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2nd Exam Ch 4 7 Review Act of Union created the United Kingdom by merging the kingdoms and Parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707 Board of Trade an advisory council charged to oversee colonial matters The act testified to the colonies growing significance to England s economy Code Noir an imperial slave code issued for Louisiana in 1724 Its slave provisions providing basic protections for chattel were largely ignored but the colonists upheld its many restrictions on free blacks as they attempted to draw a distinct line between the races East India Company joint stock company formed to pursue trade with the East Indies Pirate attacks on ships belonging to the belonging to subjects of India s Mughal Empire began to create a crisis for the company Fox Wars Indian allies of the French used diplomacy and gifts of Fox slaves to persuade the French to fight against the Fox in three wars known as the Fox Wars that decimated the Fox people George I Scots rebelled against his crowning ascended the throne after the death of Queen Anne the Jacobites wanted to replace him with Anne s half brother Grand Settlement of 1701 referred to a pair of treaties signed by the Iroquois that stabilized Indian politics across the northeast and Great Lakes In the first the Iroquois and Great Lakes peoples ended hostilities and exchanged captives With the second the Iroquois agreed to remain neutral in future Anglo French wars and in exchange kept the right to trade at Albany Industrious Revolution In the first decades of the 1700s British North Americans engaged in their own industrious revolution laying the foundation for future economic development and more intensive industrialization The colonists worked harder diversified their production expanded manufacturing and began some industrial activities Linen Act of 1705 encouraged the export of Irish Linen to North America Louis XV was fed up with bad news from Louisiana so he took control of the colony and then ignored it Manumission In an attempt to limit the number of free blacks colonists increasingly discouraged private acts of freeing slaves or manumission in the 1720s by forcing freed slaves to leave the colony or making former owners financially accountable for the people they free Maroons were runaway slaves who often formed communities in Brazil and the Caribbean where they attracted further fugitives and sometimes engaged in raids on plantations and towns Cotton Mather minister who at first celebrated Ulsterite immigration as a way to bolster local defenses against French and Indian foes but he changed his mind and declared the Presbyterian newcomers had disturbed the peace of the church Mississippi Bubble when the value of the company of the Indies stock plummeted the bubble burst Natchez War French incursions into Natchez territory provoked a devastating attack from the Natchez and runaway slaves in 1729 However employing Choctaw warriors the French won the Natchez War and sold many of the Natchez into Caribbean slavery Navigation Acts a series of acts to tighten regulations on colonial trade and established vice admirality courts in the colonies to enforce law Pietism Originating in a Lutheran reform movement begun by German pastor Philipp Jakob Spener in 1670 Pietism became a larger transatlantic Protestant movement that encouraged personal godliness and the evangelization of all peoples Both were supposed to bring about the second coming Polygamy marriage that include more than two partners something African men had to promise to abandon The Pretender the Catholic Stuart who claimed the British throne during the 1715 Jacobite rebellion Queen Anne s war Taking place from 1702 to 1713 fought to determine the Spanish succession pitted France and Spain against Great Britain Indian peoples arrayed on each side in North America including the Mohawk who lobbied for an invasion of Canada John Saffin debated the slave trade as the 18th century dawned Salutary Neglect an unofficial policy of the British into the 1760s that allowed the American colonies to develop on their own largely outside imperial law and oversight Samuel Sewall a judge that debated slave trade Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge SPCK founded by the Anglicans founded to encourage Christian education and the production and distribution of Christian literature Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts SPG focused on sending missionaries to North America and the West Indies Transportation Act of 1718 mandated exile to North America for seven years to life for those convicted of crimes ranging from theft to receipt of stolen goods to capital felonies Tuscarora War In retaliation for slaving raids and colonial encroachment on their lands the Tuscarora attacked settlements in the Carolinas sparking the Tuscarora War of 1711 to 1713 South Carolina troops Catawba Yamasee and Cherokee fought the Tuscarora eventually winning the war and killing and enslaving over 1 000 Vice admiralty court As part of increasing imperial control around the turn of the 18th century the British Board of Trade established vice admiralty courts in North America to enforce trade laws and end piracy Yamasee War won by the English Indian alliance killed 1 in 16 colonists Yamasee refugees fled to Florida the war depopulated vast areas and led to hostilities between Creeks and Cherokees that lasted for decades 1 The circulation of people and goods between 1690 and 1730 eroded Indian power and increased that of colonists in North America Does the evidence presented in this chapter support this statement conclusively If so how If not why not 2 In what ways did North Americans adjust to growing imperial influence between 1690 and1730 What role did the flow of ideas across the Atlantic play in determining how colonists in British North America saw themselves and their relationship to the British colonial empire Factors affecting trade power Horses Guns other imported goods Indian slave trade Ch 5 American Philosophical Society A scholarly organization founded in Philadelphia in 1743 to promote the dissemination of knowledge in the sciences and humanities Anthony Benezet Pennsylvania Quaker who published the essay Thoughts Upon Slavery in 1774 Jonathan Edwards A Massachusetts minister who merged Pietism with an emotional style of preaching and brought both styles to New England Puritanism Benjamin Franklin Famous printer politician in the North American British colonies Gang system The work of

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