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FAD4265 Exam 2 Study Guide Textbook Reading Guide Chapters 8 10 11 Chapter 8 Over the generations the purpose of marriage has moved from an economic necessity to companionship to personal growth and individual fulfillment Has the modern social order caused intimate relationships to be more or less intense o More intense Have intimate relationships become more or less fragile o More fragile individuals burden their relationships with too many expectations they demand too much of intimacy How has the role of kin and community changed regarding support for couples as they try to build intimate relationships o Kin and community no longer key means for connecting with others o Individuals in the modern world make life choices and pursue individual goals of their own o Our social identities are no longer tied to the family collective What is the difference between calling and dating Which gender was more in control in each What rules govern dating o Calling courtship ritual where couples in 1900 got to know each other on the front porches or parlors of parents homes The woman would invite the man to come calling at her home under supervision of her parents o Dating without adult supervision In the public sphere rather than private sphere Shifted the role of initiating relationships from women to men o Rules governing dating Defined by peers Done for enjoyment What are the positive and negative outcomes of dating Of online dating o Positive o Negative Higher levels of self esteem Perceive themselves as more popular Have higher levels of autonomy More conflict with parents More depression Lower academic motivation and achievement Principle of least interest o Argument that the partner with the least interest in the relationship is the one who is more apt to exploit the other Assortative mating homogamy hypergamy hypogamy o Assortative mating addresses the question of who marries whom in general people marry individuals much like themselves homogamy o Homogamy when marriage patterns are alike in various characteristics such as race ethnicity religion educational attainment social class and age o Hypergamy marriage in which the female marries upward into a o Hypogamy marriage in which the female marries downward into a higher social stratum lower social stratum Despite an ideology that rests on personal choice the social structural influences in mate selection remain strong Difference between sexual identity sexual orientation and sexual behavior o Sexual identity an individual s sexual self classification as lesbian gay bisexual or straight o Sexual orientation the sex of those to whom one is attracted o Sexual behavior people s sexual acts and activities What are four major findings of the NHSLS National Health and Social Life Survey 1 Adultery is the exception rather than the rule Both men and women are remarkably faithful to their partners Nearly 75 percent of married men and 85 percent of married women say they have never been unfaithful 2 People in this country are divided into 3 categories according to how often they have sex One third have sex twice a week or more one third a few times a month and one third a few times a year or not at all 3 The incidence of homosexuality is lower than the 10 percent reported by Kinsey and widely reported since then Just 2 8 percent of men and 1 4 percent of women identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual Still 9 percent of men and 4 percent of women report that they have had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex since puberty While these numbers are surprisingly low the research team admits that stigmatization probably makes people reluctant to discuss homosexual behavior 4 Married couples have the most sex they enjoy it the most and they are the most likely to have orgasms when they do Nearly 40 percent of married people have sex twice a week compared to 25 percent for singles What is the most significant dimension of sexuality relating biological and social contexts of behavior and desire o Gender According to Rubin and most other similar studies women depend on emotional attachment to call up the sexual while men rely on the sexual to spark the emotional What is emotion work in the love relationship and how does it relate to women vs men o Women work on their emotions and feelings to coincide with what should be felt They do this in order to control and direct love relationships in a useful direction o Men tend to fall in love more quickly and less deliberately than women Men manage love less believing that romantic love is by its nature something that cannot be controlled it occurs automatically at first sight and is predestined Chapter 10 7 social forces that have changed the way children are raised now compared to earlier times in U S history Social construction of childhood o The family used to be a work unit with each family member a responsible part of the work team Now children are separated from work roles giving them more leisure time and more time away from parents o Now more children are being raised in large cities and their suburbs which increases the likelihood of children spending more time with and being influenced by peers o Children are now more involved in nonparent organized activities o More likely to grow up under different circumstances more likely to experience parents divorce have a mother in the work force and grow up with little to no siblings o Massive technological innovations that have dramatic effects on the children of today o Family size is much smaller now o Consumerism children today have many things What is concerted cultivation What is the accomplishment of natural growth What are class differences Examples o Concerted cultivation middle class parents develop a child s talents through arranged activities reasoning with them and monitoring them in their schools sport scouts and other institutions o Accomplishment of natural growth working class and poor families rely on this where the child s development unfolds more or less spontaneously Children are left to find their own recreation rather than in organized sports and formal music lessons Parents are more authoritarian Children in relation to their parents work o Parenting styles vary by social class shaping children in different and crucial ways o Middle class children develop traits that lead to success in school and later in jobs and the marketplace whereas working class and poor children develop skills that mostly replicate their

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