SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 1 Chapter 2 part 1 Warm up Neurons Nerves and the Nervous System Nervous system An extensive network of specialized cells that carries information to and from all parts of the body Activity 1 Cells of the Nervous System Type 1 Glial Cells Glial cells Make up 90 of cells in the nervous system Functions include 1 Providing nutrients SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 2 Repairing damage 3 Forming myelin 4 Getting rid of waste Also located in gray matter of brain Types of glial cells Schwann cells produce myelin for neurons of the body The product is used for neurons of the CNS or PNS Neurilemma Schwann s membrane Extra layer that surrounds the axon and myelin sheath found only on neurons of the body o Function to help damaged nerve fibers to repair themselves o If you get into a car accident and sever your finger with extensive nerve damage is there a possibility you could regain feeling in your fingers Why Because its only found in neurons in the PNS Clinical connection Multiple Sclerosis Immune system attacks the CNS and destroys myelin and consequently nerve tissue which causes scarring this distorts or interrupts nerve impulses Other type Oligodendrocytes produce myelin for neurons in the brain and spinal cord CNS Activity 2 The Neuron Neuron Structure indicates function Building block of the nervous system Function receives and sends messages Accounts for how many cells in the brain Only 10 Have specialized components Dendrites Look like branches because they receive messages they pick up neurotransmitters that are being sent from other neurons Attached to the soma SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen Soma This is the cell body It s located in the center of the neuron and contains the nucleus Function keeps the cell alive Axon axis It s attached to the soma cells and It s job is to carry messages out from other Myelin Sheath SUPER IMPORTANT TO THE FUNCTIONING OF A CELL Coates the axons of neurons and made by glial cells Has 3 functions help to speed up a nerve impulse similar to how plastic works to protect and strengthen wires in a cable 1 insulates 2 protects 3 support Label all the parts of the cell 1 Dendrites 2 Nucleus 3 Soma 4 Myelin Sheath 5 Axon 6 Axon terminals synaptic knobs Activity 3 Electrochemical Communication how neurons transmit messages Helpful and Hilarious Video http www youtube com watch v x4PPZCLnVkA Start at 6 07 for the anatomy of a neuron and 7 20 for action potential Another action potential video http www youtube com watch v 7EyhsOewnH4 1 The resting potential the electrical charge a neuron has at rest 70 mV Inside charge is negative outside charge is positive Why IONS When a cell is resting ion channels are closed Inside small potassium ions K and negative protein ions are inside the cell The protein ions too big to diffuse out trapped inside of cell closed ion channels Outside abundance of positive sodium Na and negative chloride ions Cl SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 2 A charge originates at the dendrites This opens up the ion channels and fills them with positive ions Essentially A neuron becomes active when an input or stimulus creates a change in the neuron that eventually reaches the axon which creates an action potential 3 What happens next action potential Definition temporary reversal of charges How do cells fire In an all or nothing fashion 4 Refractory period aka Resting Potential What happens A cell will return back to it s normal conditions resting potential Activity 4 Neurotransmission Label the parts of the synapse Be able to describe the functions of each Use the word bank below Video http www youtube com watch v p5zFgT4aofA Synaptic knob of presynaptic neuron Surface of Post synaptic neuron Synaptic Vesicles Neurotransmitter Receptor site SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 1 Synaptic knob of presynaptic neuron 2 Synaptic vessels 3 Neurotransmitter 4 Surface of post synaptic neuron 5 Receptor site Neurotransmitters are released They travel across the synapse and bind to receptor sites which influences it in 1 of 2 ways o Excitatory neurotransmitter neurotransmitter that causes the receiving cell to o Inhibitory neurotransmitter neurotransmitter that causes the receiving cell to pick fire stop firing Before the next neuron is stimulated the neurotransmitters need to leave receptor sites List three different ways this can be done 1 Reabsorbed through reuptake 2 DIffuse 3 Broken down by enzymes all of this helps put the breaks on neurotransmitter action Match the neurotransmitter to it s function E Glutamate A muscle movement learning and memory D GABA B Serotonin A Acetylcholine C Dopamine B Mood hunger sleep arousal C Involved in different functions D most common inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in sleep inhibition of movements E most common excitatory neurotransmitter learning memory SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen formation nervous system development What type of drug enhances the effects of a neurotransmitter So would an agonist increase or decrease the effects of an excitatory neurotransmitter increase What about an inhibitory neurotransmitter block What type of drug blocks or reduces a cell s response to neurotransmitters A Agonist B Antagonist A Agonist B Antagonist Activity 5 The Endocrine System Responses are sent quicker or slower than the nervous system Whereas neurotransmitters are stored in Endocrine Glands Structure D Pituitary gland Function A secrete sex hormones for males and females respectively B Pineal Gland Change to parathyroid B calcium regulation F Thyroid Gland C triggers fight or flight engaged under stress or danger E Pancreas D master gland responsible
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