2 27 15 Ch 6 continued Operant conditioning Consequences of response Reinforcement increase likelihood that behavior will be repeated Pizza good grades Punishment decrease likelihood behavior will be repeated Types of reinforcements and punishment Not good Positive Something presented or given get something Not bad Negative Something taken away Negative Reinforcement Snooze button Annoying noise taken away Reinforcement Punishment People liking FB status keep posting statuses Clicking on friends to game request Keep getting more requests Timeout or spank Deleting an annoying friend on FB Keep deleting annoying friends Posting unpopular statuses Loose friends or no likes Like going away don t repeat Operant Conditioning Factors affecting reinforcement Patterns of reinforcement Continuous Reinforcement Every correct response is followed by a reinforcer Reading textbook after each paragraph eat gummy bear Partial Reinforcement Only a portion of responses are reinforced Studying gummy bear every 5 pages or 10 minutes Do more Fixed or Variable o When does it happen reinforcement o Fixed reinforcement occurs after certain of responses are made or after amount of time passes o Variable reinforcement occurs after of responses are made or amount of time passes on average Ratio or Interval o What type of response is reinforced or what has to happen o Ratio Reinforcement occurs after of responses have been made of pages for gummy bears o Interval Reinforcement occurs after an amount of time has passed Fixed Variable Fixed Ratio Ex Give yourself a study break every time you read 10 pages High response rate Do as much as you can for reward Getting paid per computer you fix Fixed Interval Ex Get a study break after 30 min of reading Getting Paid on a weekly basis at a job Moderate Variable Ratio Ex Give yourself a study break after you read about 10 pages sometimes 5 sometimes 15 Slot Machines High response rates Don t know when get reward Variable Interval Ex Get a study break after an average of 30 min of reading Extinction Ratio Interval REVIEW OF CH 6 1 What is associative learning 2 What is classical conditioning 3 How does classical conditioning work Taking Unconditioned stimulus produces response of blinking pair it with neutral stimulus 4 How does an unconditioned response differ from a conditioned response 5 What is a positive negative reinforcement 6 What is a positive negative punishment
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