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SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Psychology 2000 Supplemental Instruction Exam 3 Chapter 12 part 2 Warmup 1 All of the following are causes for groupthink EXCEPT A The belief that the group can do no wrong B The belief that the group is invulnerable C The belief that opposition to the group is unsound D Openness to differing opinions 2 A teacher decides against assigning group projects in which all group members get the same grade What social psychological phenomenon might the teacher be concerned about A Conformity B Social loafing C Social influence D Social facilitation 3 Vince has always believed children deserve the best prenatal care available During a class discussion he hears the first of several speakers express negative attitudes toward spending tax money on prenatal care for the poor When it is his turn to speak he voices an opinion more in keeping with the previous speakers Vince s behavior is an example of A Compliance B Persuasion C Conformity D Obedience 4 It can t happen to me I m special is a common attitude found in adolescents who have developed A A self concept B An imaginary audience C A Personal Fable D A preconvention morality 5 The 2nd week through the 8th week of pregnancy is commonly referred to as the stage A Fetal B Embryonic C Placental D Germinal SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM Activity 1 Social Cognition Component 2 Attribution a t n e m n o r i v n E l a n o ti a u t i S a n r e t x E l l I failed my exam because my prof is THE WORST like I just can t even cause attributed to delays action of others different aspects of situations Commonly used when we re looking at ourselves for negative things used for others when talking about positive things not sttributing the good thing to them a n o ti i s o p s i D l a n o s r e P l a n r e t n I l I ll admit that I failed my exam because I was feeling lazy and netflixed binged the night before Dispositional cause cause attributed to internal factors such as one s own cognitive processing ability or emotionals feelings personality Used for ourselves when we re looking at good things Attribution Theory Fundamental Attribution Error Attribute someone else s behavior to internal factor in negative situations negative situation external factor All about making yourself look better Tendency when observing someone else s actions to overestimate the influence of that person s internal characteristics and underestimate the influence of the situation Friend fails a test Internal Cause from within the individual They didn t study enough not good at the subject problem comes You fail a test External Cause professor is unfair the test is too hard You and your friend who have different professors both fail a Chemistry 1201 exam You tell yourself that your professor is way harder than your friends and the test was not fair external I failed my exam because my prof is THE WORST like I just can t evencause attributed to delays action of others different aspects of situations Commonly used when we re looking at ourselves for negative thingsused for others when talking about positive things not sttributing the good thing to them I ll admit that I failed my exam because I was feeling lazy and netflixed binged the night beforeDispositional cause cause attributed to internal factors such as one s own cognitive processing ability or emotionals feelings personality Used for ourselves when we re looking at good things SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM cause while you reason that your friend isn t as smart as you and doesn t have a strong work ethic internal cause This is attribution theory Now make up your own example Get into car accident and you blame the other person for not paying attention internal cause while they say that it s because their brakes weren t working external cause Didn t do well in the testing center because it s cold too quiet but your friend did well because he s a loner and likes quiet cold environments Blaming the bad placement of the speed sign for your speeding ticket but your friend who got a speeding ticket is a bad driver Activity 2 Impression formation Put the appropriate word from the word bank in the blank social cognition impression formation social categorization primacy effect stereotype social world 1 social cognition the mental processes that people use to make sense of the social world around them 2 social categorization the assignment of a person to a category based on characteristics the new person has in common with other people with whom one has had experience in the past Associated with this is Stereotype a set of characteristics that people believe is shared by all some no members of a particular social category 3 impression formation forming of the first knowledge a person has about another person person Does it tend to persist even in the face of evidence to the contrary Yes No Associated with this is primacy effect the very first impression one has about a Ambady and Rosenthal What did they do Students were shown clips of professors without sound essentially formed an initial judgment At the end of the semester student s ratings of the teachers were in line with their initial impression Essentially this experiment put the primacy effect into action Example Key Term Come up with your own example Primacy effect Megan goes into an interview for her very first job as a Kindergarten teacher covered in paint and dirt from the daycare she was working at earlier The interviewer takes one look at her and perceives her as messy and disorganized even though A student comes to class without a pen or paper so the teacher thinks the student is disorganized and not willing to work SI Leader Ashleigh Ledet alede12 tigers lsu edu Sessions Monday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office 39 Allen basement Wednesday 6 7 30 Allen 35 Office hours Friday 9 30 11 30 AM her resume proves otherwise This would be an example of While visiting New Orleans Catie meets a new friend who attends Tulane Catie predicts that he is Jewish and from out of state since this represents the majority of Catie s friends who attend Tulane This is an

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LSU PSYC 2000 - Exam 3

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