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PR3000 Discussion Board Questions Post 1 2 1 Public Relations goals are to advocate work internally promote an image and make their subject group as small as possible PR is also free and uncontrolled opposed to advertising where you have to pay for your information Compared to PR Journalism is more objective and tries to reach everyone advertising is controlled and costly and mass media operates externally 2 Four important contributions Ivy Lee made to Public Relations are the creation declaration of principles the creation on the first PR counsel as well as deciding the importance of maintaining an open communication with media he would not participate in one way journalism and he also insisted on active support of top management 2b The four models of PR practice that James Grunig outline are Press Agency Publicity persuasion and manipulation to influence audience Public Information Model uses press release and one way communication to distribute organizational info One Way asymmetrical does not use research Two Way Asymmetrical uses communication to negotiate with public resolve conflict and promote respect between organization and public Post 3 3 What ethical rules apply to Internet public relations and participation in social networking sites Ethics guidelines online are identify the source of material identify your connection to any employer or client disclose any client or employer affiliations do not offer gifts for favorable reviews identify owners of blogs Facebook pages and Twitter accounts respect copyrights trademarks and fair use guidelines respect your audience add value 3 What is the accreditation process in public relations What is involved The accreditation process strives to improve standards and professionalism in public relations Accreditation is a voluntary process of certification by a professional organization showing competent and qualified professionals The process for PRSSA involves a preview course a readiness questionnaire a portfolio of work reviewed by a panel of professional peers and a written exam 4a In what ways do the structure and culture of an organization affect the role and influence of the public relations department Large complex organizations have a greater tendency than do smaller firms to include public relations in the policy making process Larger companies place more emphasis on news conferences formal media contact writing executive speeches and counseling management about issues that affect the company bottom line 4b What are the pros and cons of using a public relations firm Advantages include objectivity variety of skills and expertise extensive resources offices throughout the country special problem solving skills and credibility disadvantages superficial grasp of problems no full time commitment need for more briefing internal resentment need top management direction full information and confidence needs and costs Post 4 5a A more concise definition of a focus group is A focus group is a gathering of considered primary qualitative data using 12 15 people in discussion 5b Before formulating a research design one should ask these questions What is the problem What kind of information is needed How will the results of the research be used What specific public or publics should be used Should the organization do research in house or hire an outside consultant How will the research data be analyzed reported or applied How soon will the results ne needed How much will the research cost 6a In an informational objective many public relations plans are designed primarily to expose audiences to information through key message points and to increase awareness of an issue an event or a product On the other hand a motivational objective is much easier to measure then informational objectives Motivational objective is bottom lined oriented and based on clearly measurable results that can be quantified 6b The difference between a strategy and tactic is overall what they describe A strategy describes how and why campaign components will achieve objective as well as provides guidelines and key message themes for overall program and offer a rationale for the actions and program components that are planned Tactics are the nuts and bolts part of the plan They describe the specific activities that put each strategy into operation and help to achieve the stated objectives Post 5 7a There are a few reasons as to why building repetition into a message is crucial Repetition helps reach both passive and active audiences effectively and assists in the accommodating audience needs Repetition is necessary because not everyone is exposed to the message at the same times reminds the audience therefore lessening the chance of failure helps the audience remember the message itself can lead to improved learning and increase the chance of penetrating audience indifference or resistance and can offset the nose surrounding the message 7b A more concise response would be eWOM stands for electronic word of mouth which a use of WOM in which influence is spread through peers and colleagues in the adoption process Organizations use eWOM as a strategy to reach target audiences through their friends and colleagues because it is the second most influential strategy next to direct experience 8a A more concise response would be The value of systematic tracking includes continuing regular feedback to determine if an organization s publicity efforts are paying off in terms of placements and mentions of key messages Content analysis allows for a categorization so that practitioners and or editors can shift a focus depending on respective media coverage 8b A more concise response would be A pilot test is a variation of pretesting an audience It allows an organization to switch channels of dissemination if original channels are not exposing the message to the proper audiences A split message approach is common in direct mail campaigns different messages are prepared for separate audiences and then monitored for effect Post 6 9a The concepts of self interest that highly influence public opinion are a collective expression on opinions of many interested individuals people who are interested have vested self interest in an issue opinion is determined by self interest and when self interest is involved opinions are not easily changed The concepts for events highly influencing public interests are opinions are highly sensitive to events opinions don t anticipate events but react to

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