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ANTH 1001 8 26 15 8 29 ANTH is the study of people through 1 Biocultural approach looking at interactions between biology and culture Behavior to understand people and what it is like to be human 2 Holistic considering all parts of an organism or culture considering how they eat act live etc 3 Comparative cross cultural make comparatives study across different cultures use comparisons to draw deeper inferences and deeper understand what it means to be human 4 Ethnocentric belief in the inherent superiority of one s own ethnic group or culture anthropologists steer away from this all cultures are ethnocentric in how they all think how they do things is the best anthropologists is not going into to change a group or tell them their ways aren t good it gets tricky on line in between The point is anthropologists need to be very careful about ethno Thinking because you won t get very far if you go in with bad attitude Strive for 5 Cultural relativism viewing a group within its own cultural and historical and environmental context 6 Fieldwork a time of data collection examples going out into far reaches of the globe and meeting with an unreached people group and talking to them trying to understand what their cultures like and what their belief systems are OR sitting in an archive or museum looking at artifacts OR looking at skeletal remains in a museum to look at a people group OR looking at fossils in a museum setting SO it doesn t mean you have to go out into the globe to understand another people group 7 Four subfields very broad topics specializations within each quite a bit of overlap in between each subfields also they are intertwined in various ways A Linguistic anthropology has to do with language and the study of people the study of how people use language and communications within groups and among different groups how you use your language depending on the age or occupation of who you re talking to another interesting thing is that each language uses different symbols for different sounds in terms of how linguistic crosses over into physical is the origins of language B Cultural or sociocultural anthropology looks at various behaviors of groups culture is learned behavior and by learned is passed down from generation to generation distinct among people groups and even within people groups changes or evolves even people groups that have similar values will still be very distinct two pictures are same kind of people groups but their make up hair dress etc is all different C Archeology D Physical or biological anthropology FRIDAY 8 29 B Cultural anthropology Culture Ethnology people groups Ethnography written account of people group Culture anthropologists study ethnology and ethnography Sub specialties in cultural anthropology medical cultural attitudes toward health and disease political power dynamics in a society economics and so on Archeology studying the past based on the material remains of a C culture material is anything that is left behind by a culture pottery tools basketry architecture etc specifically looking at what has been left behind to understand what that culture was like excavation it s is more than just digging it s systematic and planned preservation highly depends on the environment there is a laboratory component and sometimes there s a museum display archeology goes into physical anth bioarchaeologists are interested in human remains and that field goes into physical anth Cultural resource managements CRM is necessary archaeology when a city or parish in LA wants to build a new road and as they survey it all they encounter an unmarked historical cemetery graves in the way of road there are laws where a CRM person will survey and test the cite to see what it s about and see what to do D Biological Anthropology E American Anthropology Franz Boas o Set the standard 4 field biocultural perspective Trained 1st generation Ales Hrdlicka o The great organizer Studied human variation Compiled collections o American Journal of Physical Anthropology o American Association of Physical Anthropologists I History of Evolutionary Thought a Charles Darwin i Species change evolution 1 Adaptations ii Gradualism iii Natural selection b Middle ages i Order ii Stasis c Religious beliefs i Great Chain of Being d Natural World i Hierarchy ii Fixity of species iii Young Earth e Political System f 14th 18th centuries i Renaissance and Enlightenment ii Technological advances iii Exploration diversity 9 2 15 II Darwin s influence a Carolus Linnaeus i Binomial nomenclature b Georges Leclrec Buffon c Jean Baptist de Lamarck One of the first people to see how change occurred Came up with inheritance of acquired characteristics idea says that characteristics that are acquired in an n individual s lifetime can be inherited by the individual s offspring He was vague on how these changes occurred changes could be gradual and occur over the course over lifetime or over the course of generations First time someone attempted to explain all these changes body modified in response to a particular need We now know that Lamarck s theory was false d Georges Cuvier Paleontologist overall a naturalist Interested in fossil record realized that fossils were the remains of extinct animals which was a big step Catastrophism periodically there would be environment catastrophe that would cause mass extinctions neighboring environment would move in and repopulate the area Once a population would wipe out organism s form accepted e Charles Lyell Uniformitarianism James Hutton came up with these 100 years earlier When Hutton came up with his ideas they weren t widespread Lyell published the work and got the info out there Uniformitarianism is the processes that impacted the earth in the past are the same ones that impact the earth today the landscape of the earth is always changing f Malthus A demographer studies populations birth death rates Population size is limited by resource availability and bc of it it s going to lead to competition among individuals g Alfred Wallace Independently came up with natural selection III Charles Darwin Natural selection He wrote the origin of the species about natural selection o Survival of the fittest is basically what it s saying but it s also natural does what humans have been doing for centuries o He s saying that the environment is selecting o Basic processes Biological variation Exists in all species Obvious externally and at the genetic level Competition As

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