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Psych 4 6 15 16 and 17 continued Social psych study how presence of others Presence of other can be Actual Someone is actually in room with you In milgrim experimenter is actually in room with participants must continue telling them things influenced participants behavior Imagined Implied No one is there in room with you but you are thinking about how someone might react if they were there In Milgrim imagining what there friend or family member would do in situation how they would react Not sure what to do Go on date or out with your friends think about what to wear imagine what they will think about your outfit No one is in room with you now it seems if someone could be In elevator or out somewhere and think you re by yourself then notice security camera Influences behavior Learner pounding on wall in Milgrim not in room but could be Affects our thoughts feelings and behavior Migrims study social psych study Presence of others authority figure obey someone administer electrical shocks effects participant s behavior Effects Affect feelings emotions mood Milgrim all presences effects all the effects Influenced affect or feelings Behavior actions things that we do Continued with study because someone told them too Cognition thoughts Thinking and justifying their behavior in some ways Some sort of reason it was ok ABC affect behavior cognition How we think about social world Known as social cognition o Tend to create expectations o Mental shortcuts o Because people don t want to think more then have to social cognitor Shortcuts we come up with Schemas expectations of how things are going to be in the world expectations about what objects people and events will be like file folder 1 Person Schemas in a persons schemas this holds configurations of personality we use to categorize people and make inferences about there behavior 2 Role Schemas Contain your expectations about the roles that people should play waiter 3 Event Schemas expectations about what will happen during an event going out to a restaurant Judgmental Heuristics mental shortcuts 1 Availability heuristic basing a judgment on the ease with which something comes to mind easier it is to think about something the more common place we perceive it to be shark video o Media Sensation helps with it flu makes sound worse 2 Representative heuristic basing a judgment on how similar something is to a typical case o Sorority clothing o Target red t shirt and khakis get asked for help 3 Anchoring Adjustment heuristic specifically for number or amounts of things Not much variety Judging a number guess how much shoes cost What you will do is start at given point anchor then making adjustments from that point Can be a problem if someone throws out a number that makes no sense like plastic flip flops 1000 the price is right adjusts from the first persons number

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Lecture notes

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