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Material Covered on Test 2 Torture Death Penalty World Hunger and Poverty Sexual Morality Gun Control Section A True False Section This section will have five true false questions which will test your compre hension of the sexual morality topic only John Corvino s paper Each ques tion is weighted at 2 totaling to 10 for this section For example you might be asked something like the following 1 Corvino argues that the moral value of homosexual activity is determined by its origin False 2 Corvino thins that since homosexual people are born with homosexual tendencies it is permissible for them to act on those tendencies False Some people are born with violent tendencies but that does not give them the right to strangle their neighbors Therefore just because someone is born with homosexual tendencies that does not mean they have the right to par ticipate in homosexual behaviors 3 Corvino thinks that when people claim that homosexuality is unnatural it is always clear what it means False Unnatural could mean multiple things it could be deviating from the norm being disgusting or offensive or even something not practiced by animals 4 Corvino does not try to defend homosexuality from arguments for the claim that it s wrong True Section B Multiple Choice Section This section will test your comprehension of the material covered for the death penalty topic and the torture topic this includes the articles by Nathanson van den Haag on the distribution issue and Dershowitz as well as any relevant class and textbook materials covered e g the different argu ments for and against the death penalty and so on You will be asked to choose from 3 or 4 options There will be ten multiple choice questions each weighted at 4 totaling to 40 for this section For example you might be asked something like the following 5 Nathanson believes A Equality Retributivism is true when applied to murder only B Equality Retributivism is true period Page 1 of 5 C Equality Retributivism is false D None of the above 6 Dershowitz argues that regarding the morality and legality of torture three important values appear to conflict with each other Which values are these A Safety Security Civil Liberties Human Rights and Open B Happiness Well being Justice and Equality C Knowledge Truth Tolerance and Retribution D None of the above Accountability Visibility Section C Short Answers Section You will be asked to explain four different concepts ideas out of the list be low using 2 4 sentences for each concept You will need to explain these concepts clearly and coherently use examples where appropriate to illus trate your points Not all of the concepts from the list will appear on the test but you will have some choice with regards to what concepts you will ex plain Each of these four answers will be weighted at 8 totaling to 32 of the test grade 7 Torture Warrant from Dershowitz from Dershowitz Should the Ticking Bomb Terrorist be Tortured A torture warrant should only be legal in very extreme cases The torture warrant will ensure safety and security for the general populace will be open and viable and will better respect peoples civil liberties Torture Warrant A warrant someone must gain from a judge before they are legally able to torture someone such warrant would only be provided to gov ernment agencies officials 8 Equality retributivism from Nathanson An Eye for an Eye Repaying criminals with punishment equal to their crime eye for an eye For example if someone murders your family member the murderer should have one of their family members murdered 9 Proportional retributivism from Nathanson An Eye for an Eye Punishment should be proportional to the crime severity of punishment should be commensurate with the seriousness of the wrong This requires a punishment system that would be created by ranking crimes in order of seri ousness and then for a punishment scale to be created in correlation with the crime scale Page 2 of 5 Personal Desert from Nathanson An Eye for an Eye 10 Personal desert is the condition of being deserving of something whether good or bad based on ones merits and achievements 11 Human Desert from Nathanson An Eye for an Eye Human desert is the level of treatment a person deserves based on their virtues of their humanity 12 Deterrence argument for the death penalty Someone is deterred from committing murder by the threat of the death penalty only if his recognition of the death penalty as a possible conse quence of committing murder explains why he doesn t commit it Part of the Consequentialist Theory as a possible positive effect of having the death penalty The death penalty deters people from committing murder because if they murder someone they can in turn be sentenced to death 13 Drowning Child Thought Experiment from Singer The Life You Can Save There is a difference between a drowning child in front of us and a starving child in another country Distance can make a difference in two ways Know ing whether someone needs help and making it more difficult to help You can save the child nut in the process you will ruin your shoes This raises the point of how much financially people are willing able to sacrifice A child s life is much more important than a pair of shoes The same way a persons limb is much more important than a cars interior Shoes can be re places and car interiors can be redone but a child cannot be brought back to life and a person cannot regrow a limb 14 Defined by objects whose nature is sufficient to justify out prediction that they will cause harm independent of any empirical evidence Guns are inherentlyy dangerous because they are designed to harm They are improved by making them better at harming They are used to harm 15 inherently dangerous from LaFollette in relation to guns Fundamental moral right from LaFollette Gun Control Page 3 of 5 Fundamental interest from LaFollette Gun Control Non derivative right protecting fundamental interest Fundamental rights do not harm society A fundamental moral right is a right that protects a fundamental moral inter est The fundamental right to life protects the fundamental interest to live 16 Common to everyone and concern living good lives Owning a gun is not a fundamental interest because it is not a constitutive element of our flourish ing 17 Derivative moral right from LaFollette Gun Control Rights that derive from fundamental rights Guns are a derivative right due to the fact given that people have a prima facie derivative right to own

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FSU PHI 2630 - Material Covered on Test 2

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