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SYO 3100 Exam 2 Study Guide Week 6 overview Love scripts in Patriarchal Nuclear and Post Nuclear Eras A Courtly Love Happened during the end of patriarchal era Often adulterous relationships There was a difference between love and marriage they were not linked The idea of love being uncontrollable and passionate The most you could hope for was a beautiful death Examples Romeo Juliet The Titanic Casablanca B Romantic Love Around the rise of the Nuclear family 1700 Love stories become stories of triumph instead of tragedy Love and marriage go together like a horse and a carriage The happy ever after ending becomes very common One hand one heart Two come together as one The love is based on feelings passivity and interdependent relations finding yourself in the other C Ego Centered Love People do what they need to do to make themselves happy it does not mean that they are selfish Began in 1965 post nuclear era Divorce is common in this time period Marriage is not the only option to be happy A 50 divorce rate makes it hard to believe in happily ever after Love has become much more rational becoming annoyed or irritated with your partner is normal and does not mean that the love is gone Relationships require a lot of talking and work Communication is the key to having a successful marriage Marriage is not the only place for love anymore people can live together and have children but decide not to be married Culture today tells us that we change throughout our lives and that means that relationships could end marriage is no longer seen as a permanent thing Ego centered love is based on intention not merely feelings you work on the relationship and there is a lot of independence no interdependence Week 7 overview A The end of community involvement started around 1750 The community used to be more important than the family In order for for nuclear family to take center stage extraneous people need to go including the older generations For the most part In today s world the extended family has symbolic importance Example Braveheart film clip where the community is at the center of the marriage B The nuclear family starts around 1750 Families for the first time are about emotion Domesticity means home based Capitalism freed people from the constraints of the community people invented the notion of family life at home as a source of happiness Motherhood as an occupation is a nuclear idea Women made home A heaven in a heartless world The invention of childhood parental love rise of privacy picking your own spouse and romantic love The Seperation of Spheres Men public sphere bring home the money men go to work logical strong and decisive Women private sphere homemaker should be pure intuitive emotional and passive men have no responsibility for the children C The rigid gender roles invented in this period were oppressive to both women and men Women were economically unproductive the job description of a homemaker put men s and children s needs before their own Being educated was considered selfish Valium prescriptions soared in the 1950 s because being unhappy with your homemaker life was seen as a psychological problem Advertisers make it seem like women are in love with their job as a housewife showing women obsessing over washing machines or kitchen and cleaning appliances Gender stereotypes affect us even though we think they don t For middle schoolers it is very difficult girls need to be pretty but independent and play sports but they can t be too girly or too masculine For middle school boys they have a fear of being labeled as gay so they must participate in sports to make sure they are seen as masculine For men the role assigned to them is oppressive because they need to be the breadwinner but what happens to them if they lose their job There is a lot to live up to as a man there is also the notion of not being artistic or caring too much about fashion because it can be seen as gay Week 8 overview The Nuclear family ideal for minority families and current employment A The separation of spheres ideology does not work for families where women can t afford to stay home because of husbands low earnings Women s Double Burden about 3 generations of black women showing problems they have faced because they mix work and family Sharecropping involved hard work in the fields debt poverty and barely any time with the family for the oldest mother she had 7 children The next generation showed that working 3 jobs involved sleep deprivation and no time for leisure activities she had to give up her dream of singing in the church choir although she was not bitter about it it is upsetting that she could not fulfill her dream For the modern woman running a home based childcare center worked for her her husband can support her and she makes the choice to run the daycare In a 1956 newspaper employers felt free to specify sex and race requirements Ads would specify 9 5 jobs for white workers while ads for African Americans were pertaining to domestic work with more extensive hours and an uncertain pay In 1964 Congress outlawed employment discrimination on the basis of race and sex Jobs are not equally distributed however labeling jobs as male female black or white no longer goes on Men are more likely to be principals or administrators of hospitals rather than teachers or nurses Regarding job charts posted in class Hispanic men have more physical labor jobs All 3 groups of women Hispanic black and white had secretary jobs D Unemployment rates tend to be higher for black and Hispanic men Black men used to be overjoyed when they found out that they were going to be fathers children gave them hope and something to live for Put down the guns and pick up the babies B C maybe there isn t that much of a difference in waiting to have children or having an unplanned child because that unplanned child could make the man work for something and turn his life around 13 of US is made up of immigrants today in 1910 it was 15 2 3 of immigrants are here completely legally Immigrants are less likely to be obese do drugs or be mentally ill than Americans however once they have been in America for a while they start to do all of those bad things Poverty rates for immigrants is 40 they are more likely to be poor Week 9 overview Work and Family in the Post Nuclear Era A Changing circumstances and the household division of labor Nowadays 70 of Mothers work for pay so they contribute the breadwinner role Women make up half of

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