BUSMHR 3200 EXAM 1 Book Vocabulary In Class Note Compilation SEPTEMBER 24 2015 LAURA DUNCAN Contents Strategy and Strategic Organizational Behavior K F Ch1 2 Book Vocabulary 2 In Class Notes 2 Organization Culture and Socialization K F Ch14 3 Book Vocabulary 3 In Class Notes 4 Global Organizational Behavior Noe Ch16 6 Book Vocabulary 6 In Class Notes 6 Social Perception and Individual Differences K F Ch3 4 7 Book Vocabulary 7 In Class Notes 9 Recruiting Interviewing and Selection Noe Ch5 146 164 6 11 Book Vocabulary 11 In Class Notes 13 1 P a g e Strategy and Strategic Organizational Behavior K F Ch1 Book Vocabulary Organizational Behavior OB an interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing people at work Contingency Approach using OB concepts and tools as situationally appropriate instead of trying to rely on one best way Hard Skills technical expertise and knowledge to do a particular task or job function Soft Skills human interactions and include both interpersonal skills and personal attributes Portable Skills more or less relevant in every job at every level and throughout your career Human Capital productive potential of an individual s knowledge skills and experiences Social Capita productive potential resulting from relationships goodwill trust and cooperative effort Ethics concerned with behavior right versus wrong good versus bad and the many shades of gray in between Ethical Dilemmas situations with two choices neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner Problem a difference or gab between an actual and desired situation Problem Solving systematic process of closing these gaps Person Factors infinite number of characteristics that give individuals their unique identities Environmental Characteristics all the elements outside of ourselves that influence what we do how we do it and the ultimate results of our actions Interactional Perspective behavior is a function of interdependent person and environmental factors In Class Notes Human Relations Movement 2nd Industrial Revolution employees treated as cogs o Workplace efficiency temperature lighting improved productivity o Collective bargaining legalized in the US in 1935 Theory X Assumptions Theory Y Assumptions o People don t like work need to be pushed to work o Close supervision is required because people are unambitious and avoid responsibility o Work is a natural activity and people are very self directed in it given objectives o People commit to objectives if offered some reward are ambitious seeking responsibility Human Capital o Source of competitive advantage because of Value Rareness Not easily imitated Not easily substituted or replaced 2 P a g e Organization able to successfully utilize the resource o Individual vs Social Capital i e need for a successful team Social capital creates promotions Individual capital makes one self driven not because it s easy because it s hard Strategic Formulation o Vision Mission Goals Strategic Plan o Parallel with Goals are SWOT external analysis and internal analysis o Glabraith s Star Model Strategy Structure Systems Processes Metrics Rewards People A structure designed around people limits the organization to existing talent People should be the last piece of the puzzle o Corporate Responsibility Continuum Should be integrated into strategic plan via Making a profit consistent with expectations to fulfill economic responsibility Obeying laws of all operational countries Acting ethically by the standards of all operational countries Being good corporate citizens philanthropic by the standards of all operational Ethical climate can be improved though top down leadership real codes of ethics and countries good hiring Organization Culture and Socialization K F Ch14 Book Vocabulary Person Environment Fit PE the compatibility between an individual and a work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched Person Organization Fit PO extent to which your personality and values match the climate and culture in an organization Organization Culture the set of shared taken for granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives thinks about and reacts to its various environments Artifacts physical manifestation of an organization s culture Espoused Values explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization Enacted Values values and norms that are actually exhibited or converted into employee behavior Basic Underlying Assumptions organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior Sustainability a company s ability to make a profit without sacrificing the resources of its people the community and the planet 3 P a g e Competing Values Framework CVF practical way for managers to understand measure and change organizational culture Clan Culture internal focus and value flexibility rather than stability and control Adhocracy Culture external focus and value flexibility Market Culture strong external focus and value stability and control Hierarchy Culture internal focus which produces a more formalized and structured work environment and values stability and control over flexibility Vision long term goal that describes what an organization wants to become Strategic Plan organization s long term goals and that actions necessary to achieve those goals Rites and Rituals planned and unplanned activities and ceremonies that are used to celebrate important events or achievements Organizational socialization the process by which a person learns the values norms and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization Anticipatory Socialization Phase before an individual actually joins an organization Realistic Job Preview RJP given recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job Encounter Phase employees come to learn what the organization is really like Onboarding program which helps employees to integrate assimilate and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate politics procedures culture and politics and by clarifying work role expectation and responsibilities Change and Acquisition Phase phase which requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group s values and norms Mentoring process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental
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