Final Exam Review Friday December 5 2014 3 01 PM Study Tips Make me like you show that you care speak up Meta analysis Malcom Gladwell Study smart self test get spaced out Chapter 1 Intro to Psychology and Research Methods 1 Women aren t smart enough to vote 2 The mentally disabled belong in institutions 3 Black folks can t learn how to read Confirmation bias tendency to remember the things that fit your expectations and forget the things that don t The best theory or approach to psychology is the one that most specifically solves your specific problem Chapter 6 Learning 2 types Classical and Operant Classical vs Operant behavior happens after a behavior Disadvantages of punishment Classical behavior controlled primarily by antecedents what happens before a Operant behavior controlled by both antecedents AND consequences what 1 Tells organism only what not to do and not what to do 2 Often creates anxiety Suppresses behavior Interferes with future learning 3 May encourage subversive behavior become sneaky 4 May provide a model for aggressive behavior Chapter 2 Brain and Behavior Know how to label a brain neuron Grey matter actual cell bodies nucleus White matter connections between neurons Human beings only use 10 of brains MYTH Don t need to know each brain lobe outside of the brain cortex Know the frontal lobe is the neo cortex makes the brain the most human really distinguishes us from other mammals Chapter 3 Development Post hoc fallacy false assumption that because one event occurred before another event it must have caused that event Epigenetics interaction between the environment and genes themselves 3 big factors of development genes behavior biology environment in general Know the frontal lobe is the neo cortex makes the brain the most human really distinguishes us from other mammals Chapter 3 Development Post hoc fallacy false assumption that because one event occurred before another event it must have caused that event Epigenetics interaction between the environment and genes themselves 3 big factors of development genes behavior biology environment in general Theories of moral development Carol Gilligan problem with psychology research is that we are basing theories of human behavior done with studies exclusively with white middle class males Not broad enough No women Self acceptance Stage theories are they valid 6 major things for self success 1 2 Positive relationships 3 Autonomy 4 Environmental mastery 5 Purpose in life 6 Continual personal growth 4 majors things for aging 7 Optimism 8 Gratitude forgiveness 9 Empathy 10 Relationships Don t try to chase after happiness directly Chapter 7 Memory Slide 28 Elizabeth Loftus Serial Position effect learn facts on a list don t study longer study smarter Stop with the all nighters Chapter 9 Intelligence Distribution of IQ Eugenics selective breading for desirable characteristics p 317 Two basic types of coping Emotion focused coping managing or controlling one s emotional reaction to a stressful or threatening situation our natural tendency leads to avoiding Problem focused coping directly managing or remedying a stressful or threatening situation p 41 Bigger picture think about what you need to function to do well Let your values change your behavior Two types of Pain Clean pain Dirty pain than men Suicide tips Chapter 13 Psychological Disorders Disorders do not equal diseases 1 in 10 adults qualify for a mood disorder each year women are more likely Clean pain Dirty pain Chapter 13 Psychological Disorders Disorders do not equal diseases 1 in 10 adults qualify for a mood disorder each year women are more likely than men Suicide tips How to assess someone Ask directly are you thinking about killing yourself Do they have a plan Do they have the means to carry out the plan Do they have a specific date 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted in college Chapter 15 Therapies Psychoanalysis dead theories Treat anxiety expose yourself to your anxiety Behavioral Activation if depressed this is the key Dialectical Behavior Theory Marsha Linehan today one of the most influential clinical psychologists spent early 20s chronically suicidal Chapter 16 Social Thinking Social Influence The Stanford Prison Experiment how important social and environmental context is in shaping behavior Internal cause the attribution lies within the person ex Personality External cause the attribution lies outside of the person social context Fundamental attribution error we tend to make internal attributions for the behaviors of others That is we tend to ignore context Chapter 17 Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior Halo effect presuming that attractiveness means other things 4 horsemen of the divorce apocalypse worst is contempt if there is contempt We want a psychology that can explain racial profiling what is in the system in your relationship bail now that causes things
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