BUSMHR 3200 Midterm II Motivation Motivation physiological process Directs goal oriented behavior Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation Intrinsic motivation for internal rewards o Ex A sense of accomplishment and self satisfaction Extrinsic motivation for external rewards o Ex Rewards like money fame looking good to others P A X M X O Performance Ability x Motivation x Opportunity Needs Need Deficiency that drives behavior Maslow s Pyramid Growth Needs Deficiency Needs Notes by A Dafne Self Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs Growth Needs Relatedness Needs Existence Needs Alderfer s ERG Theory McClellend s Need Theory 1 Need for Achievement 2 Need for Affiliation 3 Need for Power n Pow n Affil n Ach Motivation for Careers Job Enlargement Job Enrichment Job Rotation Job Sharing Job Characteristics Model Job Characteristics Model Notes by A Dafne o Core Job Characteristics Skill Variety Task Identity Task Significance o Psychological States Experience meaning of the work o Outcomes High intrinsic motivation Growth Job Satisfaction Adam s Equity Theory Has roots in Cognitive Dissonance Theory Outcomes Inputs Your rewards should reflect on the effort you give Expectancy Theory Goals need to be SMART Notes by A Dafne S pecific M easurable A ttainable R elevant T ime Based Employee Engagement can be measured by Say Stay Serve employees speak positively about the company employees desire to continue working for the company workers put in extra effort and want to do the best job they can Feedback Rewards and Reinforcement Performance Management Cycle Feedback has two functions Instructional gives you information on how to better complete a task 1 2 Motivational information that helps you understand self efficacy Feedback can come from Yourself Others the Task Situation itself Notes by A Dafne Guidelines for giving feedback Be clear in your words Be specific Focus on behavior not personal characteristics Focus on behavior that can be changed Accept ownership of feedback Be timely Explain consequences Why feedback may fail Feedback is used inappropriately i e to punish or embarrass Feedback is provided too infrequently Content is lost in delivery Provider of feedback is not viewed as credible 360 o Feedback To participate in 360 Feedback Notes by A Dafne Develop a rater list approved by manager Forward the request for feedback to raters Complete your self assessment Participate in a feedback session Review your report Share general feedback Problems with 360 feedback Unrealistic Expectations Can be used to Manage Out rather than to develop Look for differences in how people perceive each other how you compare to top 25 Rewards Four Basic Approaches to Allocating Rewards 1 Profit Maximization 2 Reward Equity 3 Reward Equality 4 Member Need Operant Conditioning Shaping the behaviors of others Based on Results Actions Behaviors Non performance Measures tenure seniority etc Positive Negative Reinforcement Punishment Notes by A Dafne How Reinforcement can be applied Continuous Reinforcement Intermittent Reinforcement used to maintain used to shape behavior o Fixed Ratio o Variable Ratio o Fixed Interval o Variable Interval Compensation Compensation rewards Concepts Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Rewards Government Regulations Types of Compensation o Merit Pay wages salary etc Merit Girds grid that displays employee s performance rating with the employee s position in a pay range Determine how much an how often increases will be o Incentive pay variable pay Primary or Secondary source of income Can be supplemental bonuses or primary income commission etc o Senior Level Compensation deferred compensation etc o Equity Ownership stock option plans employee stock ownership plans etc o Profit Sharing Notes by A Dafne o Skill based pay Benchmarking Profit Sharing Equity Ownership Stock options o ESPOS Bonuses based on organization s performance Gives incentive for employees to work harder They think more like owners Employee stock ownership plans Give employers certain tax and financial advantages when stock is granted to employees o Can give employee the option to purchase stock on later date o Long term incentive therefore linked to employee s future potential o Can have a Vesting Period until they can be exercised Employers must try to balance compensation using different compensation types and strategies Benefits Legally Required Benefits Social Security Unemployment Compensation Worker s Compensation Family and Medical Leave Act FMLA Affordable Care Act goal is to expand coverage control costs and improve the systems of healthcare Requires citizens to have coverage and Organizations with 50 employees to cover Retirement Notes by A Dafne sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established health plans ERISA Defined Benefit Plans a company pension plan in which an employee s pension payments are calculated according to length of service and the salary they earned at the time of retirement Defined Contribution Plan type of retirement plan in which the employer employee or both make contributions on a regular basis IRAs 401k etc Passive vs Active Enrollment allows employees to roll over their benefits from the previous year without Passive enrollment requiring them to assess their plan options or learn more about their benefits Active enrollment coverage from the previous year requires employees to choose an enrollment plan regardless of their Equal Employment Opportunity Benefits Better hiring decisions Fairness Promotes Diversity Etc Legislation Equal Pay Act of 1963 aimed to abolish wage disparity based on sex Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against discrimination based on Race Color National Origin Sex and Religion Executive Order 11246 signed by President Lyndon B Johnson established requirements for non discriminatory practices in hiring and employment on the part of U S government contractors Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age Vocational Rehabilitation Act put in place to correct the problem of discrimination against people with disabilities Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 prohibit sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy The Act covers discrimination on the basis of pregnancy childbirth or related medical conditions Americans with Disabilities Act ADA of 1990 similar protection as Civil Rights Act of 1964 but for people
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