Lecture 6 Learning Classical Conditioning 1 Learning relatively permanent change in behavior a 2 types b Associative learning when you associate two things together linking or pairing ideas or experience together c Cognitive learning higher level thinking knowing understanding like what you learn in classes 2 The ABC s of behaviorism a Antecedent the situation events that come before a behavior b Behavior or response anything observable and identi fiable c Consequence effects that follow the behavior 3 Behavior observable things that people do 4 Observable behaviors like calling a girl trashy how Miley Cyrus behaviors 5 Early research in behaviorism a Looked at simple behaviors in primitive animals b Caterpillars light in front of them causes movement not because they want to turn towards the light light from the side cause greater muscle tension on one side of the body another way of describing this relationship c Stimulus response psychology attempt to explain behavior in terms of how each stimulus triggers a response 6 How does this relate to learning 7 Key terms a Ivan Pavlov rung bell when feeding dog so the dogs responded to the bell before they saw the food realized response associated w bell a Reflex b Unconditioned stimulus US automatic process hasn t be conditioned or taught blow in someone s face c Unconditioned response UR how the person responds to US They blink d Conditioned stimulus CS like dog example ringing of bell e Conditioned response CR salivating when it hears bell f Before conditioning food the US produces salivation the UR g During condition tuning fork food salivation UR h Neutral stimulus doesn t cause response by itself only paired with something 8 Principles of classical conditioning a Acquisition response becomes reinforced 9 Principles continued a Expectancies thoughts about how events are interconnected b Extinction eliminating connected between the CS and the US c Spontaneous recovery like it takes a long time to condition a response it takes a long time to get rid of it but when you bring it back they quickly pick it back up d Generalization responding to stimuli similar to the CS e Discrimination responding differently to different stimuli even if they re similar like cat knowing it s bowl from the dogs 10 Classical conditioning in action phobia a Involuntary responses produced by autonomic nervous system sympathetic b Conditioned emotional response phobia persistent fear of a specific stimuli even in its absence c Desensitization get rid of the phobia gradually Lecture 7 operant conditioning 1 Edward Throndike operant conditioning instrumental learning a Applied scientific method to messing w cats b Animals use trial and error no insight or genius just tried different stuff to see what would work and what wouldn t c Graphed frequency of behaviors as a learning curve behaviors that worked d Learning occurs when certain successful behaviors are strengthened at the happened more frequently expense of others e Thorndike s law of behavior behaviors that are more successful happen more frequently and vice versa 2 Operant conditioning a Called that because the subject operates on the environment to produce an outcome It is based on voluntary behavior In classical conditioning the subject s behavior has no effect on the outcome b c 3 Reinforcement and punishment a Reinforcement increases the probability of a behavior positive like getting a starburst for answering a question b Two types i Primary don t have to be learned unconditioned don t have to be told or taught that it s a good thing ii Secondary conditioned have to learn that it s good and value ex money c Examples of reinforces i Vary based on the individuals like one direction tickets ii As well as antecedents what happens when you don t get it iii Primary food water sleep sex iv Secondary money praise stickers 4 Punishment decreases the probability of a response a Most effective when it is immediate and predictable b Punishment is generally less effective than reinforcement in changing behavior c Effects are not long as long lasting 5 Four types a Target behavior to increase add stimulus positive reinforcement b To decrease target behavior add stimulus positive punishment 6 Identify c To increase target behavior take away stimulus negative reinforcement avoidance learning avoid Wal Mart if it gives you panic attacks increases likelihood that you don t go to Wal Mart so you don t get the negative effects d To decrease target behavior take something away negative punishment a Taking a car away for speeding tickets negative punishments b Getting ps4 time for finishing lecture early positive reinforcement c Doing extra burpees for being late to gym positive punishment d Taking ibuprofren for a headache negative reinforcement e Temper tantrum i Mom buys kid a toy positively reinforces the behavior for the kid ii Mom has negatively reinforced it by taking away the tantrum she is 7 Other principles of operant conditioning reinforces the behavior in the future a Extinction response does no receive reinforcement like kid not getting the toy when he screams b Generalization similarity of new stimulus to reinforced stimulus if one teacher has candy don t just associate one adult w candy but all with it happens in nature w frogs one poisonous frog has yellow spots so don t eat any frogs w yellow spots even though others aren t poisonous c Discrimination reinforcement depends on cues some stimulus discriminates the response like stopping at a red but going at a green 8 B F Skinner a Stimulus control based on stimulus something s will be reinforced while other things won t like acting differently in bars and at church b Responses depend on discriminative stimuli c Helped understand principles unique to operant conditioning 9 Operant conditioning principles a Shaping reinforcing successive approximations to a goal b Response chaining linking of sequencing of shaped behaviors c Schedule of reinforcement i Fixed ratio delivering starburst on 1 1 ratio every time you answer you get a starburst usually less like 5 correct behaviors gets a reward ii Fixed interval get reinforced after a set amount of time like a paycheck every two weeks doesn t matter how much you do stuff right just after a time period iii Variable ratio makes people have to gamble like slot machines iv Variable interval like checking how many likes you get on insta check at random schedule variable amount of time producing reinforcement 10
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