we should live our lives it focuses on question of what is wrong or right fair or unfair caring or uncaring good or bad responsible or irresponsible and the like Chapter 4PR Organizations Line and staff functions Traditional PR management a military type structure line manager sets the rules and everyone under follows the rules Lines produce revenue o 1 Line authority Has the power to give orders to subordinates o Line managers Responsible for attaining the organization s goals as efficiently as possible Possible friction of PR Disadvantages of using superficial grasp of a client s problems lack of full time commitment need for a long briefing period resentment by internal staff need for strong direction by top management need for full information and confidence costs Levels of influence Advisory Line management has no obligation to take recommendations or request them Compulsory Advisory Line management at least listens to the experts before deciding on a strategy Concurring Authority PR reviews and approves all materials and communications with external audiences Outsourcing Using outside PR personnel in communication activities firms o Brings in expertise and resources not found inside and supplements ongoing internal activity George Westinghouse In 1889 hired two men to publicize pet project alternating current electricity AC Chapter 5Research Importance of research To achieve credibility with management to define targets to find the right strategy to test messages helps management stay in touch prevent crisis monitor competition sway public opinion generate Secondary research Important to dig through secondary sources such as company publicity measure success records PR files web sites etc Quantitative and qualitative Descriptive information collected from something like an interview vs numeric information collected from something like random sampling or categorizing Content analysis Type of primary research systematic and objective counting Focus groups Type of primary research 8 12 people sessions to identify attitudes and motives People who represent characteristics of the target audience Trained moderator or facilitator encourages talk can sometimes take place online Interviews Type of primary research intercept interview or convenience poll conducting short interviews in malls Random sampling Everyone in targeted audience has equal or known chance of being selected also called probability sample Research defined The controlled objective and systematic gathering of information for the purpose of describing and understanding Chapter 6 Planning MBO Management by Objectives establishes criteria objectives to measure campaign results against objectives Elements of planning and how they relate Situation objectives audience strategy tactics calendar budget evaluation Audiences PR programs should be directed toward specific and defined audiences or publics done through market research Planning strategy Describes how and why campaign components will achieve objectives provides guidelines and key message themes for the program and offers a rationale for the action and program components Planning tactics Everything that makes up the plan describes specific activities that put each strategy into operation and help to achieve stated objectives Strategic planning Deciding where you want to be in the future the goal and how to get there

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