PUR 3000 Final Exam Study Guide 50 Questions 40 MC 10T F Ch1 22 50 of Final Grade Need to know complete knowledge of terms listed at the beginning of each Chapter Outline Chapter 1 What is PR Management function that identifies establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics of whom its success or failures depends Major Terms Topics Two Way communication R A C E Spin Third party endorsement PR as a management function Two Way communications feedback and pass it to management Solicits feedback PR practitioners must get R A C E PR is a process constant cycle R Research What is the situation A Actions Plan to do something about it C Communication Execution of the plan E Evaluation Was the audience reached and what was the effect Feedback and program adjustment are integral components of the process Spin The word spin Originally positive Today positive slant on an event or Information with a point of view or Lying spin doctor Recommendation from a user or Third party endorsement consumer other than manufacturer or seller of the product or service By using PR articles newspapers endorse PR as management function Supervising and managing people and departments coordinator Analysis leading controlling evaluating and problem solving director Executive level part of management team over entire operation Practitioner is highest decision making part of Most effective when PR is strategic and integral part Counseling problem solving management of Vice President management of decision making by top management competition and conflict Chapter 2 The Evolution of Public Relations Major Terms Topics Rosetta Stone Edward Bernays APR Ivy Lee Rosette Stone release of Pharaoh s accomplishments Helped us understand hieroglyphics it was a publicity Edward Bernays The Father of modern PR 1920s Bernays used scientific persuasion behavioral psychology and social science research to change perceptions and behaviors Ivory Soap soap sculpture contest ran for 35 years Bernays Influence Golden Jubilee of Light worldwide 50th anniversary of light bulb s invention 1929 Torches of Liberty models publicity marched in NY Easter Parade waving a lit cigarette Ivy Lee George Parker Pioneer in new PR opened first publicity office in 1905 with First PR counsel declaration of principles truth and accuracy rather than press agentry Promoted businesses practicing public service Insisted on active support of top management Ivy Lee s Contributions public interest Concept that business and industry should align themselves with Deal with top execs and have active support of management Open two way communication with the news media Brought PR down to a community level A way to recognize practitioners who have APR mastered the knowledge skills and abilities needed to develop and deliver strategic communications Decades later remains the recognized gold standard for the profession Chapter 3 Ethics 4 Classic Models of PR 1 Press Agentry Publicity o One way communication through mass media o Info is exaggerated distorted or incomplete order to hype Its purpose is advocacy 2 Public Information o One way o Journalistic ideal of accuracy and completeness o Fact finding for content but no audience research o Ivy Lee was during this time for attitudes 3 Two Way Asymmetric o Scientific persuasion o Purpose is to help communicator better understand o Research is used to plan activity and establish o Edward Bernays was during this time the audience and how to persuade objectives 4 Two Way Symmetric o Mutual understanding o Communication is two way o Formative research is used to find out how the o Then determines the consequences that the o Policies and actions are mutually beneficial to both o Relationship building public views the organization organization will have on the public parties Major Terms Topics VNRs Accreditation Gifts to journalists P R S A Absolutist Video News Release VNRs There scontroversy about whether the viewing public has been informed about source of information Criticism for not properly identifying the sponsor of the material Those interviewed must be accurately identified Accreditation o Practitioners voluntarily go through a process in which they are recognized by a national organization to be competent qualified professionals o Requires five years experience o Bachelor s degree pass accreditation test o Movement to require continuing education PR practitioners should not provide junkets of Gifts to journalists doubtful news value extravagant parties expensive gifts and personal favors to the media Journalists will view this as bribery to get favorable coverage Considered unethical in the U S P R S A Public Relations Society of America 20 000 members 116 national chapters Top 4 responsibilities of PRSA members o Media relations o Writer editor o Marketing communications o Corporate communications Code of Ethics for PRSA includes o Advocacy o Honesty o Expertise o Independence o Loyalty o Fairness Absolutist though the world should perish An ethical theory Kant s philosophy Do what is right Chapter 4 PR Relations Departments and Firms Major Terms Topics Line and staff functions Possible friction for PR Levels of influence Outsourcing George Westinghouse Line and staff functions A Military type structure Line Manager sets the rules Everyone under follows the rules Lines produce revenue Line Manager 1 Line Authority o Has the power to give orders to subordinates Line managers are responsible for attaining the organization s goals as efficiently as possible o Examples production and sales managers typically exercise line authority Staff Manager No direct authority cant delegate authority Indirectly influence work of others using suggestions or recommendations Offer advice support and service to line departments o Examples personnel purchasing engineering and finance Possible friction for PR Disadvantages of using o PRSuperficial grasp of a client s unique problems o Lack of full time commitment o Need for prolonged briefing period o Resentment by internal staff o Need for strong direction by top management o Need for full information and confidence o Costs Levels of influence 3 Levels of PR Influence Advisory lowest level take recommendations or request them Line management has no obligation to o When PR is solely advisory its often ineffective Line management at least listens to the Compulsory Advisory experts before deciding on a strategy communications
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