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Classical Conditioning Tori Olker WHAT IS LEARNING Learning a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience Example the difference of results between a pre test and a post test THE RISE OF BEHAVIORISM Behaviorism rejected structuralism functionalism Must study observable and measurable behaviors Assumptions principles Behavior has causes and follows psychological laws determinism Environment affects behavior Explanations using WNDs wants needs and desires are useless you can t measure wants needs or desires WHAT IS CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Classical conditioning an association between two events or stimuli in close time such that one predicts the occurrence of the other Does Pavlov ring a bell Hahaha Example it s noisy outside Suftka looks outside he sees girls holding up signs homecoming voting PAVOLV S CLASSIC STUDY Key terms Unconditioned stimulus UCS any biological relevant to an animal stimulus that produces a reflex response o Example the dog seeing food or treats Unconditioned response UCR Whatever the response is the unconditioned stimulus o Example the dog drooling Conditioned stimulus CS This is the stuff that we are going to learn Any stimulus that is previously neutral it doesn t produce a reflex response but it produces attention o Example the bell that Pavlov used Conditioned response CR is the behavior produced by the conditioned stimulus o Example the dog associating the bell with food Many strong emotional experiences are classically conditioned responses pull out a blank sheet of paper is associated with a quiz POP QUIZ Example UCS the pop quiz UCR panic anxiety nervousness CS Take out a blank sheet of paper and put your name on top CR panic response KEY CONCEPTS IN CC Acquisition pairing the CS with the UCS This is the learning phase Training and conditioning response Generalization discrimination how well you learned the o Example of generalization ringing a door bell instead of the usual bell and the dog still understands If you get stung by a bee you will also fear wasps and hornets o Example of discrimination ringing a buzzer instead of the usual bell and the dog doesn t understand Police Dog has to be able to discriminate between its handler and other people Extinction present the CS alone A great decrease in anxiety Decrease of the conditioned response Spontaneous recovery after time passes weeks months years and someone presents the CS alone you will have a partial response Example drug relapse QUESTION WHAT GETS LEARNED IN CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Contiguity Pavlov s perspective vs Contiguity next to Contingency Rescorla Wagner Debate Contingency predictability PARADIGMS IN CC Forward Delay Procedure PAVLOV at the same time Forward Trace Procedure PAVLOV There is a delay between the CS and the UCS Conditioning gets harder time matters Backwards Procedure RESCORLA WAGNER CS and UCS overlap each other CS is started first but they are ON UCS and CS overlap each other UCS is started first but they are ON at the same time Conditioning nearly impossible prediction matters o IT S NOT ABOUT TIME IT S ABOUT PREDICTION Example bed wetting Use machine that detects moisture that sends info to alarm clock UCS alarm clock UCR waking uo CS full bladder CR waking up JOHN WATSON LITTLE ALBERT Remember many emotional responses are simply classically conditioned responses They show Little Albert the white rat they show him a rabbit then a fur coat then a Santa Clause mask he shows fear CLASSICAL CONDITION AND DRUG TOLERANCE The story of the heroin overdoes cases o Heroin users are creatures of habit o Many heroin users in NYC were found dead after using a lower dose than normal reason they were taking the drug in a different place that normal People places and paraphernalia Your body tries to maintain a homeostatic state Your body will compensate for you Everyday that you smoke with the same people places and paraphernalia your tolerance increases and your body compensates with the familiarity With that the user has to increase the drug dose in order to have a higher drug effect The more drugs you use the more your body compensates and the more lethal the dose becomes When you change the people places and paraphernalia your body is unfamiliar and your body cannot compensate for you So if you take the same high dose as before in a different place the lethal effects are so so so great CS injection procedure CR body s defense against drug UCS entry of the drug into the brain UCR body s defense against drug Prevent CS alone in order for extinction to occur Operant Conditioning Tori Olker WHAT IS OPERANT CONDITIONING Operant conditioning a change in behavior due to the consequences operating on that behavior HISTORICAL BACKDROP 1 E L Thorndike s Research o Studied problem solving in cats o Used simple to complex puzzle boxes Thorndike s Law of Effect Responses leading to reward strengthened increase in frequency others with no effect decrease in frequency Example kids will be nicer to their school teachers that their 2 Work of B F Skinner Discriminative Stimuli parents Behavioral Response Skeletal responses Consequences OPERANT CONDITIONING PARADIGMS Four ways to change increase or decrease behavior through rewards and punishers Change in Behavior Increase Decrease Stimulus quality Consequence Negative remove Positive add Presente d Positive Reinforcement give you a car Positive Punishment spanking Removed Negative Reinforcement take ibuprofen to remove headache curfew Negative Punishment removing something you like phone Punishments decrease behavior Reinforcements increase behavior it More examples Positive punishment picking your nose in class and getting called out on Positive reinforcement Great job Negative punishment siblings fighting over a game and a parent takes it away completely Negative reinforcement Car horn windshield wipers Common examples of OC o Getting computer time for good grades positive reinforcement o Doing extra workout for losing a game positive punishment o Taking ibuprofen for a headache negative reinforcement o Taking away car for parking tickets negative punishment How about a child s temper tantrum in Kroger What the parents do o Walk away let them throw their tantrum o Be quiet o Spank them o Just buy them candy so they stop crying Positive punishment the kid wants something in the store the parent gets it for them Negative punishment The child is negatively reinforcing the parent by embarrassing the take away the kid s favorite toy

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Classical Conditioning

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