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The Election of 1860 04 28 2014 Most northerners were not abolitionists and most southerners were not slaveholders Republican convention is held in Chicago Lincoln s supporters fill the rafter of the convention and the delegates make him the nominee Democratic convention held in Charlestown South Carolina Southern Democrats want pro slavery candidate They want to see Dared Scott decision enforced Northern Democrats do not want that Democratic party splits One nominates Brakovich one nominates Douglas John Bell is nominated by a group of former Southern Whigs the Constitutional Whig party Strictly follows the constitution By winning the north free states Republicans would win the election Lincoln s platform was to stop the extension of slavery into the territories not to abolish it In the south there were only two pieces of the south that had succeeded that were still in US s hands Fort Pickens and Fort Sumter Garrison commanded by Robert Anderson Refuses to fire first to make it clear Confederates started the war Lincoln is inaugurated in March There has been a legal election with Lincoln as the winner Instead of waiting for the next election to try again the losing side decided to leave Lincoln was determined to unify states and determined to show it is not a republican vs democrat war Douglas offers support to his administration All of North is on board 4 slave states who do not join the confederacy Kentucky Maryland Delaware and Missouri The south is not nearly as solid as the north Very few northerners slipped into confederacy and into the army But there were southerners who would sneak into the United States army People thought it would be a short one battle war They thought the losing side would admit fault and stop what they were doing Not the cases 6 year long war killing 600 000 The Confederacy wanted foreign support from Britain France and Ireland They thought they could do this through an embargo on cotton They would not send any cotton to other countries Embargo does not work o Most British working men did not support the confederacy because they did not support slave labor Petitions signed supporting Lincoln administration o British did not need cotton from America Textile mills in India Confederate strengths wound up not being strengths Strategic mistake o Davis plan to defend the whole territory at once o 6 million people in the south when the united states had 22 million o Maximizes offense of the north South was easy to invade because of the Mississippi river system o Natural pathways of invasion Anaconda plan Cutting the Mississippi river off from confederate states Take ports Cut off trade As war goes on kill as many white southerners as you can is added to the plan First major battle is at Bull run Between amateur armies No clear winner Ulysses Grant Successful general in the west Feb 1862 took Fort Henry and For Donaldson forcing confederate evacuations and led to the fall of Nashville New Orleans was lost without firing a shot Butler s troops come in 16 000 no uprising Where confederate authority broke down resistance would collapse Not a democratic city It had been a Whig city and then a know nothing city Deep financial ties to New York City Trade opens again in New Orleans and the city makes money again in United States hands After New Orleans things begin to slow down for northern forces Immense political pressure on Lincoln administration to take Richmond Pressure on Davis administration to protect Richmond McClellan s job to take Richmond Flanks confederate forces by landing 100 000 troops on York peninsula and take Richmond from the east General Robert Lee defeats McClellan in the 7 days battles o Originally offered command of united states army by Lincoln o Could not go against his state Virginia Lincoln realizes there needs to be a boost in the northern war effort He finds the answer in runaway slaves 04 28 2014 04 28 2014

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LSU HIST 2055 - The Election of 1860

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