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Chapter Two Jamestown Major figures founded in 1607 by the London Virginia company many colonists didn t survive the winter john smith was sent and helped by raiding villages and stealing food Governor De La War John Rolfe introduced tobacco making it a commercial cash crop economy London Company Virginia Company joint stock holding company sent people over to the new world including Watson and Crick failed because of Indian revolt Tobacco All Southern colonies Major figures labor intensive crop saved Jamestown used up land and caused expansion westward Slaves introduced to Virginia in 1619 ones used in the south were used because of the plantation economy expensive Indentured Servants used by Virginia and northern colonies would eventually be set free Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia De la War first governor imposed harsh and ridged discipline people were hanged if they didn t listen made them work in work gang Calvert founded Maryland in order to be a religious haven for Catholics there were no Indian assaults made the House of Delegates in Maryland Bacon s Rebellion Major figures 1660 s Nathaniel bacon wanted more land and asked the governor and he said no so bacon organized a militia to try and forcibly take Powhatan territory bacon then invaded JT twice shows long precedent against royal authority 1st one showed the pressure that the plantation society was creating Plymouth Mass Bay Major Figures Mass Bay was the model colony puritans Governor William Bradford May Flower compact first written constitution Mass Bay Colony eventually took over the Plymouth colony John Winthrop driving factor of Mass Bay Colony families were sent used the cottage industry and their infrastructure developed Rhode Island Williams All Puritan colonies Founded by Roger Williams because John Winthrop s church was too close to England s very religiously tolerant colony paid Indians for their land Anne Hutchinson an educated puritan woman preached about corrupt leaders so she was banished Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut 1st war with natives Pequot War and King Phillips War English Civil War Major figures Charles I supporters Cavaliers wanted to raise taxes but parliament wouldn t let him started a war with Oliver Cromwell puritan supporters roundheads king Charles was caught put on trial and beheaded 1st major power to commit regicide Cromwell bankrupts England and Charles II is restored to the crown Restoration Colonies the Carolinas New York a gift from Charles II to his little brother New Jersey poorest colony Pennsylvania religiously open Delaware southern part of Penn that wanted to leave and Georgia last colony William Penn Quaker was given Pennsylvania because the King owed his family very rich proprietary colony George Fox Quaker founder everyone is equal in the site of God converted William Penn George III Mad King George wanted more control over his colonies Georgia Oglethorpe founders interested in economic success used as a military buffer between Florida and the Carolinas gave a safe haven for debtors and impoverished to work and farm many didn t like Oglethorpe absolute political power Navigation Acts INDIRECT TAX 1 all transactions had to be between English colonies cut down on smuggling 2 had to send raw supplies to England to be processed collect tariff Colonial Assemblies weak government but strong colonial assemblies raised taxes House of Burgesses 1619 House of Delegates Chapter Four George Grenville prime minister in 1763 believed colonists should completely obey the British laws and pay for the war All founding fathers Washington Jefferson Franklin Hamilton both Adams Iroquois owned land in the middle of English and French so they could trade with both chose to side with the English and made enemies with the French French and Indian Seven Years War Washington tries to burn Fort Duquesne but instead French burned Fort Necessity starting the war first war that starts in the colonies and moves to Europe siege Quebec Pease of Paris British Empire doubles War Debt caused congress to pass parliamentary acts for money All Parliamentary Acts Navigation act Proclamation of 1763 don t pass this line stamp act any paper product was taxed most inclusive act Virginia resolves no one can tax Virginia but Virginia mutiny act Declaratory Act passed by Rockingham that said the British had complete control over the colonists Townshend act paper paint tea and lead all of the Townshend acts were repealed except the one on tea Boston most undeveloped of colonists resented England first because George Grenville capped their industries Boston Tea Party caused the intolerable acts to be passed 1 Boston cannot self govern 2 criminals must be tried elsewhere 3 part of Boston was closed Samuel Adams leader of the Massachusetts radicals and the sons of liberty political spin doctor Liberty Boys formed to protect the rights of the colonists and fight taxation by British government battled the stamp act writers of the Committees of Correspondence Committees of Correspondence a way that colonies maintained communication and notified each other of their actions during the war Stamp Act Congress James Otis wrote a petition and threated to boycott English products stamp act was repealed Lexington and Concord British went to go arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock but when they arrive at Lexington and Concord there are minutemen waiting and they fire at them and cause them to flee Boston Massacre two groups went to a customs house to fins work Capt Preston was in the house and asked men not to fire but one did on accident and others followed 5 died including Crispis Adams Samuel Adam spins it into an act of war Chapter Five Declaration of Independent birth announcement and used as a sign for future allies author Jefferson Continental Congress colonists met up in reaction to the coercive acts and their resistance to new taxes first was held to organize resources and make the olive branch petition reaction was King George made the prohibitory acts blocked the coasts second one was when they declared America s independence from Britain Major Military Figures General Howe B takes NY General Burgoyne B General Haratio Gates is at Saratoga and takes Burgoyne A General Cornwallis B General Clinton B and Nathanial Greene turns Americans into light fast infantry units Major Battles first phase Lexington and Concord A Bunker hill A Halifax Canada B second phase Battle of Long island B Battle of Trenton A Battle of

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