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Tuesday September 23 2014 Class Cancelled Thursday September 25 2014 Consciousness Part 1 What is it like to be a bat Can we understand what it is like to be a bat Suppose a race of super intelligent robots from another planet visit Earth Using advance screening technology they are able to determine exactly how your brain works down to the function of each individual neuron Armed with this knowledge would the robots know what it is like to be you 2 Points Awarded any answer is correct 2 Points awarded same question twice Consciousness moment o No single stream of consciousness multiple channels each handling its own tasks people must organize their conscious experience o Awareness of everything around you inside of your own head at any given Used to organize your behavior thoughts sensations and feelings Generated from a set of action potentials neurons fire and that gets put together to give us the experience of what is going on around us Types of Consciousness 2 o 1 Waking consciousness thoughts feelings sensations clear and organized o 2 Altered states of consciousness shifts in the quality or pattern of mental activity Daydreaming Hypnotic state Meditative state Divided attention Paying attention to multiple things at once Increased alertness EX Lots of caffeine Sleep Sleep the Circadian Rhythm o Circa diem about a day approximately 24 hrs o Key players suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN of the hypothalamus pineal gland and melatonin When it gets dark the SCN triggers the secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland making us feel sleepy When it gets light the SCN stops the secretion of melatonin allowing the Other Factors Related to Sleep body to waken o Serotonin Sleep regulation o Body temperature o Adenosine The higher the body temperature the more alert we are the lower the body temperature the sleepier we are As builds up become more sleepy builds over the course of the day its function is to make you more sleepy Caffeine adenosine antagonist What happens if you don t sleep o Microsleeps Brief periods of sleep that last only a few seconds o Missing a single night of sleep Problems with concentration and simple task performance o Sleep deprivation symptoms Trembling hands inattention staring off to space droopy eye lids general discomfort psychological symptoms i e irritability depression mania hallucinations Extended Sleep Deprivation o Missing multiple days of sleep no sleep or reduced levels Significant impairment in functioning o Long term sleep deprivation and health Impaired immune system functioning increased inflammatory response o Randy Garner 1965 11 Days without sleep longest recorded time without sleep o Fatal familial insomnia genetic condition wherein people lose the ability to sleep Obesity by a human being and then die Why do we sleep o Adaptive Theory of Sleep sleep is a product of evolution we sleep because it is useful for a period of time We want to stay safe from predators Explains why we sleep when we sleep Evidence status on the food chain Relationship b w amount of time particular animals sleep and o Restorative Theory of Sleep sleep is necessary for physical health Explains why we sleep in general Evidence stages of sleep most bodily growth and cellular repair occur at night in deepest o Babies sleep all day 16 hours get a lot of REM sleep kids need a lot of non REM sleep too Deep sleep is related to growth growth takes place in sleep o Old People less sleep as they age Sleep and Aging How much sleep do you need a night to feel well rested the next day 2 Points Awarded any answer correct 2 Kinds of Sleep o REM Rapid Eye Movement sleep Active sleep Most dreams during this stage the ones you remember Voluntary muscles are paralyzed o Non REM sleep Restful sleep Voluntary muscles are not paralyzed EEG and Sleep Stages o Use an EEG to record brain wave activity and determine what stage people are in overall summary of brain activity o When people are awake and alert beta waves very small fast o When people are relaxed and drowsy alpha waves slightly larger slower o Theta waves replace alpha waves even slower o Light sleep people will deny they were sleeping o Hypnic jerk is common o Some people hallucinate falling into this stage called hypnogogic images or STAGES OF NON REM SLEEP Non REM Stage 1 Sleep hallucinations Non REM Stage 2 Sleep o Body temperature drops heart rate slows o Characterized by sleep spindles o Theta waves continue during this stage o If awakened people are aware that they were asleep and breathing becomes more shallow Non REM Stages 3 4 Sleep getting into deep sleep delta waves start slowest and largest not much going on anymore o Stage 3 baseline activity no thinking deepest sleep o Stage 4 During this stage that body growth occurs Cellular repair occurs here o If you wake a person up during this stage the person will be very disoriented REM SLEEP rate increases o Body temperature rises to almost waking temperature eye lids move and heart o Brain waves resemble beta waves looks like you re awake almost o 90 of dreams take place in REM sleep o REM paralysis voluntary muscles are paralyzed Progression of Sleep Stages o o Stage 4 occurs early in the night o Rem periods get longer as night progresses Importance of REM Sleep o Experience more REM sleep after a stressful day o Experience more non REM sleep after physically demanding day o If deprived of REM sleep experience REM rebound the following night o Infants engage in more REM sleep than adults Period of brain growth and development Why do we dream o According to Freud wish fulfillment People s repressed conflicts and events cause them problems Dreams are symbolic representations of past conflicts desires and events stemming from childhood Manifest content versus latent content Manifest Content dream about water bottle manifest content is the water bottle Latent Content symbol water bottle is mother s womb E g Opening locked door at the end of a hallway o Activation Synthesis Hypothesis Dreams are produced by the pons Inhibits movement Sends signals to the cortex from the pons and it has to figure out how to interpret them Since frontal lobes are basically shut down dreams are sometimes bizarre o Activation Information Mode Model Information gathered while awake can have an influence on the synthesis of dreams Your brain uses recent events to create dreams o Nightmares and preparedness Dreams may help you prepare for dangerous things you may face in the world o Synthesizing new

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Consciousness (Part 1)

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