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PR EXAM 1 DEFINE PR Interpreter of what management of organizations wants us to know and what the public wants to know Management to public and public to management Why is there a problem defining PR Only about 100 years old so still defining it Sometimes when we say PR we only mean one of its functional parts Press agentry work with celebs Publicity MOST PR IS PUBLICITY Institutional advertising talks about entire industry Ex milk beef not brand Public affairs to give more information to take the negative connotation out of the term PR Issues management keep company organization from having a problem Lobbying to pass or defeat legislation POLITICAL Usually are lawyers Investor relations change complicated numbers info to data understandable to the public BIG SALARY Most people in PR do not do this Development fundraising Quantifying PR x y z X action organization takes Y perception of that action Z resulting public opinion PERCEPTION IS REALITY Trends Affecting PR Growth of big institutions Heightened public awareness and media sophistication Increasing incidence of societal change conflict and confrontation Globalization and the growing power of global media public opinion and capitalism Dominance of the Internet and growth of social media The age of agriculture age on manufacturing and the age on info needed someone to speak on behalf of the management to the consumer Strategic error one you CAN T recover from Ancient Examples of PR Agricultural parchment on crops Greek sophists on political candidates and issues early lobbyists Julius Caesar s Commentaries on the Gallic Wars his effort to promote his business to raise money and support his exploration Magna Carta model for the Bill of Rights Catholic College of Propaganda Pope Gregory the 15th created the speaker bureau He made a script and sent priests to talk about faith Revolutionary War Era representation Boston Massacre Slogans to foster participation No taxation without Symbols Ex Nike swoosh McDonald s arch First to press Tell your story first make the other side react Ex Staged PR Events Ex Boston Tea Party Organizations for Action Ex Son s of Liberty Modern Ex PETA Publications Common Sense by Thomas Paine Animal Farm Fundraising Harvard was the first to fundraise they actively looked for private funding endowment Modern time DM Relay for Life Post Revolution PR History s Finest PR Job the Federalist Papers encouraged the passing of the constitution a more federalized central government The arguments to leave the Articles of Confederation and adopt the Constitution Jackson Campbell helped with reputation Creation of Events presidential press secretary for Andrew Press Agentry Phineas T Barnum circus story Modern political campaigning first to do it was William McKinley First corporate PR department George Westinghouse Early 1900 s in result Unions began to form Dawn of PR the Muckrakers spoke out exposing US industries First PR Firm PR journal founded Rex Harlow periodical on how to do PR The Jungle by Upton Sin Claire about meatpacking in New York AT T Theodore Vail said We exist to serve our public and only because the public allows us to exist We operate in the public s interest Ivy Lee father of modern PR 1906 railroad strike 1914 Colorado fuel and iron strike Declaration of principles to help supply factual info First to use handouts paper w facts on them Nickname was Poison Ivy Rumor that he was at Nazi World War I George Creel Committee on Public Info to maintain support for the government Positive story of CIS Four Minute Men employed by government to be in war to tell the news in 4 minutes The 1920 s Arthur Page AT T master at corporate communication Alice Beeman first woman to head an association CASE Edward L Bernays Wrote 1st textbook Crystalizing Public Opinion Taught 1st PR course Coined the term public relations counsel license to practice Married to partner Dorris Fleischman ALSO COULD BE CONSIDERED FATHER OF PR Roosevelt Era Gallup and Roper polls founded public opinion polls to figure out support from a population Joseph V Baker first minority firm Leone Baxter first woman to head a PR firm Elmer Davis office of war info FPRA founded in 1983 in Florida to attract tourists John W Dillon wanted to use publicity to bring people to FL Use of paid advertising for PR in the war effort World War II Post World War II Era PRSA founded 1947 Virgil Rankin first PRSA president Growth in PR related education USIA founded was official spokesperson for US government Nixon took this away The Info Age John Naisbitt Megatrends data double every 20 months Started with the launch of Sputnik in 1957 by the Russians Semi conductor chips fiber optics The Internet and the World Wide Web Attitudes Do we change attitudes before we change behaviors A predisposition to respond to a given issue in a given way Nature genes race etc versus nurture religion education Forming versus changing attitudes etc War of the Worlds radio broadcast started mass media movement Theories for PR Bem s Self Perception Theory people infer attitudes from external cues things you see in the environment Ex Students took a half day exam timed had a clock on the wall someone manipulated the clock so that the time was earlier than it actually was At 12 on the clock it was actually only 10 30 in real life Students still said they were hungry because they thought it was lunchtime Ex Professor s scotch experiment with frat boys in an unbalanced state Triangles From Class Heider s Balance Theory Got theory from bio people can t exist email me for pictures Unbalanced Balanced Festinger s Cognitive Dissonance Theory we only consume Balanced Doesn t always work information to support ideas we already believe Selective exposure Selective perception turn around statement to support your own beliefs Selective retention forget about it Maslow s hierarchy of needs triangle from class Agenda setting 1970 s the media tell people define what to Concentric circle how we influence voters like a dartboard think about the agenda for discussion Circle from class email me for pictures Diffusion of innovations how we introduce new things to society anything that is new 1 Awareness get people s attention 2 Interest info start wanting info 3 Evaluation upside downside of innovation 4 Trial if you think it s good enough to try 5 Adoption positive experience causes adoption Most research stops here 6 Reinforcement reminding you that what you are doing is right Most say it s a

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