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Ch 2 Psychology Brain Behavior Goals Subcortical level CNS Cortical level PNS ANS Structures of the Nervous System 1 Central Nervous System Brain Spinal cord 2 Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Central Nervous System Brain regions o Sub cortex All brain structures below your cerebral cortex Control vital function hunger thirst breathing sleeping and Things like that Hindbrain very bottom Medulla Connects brain and spinal cord carrying out vital functions specifically respiratory functions body temperature systems and regulating blood pressure Pons up to left right above medulla Job connect medulla to other brain areas and controls parts of sleep and wake cycle Cerebellum right Looks like a mini brain Involved coordinating with movement and balance fine tuning Classically conditioning reflects pop goes the weasel makes think of ice cream Forebrain front part Help regulate behavior Thalamus relay station for all senses except smell Hypothalamus underneath Involved with controlling automatic body processes EX involved with organizing information to decide whether to act Also controls pituitary gland realizing hormones to control automatic body processes ALL PART OF LIMBIC SYSTEM Includes Hypothalamus parts of Thalamus Amygdala and Hippocampus All involved in memory emotion and motivated behavior Hippocampus memory and navigating Amygdala involved in processing threat related stimuli know because amygdala activated when see or process anger or fear and processing emotion 4 20 15 Chapter 2 cont Structures of the nervous system Cerebral cortex outer layer o contains 70 of the neurons in the central nervous system o Why humans are more intelligent than other animals o Ability to use language make tools develop complex skills and live in complex groups Cerebral hemispheres 2 hemispheres o Left controls right side o Right controls left o Responsible for different functions o Left language math skills judging time and rhythm coordinating movement speech small details o Right perceptual skills faces melodies patterns puzzles drawing Overall context in which something is said express emotions by other people jokes and humor Lobes Frontal higher mental abilities and sense of self movement o Primary areas responsible for different functions Primary motor area primary motor cortex associated with control of movement directs body s muscles o Associative areas don t have a specific job combine and process information that is related o Broccus area left frontal area Speech production Damage in this area causes difficulties in speech or language Grammar amd anunctiation is poor Broccus aphasia o Prefrontal area prefrontal cortex Sense of self Complex behavior Reasoning Planning Being related to our personality Parietal lobes o Bodily sensations Touch Temperature And pressure o Primary somatosensory area primary somatosensory cortex Touch right processed through the left Temporal lobes o Hearing and processing auditory information o Primary auditory area processes meaning of auditory information o Association area o Wernicke s area Processes meaning of auditory information Specifically language wouldn t make sense Occipital lobes vision o Primary visual area o Processes visual information o Fusiform facial area processes faces o People who have damage can develop facial agnosia prosopagnosia

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Ole Miss PSY 201 - Brain & Behavior

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