EXAM 3 STUDY GUIDE Chapter 7 Characteristics of the 1st question on a survey interesting easy to answer Survey modes o Self administered mail Advantages Disadvantages anonymity avoid interviewer bias advance cash incentive No interviewer to clarify questions intended individuals may not respond reading vocab problems length of survey can t be too long o Tailor Design Method 5 contact attempts pre notice post card questionnaire reminder post car replacement questionnaire special final contact o Telephone surveys Advantages Quick cheap efficient good response rates interviewer can clarify questions presence of supervisors can control order of questions CATI TACASI CATI Can t be too long poor contact rates lower anonymity potential Computer Assisted Telephone Interview Telephone Audio Computer Assisted Interview TACASI both provide a greater sense of privacy interviewer bias hang ups random digit dialing Disadvantages o Face to Face Advantages Highest response rates longer questionnaires nonverbal communication complex questions probing Disadvantages Hardest to obtain sensitive data most expensive interviewer bias less likely to get sensitive info training of interviewers Computer Assisted Self Interviewing Audio Computer Assisted Self Interviewing ACASI increase response rates to sensitive questions using face to face survey designs CASI ACASI CASI o Computer Email Internet Advantages o Best to obtain sensitive data inexpensive impersonal fast results video audio aids Disadvantages o Non coverage of population probability sampling impossible poor response rates unstandardized presentation of questions makes them feel better Prestige Bias Guidelines for constructing questions on a survey tendency of a respondent to answer a question in a way that Rich detailed info allows respondent to freely answer w o o Open ended questions Advantages limiting their responses Disadvantages o Closed ended questions o Questions construction Difficulty in coding response respondents skip these questions certain way Easily coded makes data analysis easier uniformity of responses Advantages Disadvantage may leave out important answers Avoid jargon slang abbreviations use about an 8th grade vocab level Avoid ambiguity confusion vagueness by not using indefinite words Avoid emotional language that may bias respondent to answer in a Avoid prestige bias Avoid double barreled questions by making them only about one topic Avoid leading questions that may lead a respondent to choose one Avoid asking questions that are beyond the respondent s capabilities Avoid false remises Avoid negative items questions Avoid unbalanced response categories Keep questions short clear easy to understand Don t fit too much one page illusion of a short questionnaire increases Use contingency matrix questions response over another due to wording completion rates Response Rates o Adequate 50 o Good 60 o Very good 70 Modern ethnography Chapter 8 o Subject s POV o Moving from observation to meanings o Study of common sense knowledge o Content is important Commonalities among qualitative methods Social meaning can be altered Same behavior different meanings Qualitative paradigms o Grounded Theory theory evolves through observation o Naturalism descriptive o Ethnomethodology interpretations Start w general research question open to change social reality is out there we just have to go find it mostly reality is socially constructed we must make sense of 4 research strategies of qualitative research o Case Studies Smaller of cases Wide range of info Overwhelming amount of data Look for patterns in lives actions words etc observation of interaction over years o Field Studies o Ethnography o Case histories Conducted in the field organization community school more involved field study cultural immersion can occur Reconstruction of past events how why did it occur Sources of data Archived documents personal accounts interviews 5 dimensions of observation o Role of observer Full participants Participants as observer Observer as participant Complete observer Overt observation Gate keepers Covert observation o Portrayal of role overt participation some participants know no one knows o Portrayal of Purpose Full partial no or false explanation o Focus of observation narrow expanded broad Gaining access to specific subgroups Sponsors formal organizations informants used for criminal o Recording observations directly related to operationalization of key subgroups introduce you to population of interest variables Cameras field notes structural observation Validity concerns with qualitative research native o Social desirability loss of trust emotional involvement halo effect going o Credibility are findings believable o Dependability issue of replication Different types of agency records o Published stats Chapter 9 Published by census bureau FBI Bureau of Justice Stats Focus on aggregates temporal changes in crime Advantages readily available Disadvantages validity issue o Non public agency records Much more detailed info EX juvenile court records o New data collected by staff Hybrid data that CJ staff collected for specific research purposes Advantages costs less more control Disadvantages need CJ agencies to cooperate Content analysis their meaning systematic study of messages any form of communication o Manifest content o latent content o Social production of data agency data not designed for research CJ Reliability and validity issues with secondary data underlying meaning obvious visible agencies interested in tracking people not patterns error increases w volume o Best protection against issues understand data collection methods used by CJ agencies Secondary data analysis data collected by other researchers o Advantages cheap quick o Disadvantages validity issues data may not be appropriate for research questions
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