Thinking Critically with Psychological Science 09 03 2013 Grandmother test Birds of a feather flock together opposites attract we like to rely on instincts intuition and common sense keeps us alive problems with that o hindsight bias knowing what the answer is and then saying you could have predicted it o overconfidence we think we know more than we do o perceive patterns in random events when there aren t any hindsight bias overconfidence o we should be more interested in predicting rather than explaining don t bet on a game after it already happened o we can come up with an explanation for anything o think we will perform better than we actually will o danger when studying for exams being familiar with something rather than knowing it can confuse the two o make excuses for the results if only this happened I would have been right perceive patters in random events o making faces in the moon it s random but we can impose order in them The Scientific Attitude 3 main components o 1 Curiosity must challenge things o 2 Skepticism don t believe things because someone tells you it s true ask questions look at things from a different perspective Critical Thinking o 3 Humility understand that you re not always going to get it right your prediction might be wrong a new idea might come along and take the place of your idea go with it don t impose your beliefs on the test let mouse go where it wants to go Don t just absorb info challenge it Examine assumptions Discern hidden values look at who s putting forth the info Evaluate evidence who did the research where s the funding how was the research conducted do conclusions follow data logically Asses conclusions do they make sense given evidence presented did you only get half evidence Advertisement Exercise o Assumption How much energy it could use How many countries The fact that we need more energy o Values o Evidence Current ways in getting energy isn t enough Americans should buy American products The fact that our government won t let us A pie chart with the majority of Americans support it The Scientific Method Theory Map of US with red highlights of where we re not getting the oil Little sources Research without appropriate techniques o Conclusion There is a way to tap into natural gas and oil that is environmentally sound Its from America o Take a whole bunch of things that seem disconnected but same basic underlying principal can explain all of them o Ex Evolution one theory about adaptation makes predictions about all species Hypotheses o Testable predictions o If then statements o support revise or reject o confirmation bias tendency to look for evidence that supports what we already believe to be true Operational definitions o Statement that defines research variables o Way to measure something grades for academic o Different ways to define same variable so need to tell achievement audience what you did o Expand doesn t get anywhere with same experiment over and over Observe and Describe Behavior Case Study o In depth look at one individual o Hope to discover principle that can link to general population o Ex HM Had seizures Cut band of fibers between brain Damaged hippocampus Now has memory loss So know they assume hippocampus controls memories o Could be special case that doesn t apply to everyone else Survey o Self report ask question give answer o Population everyone in group you re interested in o Random sample represent population Naturalistic Observation o Just watch o Overt observation when people know they are being observed Sometimes people behave differenctly o Covert observation when people DON T know being watched o Participant observation researcher implants themselves into the situation become a member of the group they are observing Ex Food critic undercover cops undercover boss o Non participant observation Psychological Q s o Directions Correlation measure of the extent to the factors measure together Positive correlation as one goes up the other goes up and visa versa positive slope when graphed Negative correlation when one goes up the other goes down and visa versa negative slope when graphed Closer dots are to line when graphed increases strength how good of a summary does the summary line give o Strength you o correlation does not equal causation just because they re related doesn t mean they caused each other third variable problem there could be another variable that we re not taking into consideration murder rate and ice cream sales have positive o Illusory correlation want to see relationship that doesn t exist Adoption and conceiving a child when you adopt you correlation get pregnant Doesn t directly have to do with each other o Experimentation manipulation one or more factors to observe effects on some second factor Independent variable factor you re manipulating amount of sleep Dependent variable variable you re measuring academic performance Must control other factors and make constant that could effect the dependent variable that you re not interested in hunger vs sleep amount Biology of the Mind All about the brain Phrenology 09 03 2013 o Study the bumps and ridges on head to try and figure out what different parts of brain controlled what processes o Infants head have bigger heads than adults in proportion to body behavior o There s a lot that shapes one s head Biological psychology concerned with links between biology and o Sleep and dreams o Psychological disorders caused by biological and chemical imbalances Biopsychosocial model o What leads you to have the drive for sex food drink o Biology o Individual psychology o Social influences how has growing up where you did effect you Neural communication Neurons o Nervous cells o Found throughout the system in your body o 3 main components cell body soma round end cells life support center has nucleus Golgi bodies mitochondria ect Dendrites Axon Branches coming off of cell body Receive info from other cells neurons Tail that comes off of the cell body Carry the info away form cell body Carry it to the dendrites to the next neuron Wrapped in coating myelin sheath Help neuron carry electrical signal neural impulse Acts as insulator If you have a breakdown in myelin sheath develop MS o Trouble walking o Muscle spasms o More prominent in women o mid to late 20 s to early 30 s o Sensory Neurons Neurons connected to sense organs Pick up on sensory info you get from outside world Input neurons o Motor neurons Output neurons Connected to behavior Can be
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