Motivation How do these concepts relate what drives us usually based on achievement and production o Self control Willpower the self as an agent of action for behavior Resources are a limiting factor Willpower depends on Ego depletion low resources of energy lead to a difficult with self control Delayed gratification can be exhausting but is a good predictor of future success ex marshmallow skittles experiment Trait conscientiousness carefulness responsibility o Reduced willpower can lead to eating poorly low exercise unclean poor academic performance infidelity Situational constraints o Ex food depletion impairs decision making judicial rulings are more favorable after lunch hours Types of Motivation o Intrinsic motivation internal factors Curiosity and desire for challenge Inherent value in activity Causes Results Causes Results More enthusiasm effort enjoyment and success in task o Extrinsic motivation external factors Rewards Punishments money fame deadlines competition grades Removing reward can decrease motivation Requires conditioning o Over justification disruptive not complimentary results when 2 competing motivations intrinsic vs extrinsic are Decreases overall motivation Over justification occurs because we have a fear of failure especially in public situations Examples Selfish vs communal goals Self enhancement vs self verification positively but also want people to view us accurately ex nuclear waste factory in backyard want people to view us Self Determination Theory SDT through effort not external factors we are motivated to be in control of our own behaviors o Also known as causal agency or empowerment o Very important as results can benefit us physically and psychologically increases Ex those in retirement homes where they can set their own schedule are happiness and health happier and live longer o Components of SDT confident in your abilities and uniqueness relationships Competence self efficacy sense that you are good at something and Autonomy freedom from unwanted control driven by desire for identity Relatedness need to belong need for social ties and relationships Relatedness and autonomy work together to make secure intimate Dependency paradox more dependent then more likely to be independent in making decisions relationship is opposite than what it appears if Secure intimate relationships lead to o Increase in job satisfaction o Decrease in negative spillover stress from one area does not go to another o Decrease in fear of failure Is this a two way relationship Can autonomy influence relatedness being independent help relationships o How Encouragement and support from others helps to boost confidence ex children use parents as support o Implications of SDT Humans are not inherently lazy as intrinsic motivation is innate Social and physical needs are intertwined and horizontally related Hierarchy of human needs is not really accurate as relationships are not in pyramid ex safety interacts with self actualization Explain negative emotion associated with asserting freedom autonomy Reactance and rebellion Very strong motivator Can be large or small scale or groups or individuals We should foster curiosity and challenges as this will lead to intellectual growth and expansion with effort practice Some extrinsic motivators work well Praise from supportive people parents peers increases efficacy and competence Education is based of extrinsic motivation grades degree rather than Mindset intrinsic motivation learning growing about their abilities traits implicit theory that people fit one of two categories when thinking abilities and traits are fixed and stable overtime cannot 1 Entity change with growth Thus we prefer environments that are well suited for our abilities Level 1 Level 2 2 Incremental abilities and traits can change and develop overtime Thus we seek new and challenging environments can be used to teach that intelligence skill and Interventions willpower can be improved with practice and effort Level 2 Level 1 Meaning making o Meaning connects two phenomena together even if they are physically separate or different Similar to attributions as it is a way of making sense of the world but meaning is deeper to establish order Finding meaning helps us to differentiate between stability and change and o 2 Levels of goal states relating to meaning has to do with actions and the immediate situation different from short and long term goals lower and upper refer to what you are attuned to in present actions or future orientation Lower level goals concrete specific detailed actions in immediate moment Ex paying attention in class Objective Upper level goals abstract long term connections between actions Ex getting a college education Goal Levels can shift depending on the situation Downshift to problem solving setback or problem creates narrow detailed focus need o Ex being sick Upshift focus is more broad when things are running smoothly normally so you can thrive which leads to greater life satisfaction o 4 Pillars themes for life meaning being 1 Purpose connection between present action and future events or states of 2 Values Involves goals and fulfillments justification for actions what is morally right wrong Important for emotion regulation strong values lead to less anxiety less guilt less regret and less moral distress Concept taught from a young age 3 Efficacy generativity taking action in order to control your ability to do good things and produce good outcomes making a positive impact in the world There is a connection between purpose values and competence control We want to feel virtuous has components of self assessment and what is determined by 4 Self worth our association with others Esteem through self individuals dyads and groups as well We want to be associated with being virtuous Implications o Efficacy generativity and self worth are easy to conceptualize as there are different domains and potentials of how we can impact the world in positive ways Ex random acts of kindness o Purpose and values are harder to conceptualize because Society and time periods are always changing There is a disconnection with meaning of fulfillment as we never really reach a point where everything is simple and easy Ex evolving nature of economic work or living happily ever after Values gap lack of consensus because people have differing values Flow being in the moment zone o Vital engagement o Total immersion which can lead to effortless movement focus and
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